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Heinz Bauer Linde Engineering VP Technology Natural Gas Plants Plotting the Onshore to Offshore Transformation to Expedite Efficient Offshore LNG Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Heinz Bauer Linde Engineering VP Technology Natural Gas Plants Plotting the Onshore to Offshore Transformation to Expedite Efficient Offshore LNG Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heinz Bauer Linde Engineering VP Technology Natural Gas Plants Plotting the Onshore to Offshore Transformation to Expedite Efficient Offshore LNG Projects.

2 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 2 Company Information Equipment Qualification Conclusions Boil-Off Gas Handling Refrigerant Selection Outline

3 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 3 Product Range —Oxygen, nitrogen, argon —Acetylene and other fuel gases —Welding process shielding gases —Carbon oxide —Hydrogen —Medical gases —Rare gases —Ultra-high purity gases —Gas application processes and services The Linde Group | Linde Gases Division

4 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 4 Product Range —Petrochemical plants —Polyolefin plants —LNG plants —Natural gas processing plants —Gas processing plants —Hydrogen- and synthesis gas plants —Adsorption plants —Air separation plants —Cryogenic plants —Biotechnological plants —Manufacturing of plant components and modules The Linde Group | Linde Engineering Division

5 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 5 Engineering Operations and Sales Offices Engineering operations Sales offices Blue Bell Aldershot Dresden Pullach/Schalchen Johannesburg Riyadh Abu Dhabi Vadodara Beijing Seoul Dalian Rome Tulsa Bangkok Gothenburg Hangzhou Murray Hill São Paulo Hésingue Moscow Taipei Houston Holly Springs Pratteln Al-Khobar Pfungen Samara

6 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 6 Company Information Equipment Qualification Conclusions Boil-Off Gas Handling Refrigerant Selection Outline

7 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Equipment Qualification Rotating Equipment —In the absence of large gas turbines the Shell Prelude FLNG project uses steam turbines —GE LM 6000 will be used for the Wheatstone LNG project as mechanical drive (start-up 2015?) —Large nitrogen expanders (>10 MW) are not proven yet Mega trains in Qatar use 8 MW expanders Stationary Equipment —Vessels and columns are tested and proven, preference is for packed columns —Reactors and adsorbers have to be designed with adequate margins —Plate-fin heat exchangers have to be installed properly to avoid fatigue —two-phase flow in coil wound heat exchangers (CWHE) needs to be qualified 7

8 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Main cryogenic heat exchanger (CWHE) fabrication Linde Engineering and one competitor are only current suppliers for coil wound heat exchangers (CWHE’s) Coil and shell can be manufactured in aluminium or stainless steel 8

9 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Mid Scale LNG Plant SMR process (SWHE) 0.3 to 1.5 mtpa LNG Stavanger / Norway Mid scale LNG plant 300,000 tpa LNG All stainless steel CWHE (shell and bundles) Liquefaction at about 100 bar (transcritical pressure) 9

10 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Main cryogenic heat exchanger (CWHE) operation Source: LIOS Technology – Fibre optic radar system for fire detection in cable trays - AUBE 2004 Raman scattering (inelastic interaction between photons and electrons) in a fiber optic is used to measure the temperature along the heat exchanger tubes with a resolution of <1m and <5 deg C. 10

11 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 3D temperature profile of a CWHE top view side view 11

12 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Main cryogenic heat exchanger (CWHE) testing Simulation of off- shore conditions in Linde’s R&D facilities Full swing of the CWHE by ±6° within 2 seconds Cool-down of warm water (tube side) against vaporizing hydrocarbon mixture (shell side) 12

13 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Equipment Qualification Status Coil Wound Heat Exchangers —Process concept has been proven since 2003 —All stainless steel design is in operation since 2010 —Operation under simulated sea motion has been tested Ready for offshore installation 13

14 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 14 Company Information Equipment Qualification Conclusions Boil-Off Gas Handling Refrigerant Selection Outline

15 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Refrigerant Selection non flammable refrigerants —ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFC) e.g. R22 high ozone depletion potential (ODP) —HydroFluoroCarbons (HFC) e.g. R134a high global warming potential (GWP) —Nitrogen (N 2 ) used in gas expanders —Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) widely used in industrial refrigeration flammable refrigerants —heavier hydrocarbons (C 3plus ) high density vapor, risk of vapor cloud formation —light hydrocarbons (CH 4, C 2 H 4, C 2 H 6 ) low density vapor, least risky hydrocarbons flammable toxic 15

16 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Onshore Experience Hammerfest LNG —CO 2 sequestration 700.000 tpa 10 MW CO 2 compressor —subcooling MR cycle N 2, CH 4, C 2 H 6 as refrigerant components CO 2 compressor Siemens VK 40-6 LNG subcooler 16

17 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Offshore Application (DDR process) Minimized hydrocarbo n inventory 17 patent pending

18 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) as Refrigerant Transcritical Operation —compress from 60 to 100 bar —cool to 40 deg C —let down to 60 bar —generate 65 % liquid CO 2 100 60 40 18

19 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 19 Company Information Equipment Qualification Conclusions Boil-Off Gas Handling Refrigerant Selection Outline

20 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Offshore Boil-Off Gas Handling N 2 expander process (PFHE) Q-Max LNG carriers Onboard re-liquefaction (EcoRel) 50,000 tpa LNG Cryostar is a fully owned subsidiary of Linde Engineering 20

21 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Onshore Boil-Off Gas Handling SMR process (CWHE) Bintulu / Malaysia Full scale BOGR plant 800,000 tpa LNG Large boil-off gas compressor with mechanical drive Nitrogen rich (up to 30 vol%) fuel for gas turbines 21

22 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 22 Company Information Equipment Qualification Conclusions Boil-Off Gas Handling Refrigerant Selection Outline

23 LE graphic-office / LE-general-presentation_E.pptLinde AG Engineering Division 9th Offshore LNG Asia Summit Seoul 2012 Conclusions —Onshore qualification of new concepts or equipment is mandatory to minimize the risk —Linde coil wound heat exchangers (CWHE) feature optionally all stainless steel bundle and shell real time 3D temperature monitoring —CO 2 pre-cooled lean MR cycle (DDR process) efficient and safe —An adaption of proven offshore concepts or equipment to onshore applications is attractive —Boil-Off Gas reliquefaction generates more LNG output also onshore 23

24 Thank you for your attention. Heinz Bauer Linde Engineering VP Technology Natural Gas Plants

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