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Phonegap Bridge – Storage CIS 136 Building Mobile Apps 1.

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1 Phonegap Bridge – Storage CIS 136 Building Mobile Apps 1

2 Storage Options 2

3 3  Many storage API’s  Local Storage  Web storage, simple storage, session storage  Based on key/value pairs  WebSQL (android, blackberry, iOS)  full-featured database tables accessed via SQL queries  IndexedDB (windows, blackberry)  more features than LocalStorage but fewer than WebSQL  Plug-in Based  File API - allows you to cache data on the local file system  Downloader - Downloads files to persistant Storage  SQLLite - more storage and more flexibility than the standard Web SQL database

4 Local Storage 4

5 5  App needs to store data that the user can retrieve later  Might store the data somewhere that can be accessed through some server  Facebook, Twitter etc.  requires an Internet connection

6 Local Storage 6  Reasons we might want to store some data locally:  The application is completely self contained and there is no interaction with other users, so all data can be stored locally  Need to store data locally for some specific functionality like a “Remember Me” feature  Skip unnecessary calls to a server by storing preference settings locally  Skip unnecessary calls to a server by caching other data locally  Sync online and offline data so that the user can continue using the application even when they are offline  Evernote Evernote

7 Local Storage 7  most basic storage option available  allows you to store up to 5MB of data  Unreliable  Data can get wiped out  use it where data loss is not an issue  never use it to store sensitive data since it can be easily accessed

8 Local Storage 8  a simple key-value system, using setters and getters localStorage.setItem('someSetting', 'off'); var someSetting = localStorage.getItem('someSetting');  can only store strings  to store an object or array, first convert it to a JSON string  to retrieve it later, decode JSON string back into an array or object

9 Local Storage 9  Permanent – localStorage() method  Data is saved even when app is closed  Temporary – sessionStorage() method  Data is not saved when app is closed

10 Methods 10 Works off of key/value pairs  Note: can serialize data using json.Stringify method  Set a key - Returns the name of the key at the specified position  var keyName = window.localStorage.key(0);  Set an item - Assigns a keyed item's value  window.localStorage.setItem("key", "value");  Get an item - Returns the item identified by the specified key  var value = window.localStorage.getItem("key");  Remove an item - Removes the item identified by the specified key  Window.localStorage.removeItem("key");  Clear - Removes all of the key/value pairs  Window.localStorage.clear();

11 11 // Wait for device API libraries to load document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); // device APIs are available function onDeviceReady() { window.localStorage.setItem(“hobby", “sailing"); var keyname = window.localStorage.key(0); // keyname is now = “hobby" var value = window.localStorage.getItem(“hobby"); // value is now = “sailing“ var value2 = window.localStorage.getItem(keyname); // value is now = “sailing" window.localStorage.removeItem(“hobby"); window.localStorage.setItem(“hobby2", “riding"); window.localStorage.clear(); // localStorage is now empty }

12 IndexedDB 12

13 IndexedDB 13  IndexedDB combines the strengths of the LocalStorage and WebSQL  stores arbitrary JavaScript objects indexed with a key, like local storage  can create multiple databases, with multiple stores per database  asynchronous design and search indexes provide performance benefits.

14 IndexedDB 14  When you make a request, you get a request object, which provides onerror and onsuccess events  properties such as result, error and readyState

15 Creating/Opening a Database 15 var db; var dbName = 'myDB'; var databaseVersion = 1 var openRequest = [,databaseVersion]); openRequest.onerror = function (e) { console.log(; }; openRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { // Database is open and initialized db = openRequest.result; … }; NOTE: The database is created if a database with the specified name does not exist. Only a single version of a database can exist at a time. When a database is first created, its initial version is zero

16 Delete A Database 16 function deleteDatabase() { var deleteDbRequest = window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbName); deleteDbRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { // database deleted successfully }; deleteDbRequest.onerror = function (e) { console.log("Database error: " +; }; }

17 Working with Object Stores 17  a collection of data records  to create/modify an object store in an existing database  need to version the existing database, by opening the database for versioning  In addition to the database name, add the version number as a second parameter  Use a higher version than the current existing database version  This invokes the onupgradeneeded event handler.

18 Creating/Updating an object store 18 function createObjectStore() { var openRequest =, 2); openRequest.onerror = function(e) { console.log("Database error: " +; }; openRequest.onsuccess = function(event) { db = openRequest.result; }; openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (evt) { var employeeStore = evt.currentTarget.result.createObjectStore ("employees", {keyPath: "id"}); }; }

19 Indexes 19  Can retrieve records in an object store using its key or indexed fields  can have one or more indexes  To create an index, you must version the  Indexes can either be unique or non-unique function createIndex() { var openRequest =, 2); openRequest.onsuccess = function(event) { db = openRequest.result; }; openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (evt) { var employeeStore = evt.currentTarget.result.objectStore("employees"); employeeStore.createIndex("stateIndex", "state", { unique: false }); employeeStore.createIndex("emailIndex", "email", { unique: true }); employeeStore.createIndex("zipCodeIndex", "zip_code", { unique: false }) }; }

20 Transactions 20  Used to perform reading and writing operations on an object store  Three modes:

21 Retrieve a specific record using key 21 function fetchEmployee() { try { var result = document.getElementById("result"); result.innerHTML = ""; if (db != null) { var store = window.db.transaction("employees“,”readwrite”).objectStore("employees"); store.get("E3").onsuccess = function(event) { var employee =; if (employee == null) { result.value = "employee not found"; } else { var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(employee); result.innerHTML = jsonStr; } }; } catch(e){ console.log(e); }

22 Retrieve a specific record using an index 22 function fetchEmployeeByEmail() { try { var result = document.getElementById("result"); result.innerHTML = ""; if (db != null) { var range = IDBKeyRange.only(""); var store = window.db.transaction("employees").objectStore("employees"); var index = store.index("emailIndex"); index.get(range).onsuccess = function(evt) { var employee =; var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(employee); result.innerHTML = jsonStr; }; } catch(e){

23 Retrieve all records 23 function fetchEmployeeByEmail() { try { var result = document.getElementById("result"); result.innerHTML = ""; var store = window.db.transaction("employees“,”readwrite”).objectStore("employees"); var request = store.openCursor(); request.onsuccess = function(evt) { var cursor =; if (cursor) { var employee = cursor.value; var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(employee); result.innerHTML = result.innerHTML + “ " + jsonStr; cursor.continue(); } }; } catch(e){

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