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Potential and Kinetic Energy Guiding Questions: 1.Where does energy come from? 2.How is energy used? 3.What forms of energy can we see and where?

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Presentation on theme: "Potential and Kinetic Energy Guiding Questions: 1.Where does energy come from? 2.How is energy used? 3.What forms of energy can we see and where?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential and Kinetic Energy Guiding Questions: 1.Where does energy come from? 2.How is energy used? 3.What forms of energy can we see and where?

2 ALL ENERGY… Comes from the SUN!

3 Definitions Kinetic Energy Energy of motion Energy used when something is moving Potential Energy Stored energy Energy that is waiting to be used

4 Energy that is not being used is stored energy. Just like you store unused flour in a container, notebook paper in your binder, or food in a pantry, you can also store energy. Stored energy is called potential energy. Key Point: Potential Energy is STORED ENERGY. Potential Energy

5 The higher something is from the surface of the Earth, the greater it’s potential energy. This is because it has more room to move. Key Point: Things sitting up high have more potential energy than things sitting on the ground. Potential Energy

6 There are many places where you can find potential energy stored besides up high! o In a candy bar! o In a battery! o In your cells! o At a power facility! o In a rubber band! o In a bow and arrow Potential Energy


8 Energy that is being used is creating action of some kind. All things that move contain the energy of motion, and we call this kinetic energy. When you tap into the stored stuff you have (food from the pantry or paper from your binder), then you are using that resource at the moment. The same goes with energy- when we tap into it, it becomes active energy. Key Point: Kinetic energy is ENERGY OF MOTION. Kinetic Energy

9 Two things can affect the amount of kinetic energy of something. 1.Its mass…. Simply put, the bigger something is, the greater its energy. 2.Its velocity(speed)…. Again, pretty simple. The faster it moves, the more energy it has. Kinetic Energy

10 Anytime you see something moving, you are seeing kinetic energy. It’s the energy of a moving bus, a roller coaster, a plane flying, and a paratrooper jumping. Key Point: Nothing moves without energy. Nothing. Kinetic Energy

11 Kinetic Energy

12 Examples of Kinetic & Potential Energy Kinetic Energy  Skating down a hill on a skateboard  Throwing a baseball  Jumping  A glass falling off a desk  A yo-yo falling towards the ground Potential Energy  Waiting at the top of a hill on a skateboard  Holding a baseball in the backswing  Bending your knees before you jump  A glass sitting on a desk  Winding up a yo-yo but holding on to it

13 Real Life Situation I am trying to knock over this giant box in front of me. But when I try to push it, it doesn’t seem to work. What should I do?

14 Real Life Situation I am going sledding, but I can never seem to make up the second hill. How can I sled up the 2 nd hill?

15 Real Life Situation I am trying to bump my friend’s car across the red line. But I can’t seem to get him to cross the line. What can I do to bump him across the line?

16 Toy Lab Objective: To describe or illustrate how a toy uses kinetic or potential energy With the toys provided: Draw an illustration or write in words when a toy has the most potential energy Draw an illustration or write in words when a toy has the most kinetic energy

17 Website Aids Springs Spool Racers Roller Coasters Skate Park Pendulum Park Quiz

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