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The Bureaucracy “ The Fourth Branch of Government”

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1 The Bureaucracy “ The Fourth Branch of Government”

2 Bureaucracy Round Robin  Directions----HAND WRITTEN…..NO COMPUTERS  1. Using your worksheet you were asked to print, complete the section you were assigned.--- 20 MINUTES  A. Vocabulary  B. Compare and contrast the American and British models of government bureaucracy.  C. Sketch the history of the executive branch bureaucracy and the different uses to which it has been put.  D. Discuss the recruitment, retention, and demographic profiles of federal bureaucrats.  E. Show how the roles and missions of the agencies are affected by internal and external factors.  F. Review congressional measures to control the bureaucracy and evaluate their effectiveness.  G. List the “pathologies” that may affect bureaucracies and discuss why it is so difficult to reform the executive branch bureaucracy.  2. Get together with members of your group to write, neatly, a clear, concise answer to your letter---bullets are encouraged instead of paragraphs.—15 MINUTES  3. Go around to ANY of the other posters and copy their answers to the problem. REST OF PERIOD

3 OBJECTIVES AND AGENDA 3/16  OBJECTIVES  List how the US Bureaucracy is unique?  Argue what the problems are and what are the solutions to US Bureaucracy.  AGENDA  Warm-up---Political Cartoon exercise  What is a bureaucracy?  How did the bureaucracy grow?  Define and explain US bureaucracy  Regulation, accountability, Reform  Pathology  UNIT III EXAM ON FRIDAY---COMMERCIAL OUTLINE, NOTES FROM READING, NOTES FROM CLASS---BLUEPRINT OF SUCCESS ALL EXPLAINED ON WIKI

4 Warm-up---1. Free write—What does the cartoon say about Bureaucracy? 2. Write a personal example of a time YOU dealt with a bureaucracy. (Any large corporation)

5 Definition of a Bureaucracy  Max Weber--- “rational way to organize business”  Hierarchical authority structure  Task specialization  Extensive rules  Clear goals  The merit principle  Impersonality  American System---Different than European Model  1. Separation of Powers---Federalism  Congress—create, organize, disband, investigate  President—under the Executive Branch—Control  **Counterparts in the states!!!***--Proxy Government—Federal programs staffed and administered by State and Local Gov.  2. Close public scrutiny—individual rights, Court challenges  3. Regulation….not public ownership


7 Growth of the System  1. Patronage—Spoils system  Pendleton Act---1881—Civil Service Commission—Tests, merit, not party loyalty  2. 1950’s—90% Under the merit system  Office of Personnel Management—laws, rules and regulations of bureaucracy  Merit systems Protection Board—integrity and rights of federal employees. 15 cabinet level departments—President nominates “Secretary” and approved by Senate 2000 bureaus, offices, services and other subdivisions--- 3.2 million civilians and 1.8 million military SEE NEXT SLIDE  4. Health and Human Services the largest---Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act

8 Continued….  Independent Regulatory Agencies  Interstate Commerce Commission  The Federal Trade Commission  The National Labor Relations Board  The Federal Reserve Board  The securities and exchange Commission  Government Corporations  Corporation for Public Broadcasting  The Tennessee Valley authority  US Postal Service  Amtrak  Independent Executive agencies—direct control of Pres.  General Services Administration—property, buildings, purchasing  National Science Foundation  National aeronautics and Space Adm.

9 Federal Civilian Employment, 1990–2012 Copyright © 2015 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 9

10 Regulation and Accountability, Reform  Regulation---Congress passes law—agency organized— rules created  Government regulation of Private business  Munn vs. Illinois(1877)—Confirmed rights of Illinois to regulate charges and services of a Chicago warehouse.  New Deal added more regulation  WWII---added even more  Accountability  Congress—check on activities Duplication, Authorization— appropriation, hearings, rewriting legislation  President—Appointments, Executive Orders, economic powers--$, Reorganization  Reform  Iron Triangles—bureaucrats, interest groups, congressional subcommittee members (SEE CHART)  Issue Networks—interest groups, congressional staffs, universities, mass media—discuss issue on broad basis

11 Reform Cont.  Hatch Act (1939)—have little to do with politics  cannot run for public office  Raise funds for party or candidate  No officers in political organization  1993---may now participate in politics---may NOT run as a candidate  Pathologies of Bureaucracy Conclusion (example)Conclusion  “Red Tape”  Conflict—cross purposes  Duplication  Unchecked growth  Waste  Lack of accountability


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