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Mid Term Review Think like a Scientist Scientific Investigation Metric Measurement Speed Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid Term Review Think like a Scientist Scientific Investigation Metric Measurement Speed Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid Term Review Think like a Scientist Scientific Investigation Metric Measurement Speed Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion

2 1. You can tell that something is in motion if it changes position relative to a______________. Reference point

3 2. What way of thinking like a scientist is this? observation

4 3. When a scientist gives an explanation based on an observation, what are they doing? Making an inference

5 4. A scientist would use this tool to measure __________. A) volume of a stone B) length of an insect C) mass of a frog D) temperature of a sample of pond water c. A triple beam balance is used to measure mass of objects in grams.

6 5. On the popular discovery channel show “Mythbusters”, Jamie and Adam use the scientific method or steps of a scientific investigation to prove whether a myth is plausible or busted. Identify the steps they use to test their myth: A. research, hypothesize, think of an idea, plan the experiment, experiment, collect data, form a conclusion B. research, think of an idea, hypothesize, plan the experiment, experiment, collect data, form a conclusion C. think of an idea, research, hypothesize, plan the experiment, experiment, collect data, form a conclusion D. think of an idea, research, hypothesize, collect data, plan the experiment, experiment, form a conclusion C.

7 6. In metric measurement, the letters SI stand for what? System International- it is the international system of measurement used around the world (METRICS) A.system international B.B. system internal C. standard interesting D. standard international

8 7.Convert the following measurements. A. 125cm=________m B. 1,000mm=_______cm C. 3km=_____________m 1.25 100 3,000

9 8.Measuring the distance from point A to point B is measuring the ___________ of an object. What metric measurement is used to measure this? length meter

10 9. What method of measurement would you use to measure an irregularly shaped object? Clue: you would use a graduated cylinder to do this displacement

11 10. The higher the rollercoaster is the faster it goes because A. its gravitational potential energy is increased and therefore causes its kinetic energy to increase as it rolls down the hill B. its elastic potential energy is increased and therefore causes its kinetic energy to increase as it rolls down the hill C. neither elastic or gravitational potential energy have any effect on the rollercoaster D. its gravitational potential energy is decreased and therefore causes its kinetic energy to increase as it rolls down the hill A. A rollercoaster will go faster if it is higher. This is the gravitational potential energy. As potential energy increases so does its kinetic energy.

12 11.Name the metric measurement base unit that you would use in the following: A.length B.mass C.volume meter gram liter

13 12.A cubic centimeter is equal to what metric measurement? 1cubic centimeter=1cc=1mL A.1 Liter B.1 KL C.1 mL D.1 mm

14 13.When scientists use the internet, write articles, journals and attend conferences they are doing what? communicating

15 14.What tool is this? Graduated beaker Graduated cylinder syringe pipet Triple beam balance

16 15. To calculate the speed of a cheetah you need to know what information? Distance and time

17 Good! 16. Let’s say the cheetah runs 220meters in 10seconds. How fast is he? 22m/s

18 17.Interpreting Graphs: A. What does this graph show? B. What does the horizontal line tell you about the motion of the object? distance time speed The object has stopped

19 18.Wearing a seat belt so that you don’t get thrown through the windshield is an example of which of Newton’s 3 Laws? 1 st Law an object in motion stays in motion until acted on by an unbalanced force such as the windshield

20 19.When a pebble is shot with a slingshot and hits a window which of Newton’s Laws explains why the window breaks? Newton’s 2 nd Law: F=M x A Explains that even though the mass of the pebble is small its acceleration is great so therefore its force is great.

21 20.Frank jumps off of a dock. As he jumps, he pushes away from the dock. Which principle does this illustrate? A. force equals mass times acceleration B. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it changes form. C. For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. D. An object in motion will move at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force C. Franks jump forward is opposite to the direction of the dock, which moves backward when he jumps

22 21.Which force acts opposite to an object in motion as it falls through the air? Air Resistance A.Air resistance B.Gravity C.Electromagnetic force D.Thermal force

23 22.All objects fall to Earth at what rate? The rate of gravity is 9.8m/s/s

24 23.What happens to an object when unbalanced forces act on it? The object will move in the direction of the greater force A.Objects remain in position B.Objects will move toward the Earth C.Objects will not move due to air resistance D.Objects will move in the direction of the greater force

25 24. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is defined when an object resists change in motion. INERTIA

26 25. Suppose you drop a penny off of the roof of the school onto your friend’s head. Explain what happens in terms of acceleration due to gravity. A. The penny would fall at a rate of 3.6m/s/s until it hit his head. B. The penny would increase in speed at a rate of 9.8m/s/s until it hit his head. C. The penny would fall at a constant rate until it hit his head. D. The penny would not fall too fast because it is so small. B. All objects fall to Earth at a rate of 9.8m/s/s

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