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MANAGEMENT. Match the two columns to establish collocations used in the text (MK p.12):  set  accomplish  develop  allocate  analyze  select  perform.

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Presentation on theme: "MANAGEMENT. Match the two columns to establish collocations used in the text (MK p.12):  set  accomplish  develop  allocate  analyze  select  perform."— Presentation transcript:


2 Match the two columns to establish collocations used in the text (MK p.12):  set  accomplish  develop  allocate  analyze  select  perform  attain  motivate  meet  make  communicate  supervise  measure  achieve  execute  targets  people  tasks  subordinates  performance  objectives  strategies  tactics  resources  business activities  objectives  decisions

3 Verbs and nouns  accomplish  develop  allocate  analyze  select  perform  attain  motivate  communicate  supervise  measure  Achieve  execute ??

4 Verbs and nouns  accomplish  develop  allocate  analyze  select  perform  attain  motivate  communicate  supervise  measure  achieve  execute  accomplishment  development  allocation  analysis sg./analyses pl.  selection  performance  attainment  motivation  communication  supervision  measurement  achievement  execution

5 Managers are in charge of......planning: i.e.......organizing: i.e.......integrating: i.e.......measuring: i.e.......developing: i.e.... Read MK (Unit 2) and explain what is meant by the concepts mentioned above.

6 TOP MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES  change management  innovations management  relations with stakeholders  crisis management (Find parts of the text in Unit 2 discussing the responsibilities listed above.)

7 QUESTIONS ABOUT MANAGEMENT (MK:Unit 2)  What are managers generally in charge of? (MK)  What is each of the elements about? (MK)  What are top management responsibilities? (MK)  What makes a successful manager? (MK)  How many pieces of advice are provided by the two quotes on the last slide?

8 PEOPLE MANAGEMENT What advice is provided in the quotes below? «The secret of good business is good people who are given a lot of trust and freedom as well as the right to make mistakes.” (Sir R. Branson) «If we always hire people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. If we always hire people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.» (D. Ogilvy)


10 How do managers motivate their staff? e.g.:  good pay (salary/wages, bonus)  career opportunities (training, work experience, promotion)  perks  good working conditions (working hours, work environment)  other non-financial benefits (challenging responsibilities, personal fulfillment)

11 More about staff motivation...  Reading assignment: “Theory X and Y” (MK: p.30) “Satisfiers and Motivators” (MK:p.31)

12 Extrinsic or intrinsic motivation?

13 Words, words, words  Outline  Assume  Consequently  Reward  Incentives  Pay rise  Bonuses  Incapable

14 Words, words, words  Applicable  Skilled professionals  Knowledge workers  lay foundations  burden of responsibility  authoritarian  progressive

15 Fill in the missing words (MK, p.16)  Theory X 1 that people dislike work, and that they have to be closely 2, and both 3 and 4 with incentives such as a pay 5 or 6.  Theory Y 7 that most people have a 8 need to work, which may be more 9 to skilled 10.

16 Back to the text 1.What are the two types of workers mentioned in the text? 2.Who is Theory Y probably more applicable to? 3.What kind of needs does Theory X relate to? 4.What kind of needs does Theory X relate to?

17 Words, words, words (MK:p.17)  Job security  Take for granted  Benefits  Sick pay  Unskilled workers  Repetitive jobs  Job rotation  Corporate culture

18 Notes on text (MK: p.17) SATISFIERSVS.MOTIVATORS -job ….- … jobs -good … relations- … jobs -good working …-… -good …-… -… such as:a) … pay-… b) paid … c) … MOTIVATION IN … JOBS? - … responsibilities -job … - shared … ( … culture)

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