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1 ) What happens to water once is goes down the drain? 2) What happens to water or chemicals that get thrown on the ground outside?

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Presentation on theme: "1 ) What happens to water once is goes down the drain? 2) What happens to water or chemicals that get thrown on the ground outside?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ) What happens to water once is goes down the drain? 2) What happens to water or chemicals that get thrown on the ground outside?

2 1. Warm-up 2. Water Cycle 3. Surface water vs. Groundwater 4. Pollution Activity

3  What is a cycle? ◦ A cycle is a repeating event or process  What are some cycles in our lives?  What cycles have we learned about this semester? 3

4 4

5 What is the WATER CYCLE? ◦ The unending circulation of water moving through the oceans, atmosphere, solid Earth (lithosphere), and the biosphere 5

6  Use your textbook to find the definitions for the words on your note sheet  Transpiration – on pg.______________

7 7 1 5 3 47 6 2 Based on the definitions, fill in the blanks on this chart


9 9 The average person in the United States uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day. Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this water.

10  What is the law of conservation of matter?  The law of conservation of matter says that matter is never created or destroyed. 10 WATER CYCLE BALANCE

11  How does the law of conservation of matter relate to the water cycle? ◦ Water is never created or destroyed. It just cycles through different forms in what we call the water cycle. 11 WATER CYCLE BALANCE

12  Because water is never created or destroyed, the water cycle is balanced.  Balance in the water cycle means that the average annual precipitation over Earth equals the amount of water that evaporates 12 WATER CYCLE BALANCE

13  There are local imbalances ◦ Ex: over the ocean, more water evaporates than precipitates ◦ Ex: over land, more water precipitates than evaporates 13 WATER CYCLE BALANCE

14  Fresh water (3%) ◦ Ground water:  Aquifers ◦ Surface water:  Lakes, rivers, streams  Run-off  Watersheds  Salt water: ◦ Oceans (salt water – 97%)

15  A watershed is the area of land that drains to a lakes, rivers, streams, etc. – this includes both ground and surface water  What watershed do we live on in Cabarrus?  Yadkin?! 15

16  Aquifers – where water gets stored underground

17 Zone of Aeration: pore spaces are partly filled with water and partly filled with AIR. Found above the water table

18 Zone of Saturation: pore spaces are completely filled with water (“saturated”); found below the water table

19 The water table: boundary between the Zone of Aeration and the Zone of Saturation where the water line stops

20 Impermeable Layer: a layer of ground substance where pores are too small and water cannot pass through (Ex: Clay, granite)

21 Unconfined Aquifer can be easily refilled by surface water infiltrating into the ground; Bottom boundary is an impermeable layer and top boundary is the water table

22 C onfined aquifer = groundwater that is held between two layers of impermeable rock (water is trapped)

23  Mk8k Mk8k

24  1. Read the front page  2. Follow the directions on the 2 nd page  You will need 2 different colored pencils!  3. Answer the follow up questions on a separate sheet of paper  WORK IN PAIRS!

25  Use one color to draw a straight line from the 50ft well in the top right corner to the 10 ft. well on the top right and the 10ft well on the bottom left, like this:

26  Estimate elevation points along these lines by using nearby wells as reference, should look something like this: These are not contour lines, but merely extra points of elevation that will be used to add in the contour lines.

27  Then draw the contour lines, with a different color, by connecting points of equal elevation:

28  And then add arrows perpendicular to the contour lines showing how contamination would flow downhill:

29  Next, draw a contamination plume by circling all of the contaminated wells and as few of the uncontaminated wells as possible. The plume is smaller/more concentrated near the source and disperses as it moves from the source.

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