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© 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the European Parliament.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the European Parliament."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Welcome to the European Parliament

2 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit European Union Candidate countries EU 27

3 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Key figures of the European Union Jerzy Buzek President of the European Parliament Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council Jose Manuel Barroso President of the European Commission CatherineAshton High Representative Hungary Presidency of the Council of the European Union

4 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Institutional triangle European Parliament 736 members representing the European citizens Adoption of legislation and budget Democratic supervision European Commission 27 commissioners Right of initiative Implementation of the European policies and budget Council of the EU 27 ministers representing the Member States Adoption of legislation and budget Concluding international agreements

5 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Member State SeatsMember State Seats GermanyAustria FranceBulgaria United Kingdom Denmark Italy Finland Spain Slovakia PolandIreland Romania Lithuania Netherlands Latvia Belgium Slovenia Czech Rep. Estonia Greece Cyprus Hungary Luxembourg PortugalMalta Sweden Seat distribution 736 99 72 50 33 25 22 18 17 13 12 8 7 6 5

6 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Political Groups EPP: Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) S&D: Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament ALDE: Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Greens/EFA: Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance EFD: Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group Non-attached Situation as of 17 September 2009 ECR: European Conservatives and Reformists Group GUE/NGL: Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left 265 184 84 55 5454 35 32 2727

7 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Committees Foreign Affairs Economic and Monetary Affairs Transport and Tourism Legal Affairs Development Employment and Social Affairs Regional Development Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs International Trade Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Agriculture and Rural Development Constitutional Affairs Budgets Industry, Research and Energy Fisheries Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Budgetary Control Internal Market and Consumer Protection Culture and Education Petitions

8 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit European Commission European Parliament Council of the EU First reading Second reading Third reading First reading Second reading Third reading Right of initiative Conciliation committee The ordinary legislative procedure Schematic overview

9 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Budgetary power Parliament decides the EU annual budget together with the Council Enlargement decisions Parliament‘s assent is required for the accession of any new Member States Legislative power Most EU laws are adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU Parliamentary control Parliament supervises other EU institutions and can pass a vote of no-confidence in the European Commission European Parliament Parliament’s powers

10 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit European Commission Lisbon Treaty: Main innovations European Parliament Codecision: the ordinary legislative procedure More control over the budget Subsidiarity check by national parliaments European citizens initiative Council of the EU More voting by qualified majority 2014: double majority

11 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Europe Delegations EU-CroatiaRussia EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo EU-TurkeyUkraine Moldova Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and European Economic Area Belarus

12 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Non-Europe Delegations EU-MexikoMashreqMercosurAfghanistan Australia and New Zealand EU-ChileArab PeninsulaJapanSouth AsiaSouth Africa Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia Iraq People´s Re- public of China Southeast Asia, ASEAN Pan-African Parliament IranIndia Korean Peninsula NATO United States IsraelCanada Palestinian Legislative Council Central America \ Maghreb Andean Community


14 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Budget of the European Union Expenditures 2011: €126,5 billion Competitiveness & Cohesion Preservation and management of natural resources The EU as a global partner Citizenship, freedom, security and justice Administration

15 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit EU Budget Revenue Financial year 2011 GNI-based resource VAT-based resource Custom duties, agricultural duties and sugar levies Miscellaneous

16 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Sakharov prize 2010: Guillermo Fariñas Sakharov prize for freedom of thought

17 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit Stay in touch! Social network sites

18 © 2011 European Parliament, Visits and Seminars Unit

19 EU Competences Shared Internal market Social policy Agriculture and fisheries Environment Consumer protection Transport Trans-European networks Energy Freedom, Security and Justice Public health R & D Space Development cooperation Humanitarian Aid Exclusive Customs union Competition Monetary union Marine biological resources Commerce Supporting Health Indutsry Culture Tourism Education Vocational training, Youth and sport Civil protection Administrative cooperation

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