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THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST. Anti-Semitism ■Why? –Communist allies in the war led by mainly Jews failed Germany in winning WWI –In addition, the Communist Party.

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Presentation on theme: "THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST. Anti-Semitism ■Why? –Communist allies in the war led by mainly Jews failed Germany in winning WWI –In addition, the Communist Party."— Presentation transcript:


2 Anti-Semitism ■Why? –Communist allies in the war led by mainly Jews failed Germany in winning WWI –In addition, the Communist Party in Germany was the Nazi’s biggest competition –Jews, because of their shrewd and fugal business tactics, are considered selfish and corrupt in the middle of a depression (caused by capitalism in America and capitalism gave rise to wealthy Jews that were examples of this sentiment) –Jews have no home: for centuries Jews have not had control of their homeland and mass immigration would affect European countries and America in much the same way the immigration is affecting Europe now –Jews were the people that crucified Christ, which cannot be a positive thing in an overwhelming Christian continent –Jews traditionally intermarried, their religion through race is exclusive, they make a clear cut group to identify and make into an enemy for political gain –Jews are not “German”

3 “Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal...”

4 How to recognize a Jew: “The Jewish nose is bent. It looks like the number six...”

5 “In the Talmud it is written: ‘Only the Jew is human. Gentile peoples are not called humans, but animals.’ Since we Jews see Gentiles as animals, we call them only Goy.”

6 “Here, kid, I have some candy for you. But you have to come with me...”

7 “Two criminal eyes flashed behind the glasses and the fat lips grinned.”


9 Segregation ■Jewish lawyers weren’t allowed to see their clients, Jewish doctors couldn’t see their patients, Jewish business was labeled and discouraged to sell to anyone not Jewish, Jews were labeled all in an attempt to separate the races and make Jews appear sub-human.




13 Separation-Ghettos ■Furthering the process of conditioning people to see Jews as sub-human. Older, poorer, parts of the cities were cleared out, sectioned off and filled with Jews



16 Work Camps- Hunger Plan ■The Plan: to create a self-sufficient super power, which means they would need to produce their own food, which means as the Germans expand and gather agrarian territory, which means existing civilization would have to be wiped out and existing populations would have to go to create room for the “Master Race” to grow –Jews were turned into European slaves with the purpose in mind of working them to death



19 Concentration Camps-Extermination ■Execution squads in the Eastern Front ■Gas experimentation on physically and mentally handicapped ■Gas chambers at concentration camps






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