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Welcome to Back to School Night 2015-2016 Mrs. Yaeger's Third Grade Class (Please sign up for a conference while waiting. )

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night 2015-2016 Mrs. Yaeger's Third Grade Class (Please sign up for a conference while waiting. )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night 2015-2016 Mrs. Yaeger's Third Grade Class (Please sign up for a conference while waiting. )

2 Graduated from James Madison University Taught kindergarten, first, second, and now third  Like to scrapbook in my free time (ha!)  Team Lead for Third Grade

3 - Married to my husband for 22 years (Yikes!) -3 children-Jordan is a sophomore at George Mason University, Jacob is a freshman at Patriot, and Madeline is a 7 th grader at Gainesville Middle School -Jordan works at Unleashed, babysits, and pet sits -Jacob plays travel soccer, basketball, and runs track -Madeline plays soccer, travel basketball, and runs track for GVMS

4 Prince William County Public Schools Letter Grade Policy is followed. A 90-100 B+ 87-89 B 80-86 C+ 77-79 C 70-76 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F below 59

5 Unit Tests – multiple choice portion of math tests will be taken online; some other unit tests may be online as well Naglieri & COGATS-November SOL’s- End of May/beginning of June – Reading and Math only

6 1. Be safe 2.Think it through. 3.Be responsible 4.Be ready. 5.Be respectful.

7 Glenkirk’s school-wide behavior policy was sent home. Here is a brief overview: -First offense-verbal warning (with discretion) -Second offense-teacher will document behavior -Third offense-think sheet will be sent home -Fourth offense-Honor Code Referral (Some behaviors require immediate action and will not follow the above guidelines.) Students will be rewarded for good behavior at the end of each quarter by participating in the Star Incentive Assembly.

8 For detailed curriculum information, please see the links below: Language Arts: Math: Science: Social Studies:

9 -Students should be able to read for 30 uninterrupted minutes. -Please check for comprehension after reading a book or story. - Students should be reading fluently with expression. -Parents should still read aloud to their children to model good reading.


11 Mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. We are currently reviewing addition and subtraction. Multiplication facts 0-12: You can being working at home on these now – this will help your child’s confidence in math! To enjoy math…to be able to solve problems and explain mathematical thinking!

12 Social Studies-Civics and Government, Map Skills, Explorers, Ancient Civilizations, Economics, Famous Americans Science-Ecosystems; Matter; Scientific Inquiry; Earth, Sun, Moon Relationships; Water; Simple Machines; Energy Sources; Soil

13 Third graders should spend no more than 30-45 minutes each night on homework! Typically, students will be asked to read and perhaps do a math worksheet. If your child is reading a study guide for a test, that counts as their reading minutes. :) If your child is exceeding the homework time, take a break, send me an email, and your child can finish the homework the following night.

14 *Weekly updates regarding curriculum being covered in class will be posted on my School fusion page. *Grades will be posted and can be checked in parent portal. *Notes from the school or the PTO will be sent home on mostTuesdays. *Homework will be recorded daily in your child’s agenda which is located in his/her binder. *Emails will be replied to within 24 hours. *If there is a change in your child’s dismissal, a note or email is required. Should this change occur after 1:00 pm, please contact the office to ensure proper dismissal.

15 In order to volunteer to assist with classroom parties, you must be volunteer trained. If you have not been trained, you need to attend the training following this presentation. Ms. Gilkerson is closing the doors at 8:00 pm so be on time!

16 Silver Lake (habitats and ecosystems)- end of October One more field trip to be decided

17 *Please send your child to school each day with a healthy snack and a water bottle. *Per administration, if you would like to bring store bought cupcakes or a treat for your child’s birthday, you must do so on the last Friday of the month. You are still welcome to come and have lunch with your child on his/her actual birthday. This allows parents of children with allergies to send in alternative treats on those Fridays. If you choose not to send in a treat, you may opt to donate a book to the library in your child’s name or request extra recess.

18  Study Island  Benchmark Universe  Pebble Go-username-glenkirk Password-school    Suffolk Teaching Activities and Resources

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