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Company LOGO Using Informal Podcasts to Enhance Students’ Collaborative Learning Dr Ming Nie, University of Leicester, UK Libby Rothwell, Kingston University,

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1 Company LOGO Using Informal Podcasts to Enhance Students’ Collaborative Learning Dr Ming Nie, University of Leicester, UK Libby Rothwell, Kingston University, UK

2 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20072 IMPALA  Informal Mobile Podcasting and Learning Adaptation (  Funded by Higher Education Academy  Investigate the impact of Podcasting on student learning in HE  Partners

3 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20073 IMPALA  Disciplines  Chemistry  Engineering  English Language and Communication  Genetics  Geography  Veterinary Sciences  Deliverables (  A transferable model of Podcasting  Discipline-specific user exemplars  Guidelines for integrating Podcasting into teaching and learning

4 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20074 Module  Level 1 semester 1 core module “Introduction to Intercultural Communication”  65 students  Studying in combination with: Journalism, Literature, Creative Writing, French, Drama, Film, Business, Politics, Sociology  Level 3 student mentors assist staff in supporting students  Assessment by portfolio of work

5 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20075 Purpose Enhance students’ understanding of module-related concepts and issues Facilitate collaborative learning and skills development through dialogue (Allen, 2005; Laurillard, 2002; Wenger, 1998) Podcasting Complement weekly lecture workshops and seminars

6 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20076 Format  Length: 10 minute  Format: Audio MP3  Frequency: Fortnightly, available via Blackboard  Structure: 2-3 sections  Content  Summaries of key concepts  Interviews  Discussion of assessment tasks  Mentors’ top tips  Tutor feedback  Local sources of support for academic & personal development

7 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20077 Listen to… Podcast 3: Portfolio tasks - George versus Japan

8 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20078 Evaluation Qualitative & Quantitative Methods Final questionnaire (35) Student focus groups (8) Student personal interviews (6) Staff interviews (1) 12 Weeks (Semester 1, 2006) BeginningEnd

9 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 20079 Result  Capture Informal Knowledge  Experience, feelings, viewpoints  Conversation, discussion, debate  Personal, interesting, engaging “Also they (mentors) have been discussing a question…And it was quite different from our point of view because we were first year, and they are third year students, so their point of view is a bit more elaborated, a bit more contrast to me.” “Also they (mentors) have been discussing a question…And it was quite different from our point of view because we were first year, and they are third year students, so their point of view is a bit more elaborated, a bit more contrast to me.”

10 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 200710 Result  Flexibility & Learner Control  Place  Time  Pacing  Revisit materials “But I found it a solution though, for example because I work so hard, my body sometimes just can’t make it into the class to pay attention. So when I’m ready to devote all my entire attention to a lecture subject, then I find it a solution to sit at home quietly, relaxed and listen to the course material.”

11 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 200711 Result  Accommodate Different Learning Styles  Audio learner: listening is easier than reading “Listening is easier. It requires less concentration on your part. It just happened. So you may not get all of the points, but you may be more willing to do it. For example, to sit down and read, is very demanding, you have to be really concentrated. So it’s quite taxing, and audio might not be much as that. It might be easier to do.”

12 04/09/2007ALT annual conference 200712 Future  Investigate students’ needs & identify ways to attract interest  Research ways learners identify with podcast dialogues  Design of podcasts to support students from different cultural contexts  A series of informal podcasts to support Faculty’s Academic Skills Centre (ASC)

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