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Sub Procedures and Functions Visual Basic. Sub Procedures Slide 2 of 26 Topic & Structure of the lesson Introduction to Modular Design Concepts Write.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub Procedures and Functions Visual Basic. Sub Procedures Slide 2 of 26 Topic & Structure of the lesson Introduction to Modular Design Concepts Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub Procedures and Functions Visual Basic

2 Sub Procedures Slide 2 of 26 Topic & Structure of the lesson Introduction to Modular Design Concepts Write Sub Procedures Compare between Call by Value and Call by Reference

3 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 3 of 26 Learning Outcomes At the end of this lecture you should be able to : 1.Declare a sub program 2.Write a sub program and pass arguments to it 3.Write a Call-By-Value and Call By Reference sub procedure

4 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 4 of 26 Key Terms you must be able to use If you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use the following terms correctly in your assignments and tests: nCall nBy Ref nBy Val

5 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 5 of 26 Modular Design Concepts Modularity refers to breaking a large problem down into smaller self-contained modules. This allows the programmer to isolate problems within the program by looking at specific areas. Without Breaking problems down into smaller modules will increase program maintenance cost.

6 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 6 of 26 Dividing code into procedures Divide & Conquer Approach Makes program development more manageable. Software Reusability Using existing procedures as building blocks for new programs Avoid Duplicating programs

7 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 7 of 26 Different Modular Techniques Sub Procedures Function Procedures Event Procedures Visual Basic provides us with the ability to represent modules through the use of the following:-

8 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 8 of 26 Sub Procedures Sub Procedures are subprograms or routines which are self contained and are used to perform a particular task. What are Sub Procedures?

9 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 9 of 26 Writing a Sub Procedure Private Sub cmdAdd_click() Call add(2,1) End sub Private sub add(num1,num2 as integer) Dim total as integer total = num1 + num2 End Sub Arguments parameters

10 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 10 of 26 Write a program to accept two numbers using textboxes and pass the numbers into a subprogram called product to multiply them. Display the answer in the product procedure. Use a Msgbox to display the answer Quick Review Question

11 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 11 of 26 Answer Private Sub cmdmultiply_Click() Dim a,b as integer Call product (a, b) End Sub Private Sub product (num1 As integer, num2 As integer) Msgbox ("The product of “ & num1 & "and“ & num2 & "is“ & num1 * num2) End Sub

12 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 12 of 26 No Arguments – No return value MAIN PROGRAM Private Sub Command1_Click( ) ‘ Check the parenthesis. There is no argument Call No_arg_No_return End Sub No arguments

13 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 13 of 26 No Arguments – No return value SUB PROCEDURE Public Sub No_arg_No_return() Dim x, y, z As Integer x = 20 y = 30 z = x * y Label1.Caption = "TOTAL = " & z End Sub

14 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 14 of 26 OUTPUT

15 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 15 of 26 Write a program that will accept three numbers and pass the numbers to a procedure minimum to determine the smallest number. Accept the three numbers using input box and display the smallest number on a text box. Quick Review Question

16 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 16 of 26 Solution Private Sub cmdSmallest_Click() Dim value1 As Long, value2 As Long, value3 As Long value1 = txtOne.Text value2 = txtTwo.Text value3 = txtThree.Text Call Minimum(value1, value2, value3) End Sub Private Sub Minimum(min As Long, y As Long, z As Long) If y < min Then min = y End If If z < min Then min = z End If lblSmallest.Caption = "Smallest value is " & min End Sub

17 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 17 of 26 Call By Reference When you pass a variable to a sub procedure and return its updated value By default Call By Reference is used in VB

18 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 18 of 26 Call By Reference - Procedure Private sub a() dim a as integer a = 5 call square(a) print a end sub private sub square(num as integer) num = num * num end sub Ans a = 25

19 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 19 of 26 Call By Value When you pass a variable to a sub program and it does not affect the value from the main program

20 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 20 of 26 Call By Value Private sub a() dim a as integer a = 5 call square(a) print a end sub private sub square (byval num as integer) num = num * num end sub Ans a = 5

21 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 21 of 26 Group Exercise Write a program that accepts a student mark and passes the mark to a subprogram called grade which will determine the students grade. Mark Grade 75-100 A 60-74 B 50- 59 C 40-49 D 0 – 39 F

22 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 22 of 26 n Write a program that uses a Sub procedure Maximum to determine the largest of three Integers. The smallest value is displayed in a Label. Follow Up Assignment

23 Visual Basic Sub Procedures Slide 23 of 26 Module Design – Sub Procedures – Function Procedures – Event Procedures Sub Procedures – Call By Value – Call By Reference Summary of Main Teaching Points

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