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E-books and digital creations to fight for a cause: the environment. Web 2.0 collaboration in an international context. Barcelona Global Forum March 11-14,

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Presentation on theme: "E-books and digital creations to fight for a cause: the environment. Web 2.0 collaboration in an international context. Barcelona Global Forum March 11-14,"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-books and digital creations to fight for a cause: the environment. Web 2.0 collaboration in an international context. Barcelona Global Forum March 11-14, 2014. Marie-Hélène Fasquel.

2  Marie-Hélène Fasquel  Lycée Giraux Sannier  Medium-sized senior high school (including general, professional sections & an accountancy section.)  1200 students and 120 teachers. 2 Digital Story

3  School website School website  Subject area: English as a Second Language.  Age: 15  Grade level: « Seconde », equivalent to 10th grade. 3 Digital Story

4 4 Teacher’s needs Engaging the students (weak/shy), Promoting self confidence, Bringing out the students’ various talents. Students’ needs Having their work and efforts recognized, Studying in an innovative and creative way. Birth of the project

5  Combining motivation factors  ICT: collaboration, content creation, knowledge construction, online publishing,  The environnement topic: fighting for a real- world cause  Opening onto the international Authentic communication  Developing creativity and autonomy 5 Main objectives

6  Writing a collective e-book – magazine articles  Analysing other students’ articles  Creating logos  Making Glogs  Exchanging online (Twinspace) all year longTwinspace  Writing and sharing collaborative short stories  Turning them into comic strips  Taking part in class & online competitions (Ocean Challenge, The Paper Plane English Prize 2013)Ocean ChallengeThe Paper Plane English Prize 2013 6 8 steps to nurture creativity

7  1-year project (2012-2013)  Followed by new version of the project (2013- 2014)  the students are collaborating with 15 other schools from eight different countries,  Focus = to collaborate and help defending the environment in a flipped classroom.  Combined action-research learning activity  Content curation Content curation 7 Long-term project

8  The learning activity calls on students to plan their work (as the tasks are ambitious ones: writing short stories from scratch, making cartoons…)  Tasks requiring creativity (creative writing, amking cartoons, writing articles, selecting views and taking photographs…)  and assessing one’s work regularly (to improve it). 8 Project description Autonomy – Team work

9 9 Example of rubric (not too guided to allow for creativity and freedom). Interesting message (keeping in mind the target audience. Teenagers) /4 Defense of the environment (content) /2 Creativity /3 Originality /3 Vocabulary /4 Grammar /4

10 1-year planning period (2012-2013) Pedagogic approaches: Blended learning – in class – in the lab (one period a week) – at home (resources published online, content curation for the students, tasks to complete collaboratively) Task based – to involve students in real-world issues First flipped classroom experience 10 Design of the learning environment

11 2-month follow up with a new class (2013-14) and 15 other teachers from 8 countries – collaboration and sharing of:  ideas,  Research, content curation,content curation  Resources, for instance Italian colleague’s blog Resources  Student work, Student work  Communication between the students ad teachers on an online platform (Twinspace, eTwinning) eTwinning 11 Design of the learning environment

12 The planning for learning facilitated the develoment of 21st century skills allowed students to:  collaborate on a large scale and make many collective decisions to complete their tasks, communicate with many students from Italy & Turkey,  Develop IT skills and learn to use many online tools and softwares, 12 Design of the learning environment

13  Build knowledge in an engaging and fruitful way (searching a topic to be able to write an article about it, a short story, and so on),  Learn autonomy self-regulation as the end product was published online and shared with the world.autonomy 13 Design of the learning environment

14 Examples of products and learning outcomes  E-books e-book 1/ e-book 2 / e-book 3 / e-book 4 / e-book 5 e-book 1e-book 2 e-book 3 e-book 4 e-book 5 e-book 6 / e-book 7 / e-book 8 / e-book 9e-book 6 e-book 7 e-book 8 e-book 9  Comics / comics 2 (drawn by students and scanned) Comics comics 2  Glogs Glog 1 / Glog 2 / Glog 3 / Glog 4 / Glog 5 / Glog 6 / Glog 7 / Glog 8 / Glog 9 / Glog 10 Glog 1 Glog 2 Glog 3 Glog 4 Glog 5 Glog 6 Glog 7 Glog 8 Glog 9 Glog 10 14 Evidence of learning

15  Competitions: Students being rewarded and encouraged (diplomas & prizes) 15 Some of the Logos

16 Different steps towards building knowledge  Learning about the environment (lessons, research, webquests,…)  About the short story genre  interpretation  Analysing various short stories including 3 about the environment  Applying those 3 steps (synthesis)  writing original and creative stories collaboratively  Improving the final products thanks to teacher/peers feedback  constant evaluation of the product – leading to the best product possible. 16 Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking

17  Online collaboration for the French students (google docs, Titanpad, email  Actual meetings of groups at home during holidays…  Online collaboration on Twinspace with friends from Turkey & Italy  Access to content curation for all studentscontent curation  Access to resources – implementation of a flipped classroom (adapted to the LA & students’ needs) Access to resources flipped classroom 17 Extended learning beyond the class

18 Sharing  Workload,  Tasks,  Evaluation / feedback, Working as a TEAM.  Working as a TEAM. Making  Decisions together about characterization, the plot, …, the articles (topic to tackle, pictures to include, revisions…)  About which talents to showcase (For the Ocean Challenge, some students danced, others drew, wtote articles…)  self confidence / engaging tasks  All this would not have been possible without IT. 18 Collaboration

19 Using a range of Innovative teaching practices and technology:  The flipped classroom concept (introducing it in English as a second language in my school and in the district)  The gamification concept (using games to learn and teach, having students create games so that they teach other students from 7 different countries) The gamification concept  Task based concept using various technology tools (online posters, game generators, etc.)game generators  Microsoft Tablets in the classroom (2014 experimentation) 19 Educator as Innovator and Change Agent

20  Content curator On Scoop it Diigo Symbaloo  eTwinning ambassador  simpleK12 ambassador simpleK12  Blog curator Blog curator  ESL books writer – 2 books + co-authoring 2 currently. the 2 books 20 Educator as Innovator and Change Agent

21  ICT Teacher trainer Offering webinars as well as on-site workshops, welcoming trainees  Webinar recordings: About this project About the main online tools used for the project  Webinars to come: information and access linksinformation and access links 21 Educator as Innovator and Change Agent

22  Taking part in EVO workshops since 2010 and various webinars, Link to the workshops I chose to take part in Link to the workshops I chose to take part in (2014).  Part of numerous online communities  Such as esl printables / simplek12 / PiL / eteachnet / eTwinning …esl printables simplek12 PiL eteachnet  The Creative Group on eTwinning. One common publication.One common publication.  Following social media (ICT, ESL topics) – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn...Twitter FacebookLinkedIn 22 Educator as Innovator and Change Agent

23  Starting from personal photographs of their close environment  The photographs trigger comments and reflections  Collaborative tools (Titanpad, Google Drive)Titanpad   their first e-book. their first e-book 23 Learning Activity 1 st step – e-book

24  Collaborating & sharing, Activities on “Padlet” herehere 24 2 nd step – Analysis

25  Competitions  Photofiltre 7 / Paint Photofiltre 7 Paint  Submitting the project on eTwinning  Twinspace  Collaborative blog for the foreign partners 25 3 rd step – logos

26 26 Votes The students voted for the best logos (Google Form). an example

27 27 4 th step – Glogs Online interactive posters (Glogs).  Introducing oneself and one’s school Glogster Students’ activities: Glog 1 Glog 2

28 Exchanging and collaborating with Turkish and Italian partners on our Twinspace 28 5th step -- Communicating

29 29 6 th step – Short stories 29 Studying the specificities of short stories Resources Mr Jones & 2 short stories about the environment Short storied published online in e-book format (issuu) The Paper Plane English Prize 2013 e-book collaborative e-book

30 30 7th step – Short stories 30 * Selection of the short stories * A few comic strips websites: Kerpoof Bitstrips Pixton Strip Generator or Storybird example

31  Ocean challenge Ocean challenge  challenge kit challenge kit  first challenge first challenge  second challenge second challenge 31 8 th step – Ocean Challenge

32 Thanks to:  colleagues  Students  Foreign partners  Topical issues  Current cultural events - Release of Yann Arthus Bertrand’s latest film « Planète Océan » in Dec. lesson planPlanète Océanlesson plan  Ocean challenge Ocean challenge  Online short story competition 32 Ever-evolving project

33  The project was selected at the Tour de France du Numérique, at the Lille CRDP.Tour de France du Numérique  At the 6 ème Forum des Enseignants Innovants.6 ème Forum des Enseignants Innovants  At the Journées de l’Innovation de l’UNESCO where it received an innovation award (Partnership Prize)Journées de l’Innovation de l’UNESCO It was also awarded the eTwinning European Quality Label Webinar: recordingrecording webinar about the online tools 33 National competitions

34 34 International competition

35 Feel free to contact me! On Twitter : @mariehel2@mariehel2 Slideshare My files on Slideshare. blog 35 Contact -- References

36 Thank you very much for your attention! 36 Thank you!

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