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QORA Rebranding/CORA 18.0/ASR Gateway ASOG 43 Release.

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Presentation on theme: "QORA Rebranding/CORA 18.0/ASR Gateway ASOG 43 Release."— Presentation transcript:

1 QORA Rebranding/CORA 18.0/ASR Gateway ASOG 43 Release

2 Rebranding August 8 The color scheme changes from blue to green The Qwest logo is changing to a CenturyLink logo The name of the application changes from Qwest Online Request Application (QORA) to CenturyLink Online Request Application (CORA) The copyright information changes from Qwest to CenturyLink The font colors change from blue to green

3 Rebranding August 8 Field Level Help and On-Line Help name changes from QORA to CORA and the color changes from blue to green The logo on the PDF version of the ASOG forms changes from Qwest to CenturyLink Any GUI Picklist that said Qwest will say CenturyLink - Example: GUI error messages change: - From QORA to CORA - From Qwest to CenturyLink

4 ASOG 43 Release: IPAI Internet Protocol Address Identifier (IPAI): This new field identifies the Interner Protocol (IP) Address version within the network interface device at a host or end user location for Ethernet based services. This is a new field on the following forms - Transport Form - Additional Circuit Information Form - End User Special Access Form Valid entries are: - 4 = IPv4 - 6 = IPv6 - M = IPv4 mapped IPv6 A selection of 4, 6, or M is required when the IP Address field is populated otherwise prohibited. This field is not currently being utilitzed by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) in CORA.

5 ASOG 43 Release: IP Address The IP Address field on the following forms is being expanded from 15 characters to 32 characters to allow for both IPv4 and IPv6 formats: - Transport Form - End User Special Access (EUS) Form - Additional Circuit Information (ACI) Form The edits on this field are not changing: This field is optional when the first position of the REQTYP Field is populated with an “S”, the ACT field is populated with an “N or “C”, and the SECNCI field specifies an Ethernet Switched Port, otherwise prohibited. This field is not currently being utilitzed by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) in CORA

6 ASOG 43 Release: Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask field is required on the following forms when IP Address field is populated and the value in the IPAI field is “4” or “M”: - Transport - End User Special Access (EUS) - Additional Circuit Information (ACI) This field is not currently being utilitzed by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) in CORA

7 ASOG 43 Release: TSR Form/ AFO field The TSR (Testing Services Request) form is being removed from the ASOG and can no longer be used to request testing The second position of the AFO Field on the ASR Form is reserved for future use and will no longer return a TSR form in CORA. CORA screen changes are on next slide.

8 ASOG 43 Release: TSR Form/ AFO field (cont.) The TSR form will no longer be a selectable option in the CORA GUI Create New tab:

9 ASOG 43 Release: Confirmation Notice (CN) Three new fields are being added to the Confirmation Notice (CN) to be returned on the FOC (Confirmation Notice) when they are different than what the customer provided on the ASR Form: - Frame Due Time (FDT): – Identifies the Frame Due Time assigned by the provider in response to special handling instructions for the connection, disconnection or coordination of changes for a request. – Required when the entry in this field is different than the FDT field on the ASR Form, otherwise optional. – Valid Entry (Position 1): Central = C Eastern = E Mountain = M Pacific = P – Valid Entry (Poistion 2): Two Digit Hour (01-12)/Two Digit Minute (00-59)/AM or PM Two Digit Hour (01-12)/A or P/Two Digit Hour (01-12)/A or P AM or PM Two Digit Hour (01-12)/A or P

10 ASOG 43 Release: CN (cont.) - Conferencing Bridge Telephone Number (CB TEL NO): – Identifies the Conference Bridge Telephone number assigned by the provider in response to a request. This number is to be used at the time of implementation or cut over. – Required when the entry in this field is different than the CB TEL NO field on the ASR Form, otherwise optional. - Conference Bridge Passcode Number (CBPC) – Identifies the passcode associated with the conference bridge telephone number assigned by the provider in response to a request. – Optional when the CB TEL NO field is populated, otherwise prohibited. There are no customer facing edits associated to these fields

11 ASOG 43 Release: Wireless Service Type (WST) A new Usage Note is being added on the ASR form to the WST (Wireless Service Type) field. - New Usage Note and CORA edit: Prohibited when the ACT field is “D” and the ACTI field is “D” or “F”.

12 ASOG 43 Release: MTCE EMAIL A new field is being added to the Administration section of the ASR form: Maintenance Contact Electronic Mail Address (MTCE EMAIL) Identifies the electronic mail address of the maintenance contact when defined by customer/provider contracts, tariffs and/or negotiated agreements. Optional field There are no new edits associated to this new field 60 characters Example:

13 ASOG 43 Release: Egress Scheduler (ES) A new field is being added to the following forms titled Egress Scheduler (ES): - Transport Form - End User Special Access (EUSA) Form - Additional Circuit Information (ACI) Form Optional field when: - REQTYP = “E” with the EUSA and ACI forms, or “S” with the TRANS and ACI forms - ACT = “N” or “C” - SECNCI field specifies a Switched Ethernet Port - Otherwise prohibited Valid Values (CORA will allow selection from a pull down menu in the GUI): - S: All connections associated with this port have a single shared Egress Profile - M: All connections associated with this port have independent Egress Profiles This field is not currently being utilitzed by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) in CORA

14 ASOG 43 Release:Profile Egress (PROFE) A new field is being added to the following forms titled Profile Egress (PROFE): - Transport Form - End User Special Access (EUSA) Form - Additional Circuit Information (ACI) Form This is a 25 alpha/numeric character field Optional with the ES field on the same form is populated with an “S” This field is not currently being utilitzed by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) in CORA

15 ASOG 43 Release:Profile Ingress (PROFI) A new field is being added to the following forms titled Profile Ingress (PROFI): - Transport Form - End User Special Access (EUSA) Form - Additional Circuit Information (ACI) Form This is a 25 alpha/numeric character field Optional with the ES field on the same form is populated with an “S” This field is not currently being utilitzed by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) in CORA

16 CORA 18.0 Changes: New GUI Report In the reports tab of the QORA GUI, customers will be able to choose a CCNA and ASR Status of Confirmed to display the Circuit ID, or EVC Circuit ID returned to them on the Confirmation Notice (FOC) - If the EVCI field is populated with A: the EVCID is returned - If the EVCI field is populated with B: Both the ECCKT and EVCID are returned - If the EVCI field is not populated: the ECCKT(s) are returned This is in addition to any other report criteria selected on the Reports Tab in the CORA GUI.

17 CORA 18.0 Changes: PSLI Validation Change to the current PSLI Validation - Compare the CSL CLLI Code LATA and the ASR ACTL CLLI Code LATA – If LATAs are the same validate that the PSLI Field is populated with “F” – If LATAs are different validate that the PSLI Field is populated with “E” - If ACTL field is not populated CORA will use the SECLOC CLLI Code LATA to validate how the PSLI field is populated An edit and error message already exists for this condition. Enhancing the validation rules for a more accurate determination of PSLI.

18 CORA 18.0 Changes: CSPC Validation When the CSPC Field is populated, CORA will do a look up in the back end FID Tables to determine if the entry on the ASR matches what is on the table. If no match is found, CORA will return the following error message: TRK.CSPC is invalid for ASR.TSC This validation will be performed when: - REQTYP = L - ACT = D - ACTI = D or F When REQTYP is L, and ACTI is not populated - CORA will not perform validation unless CSPC field is populated When REQTYP is L, ACT is C, and ACTI is not populated - CORA will not perform validation unless CSPC field is populated

19 CORA 18.0 Changes: Address Validation Changes to the CORA GUI Address Validation Responses (both Pre-Order and Validation) are being made to be more comprehensive and allow more ASRs to receive an EXACT or Near Match response. New response messages will be: - “This non-CTL other-provider service location is OK for ASR submission.” - “This service location is not found in the company address database. It may be served by another provider. However, this address may be considered correct for ASR-submission purposes.” ASRs may still be Clarification when the ASR is received by the Wholesale Service Delivery Center.

20 CORA 18.0: High Voltage Protection (HVP) Enhancement to CORA’s requirment for when the HVP field is populated. - If REQTYP = S, and NC begins with KQ, KR, KP or KS, and ACT=N, do not require HVP on the Transport form. - If REQTYP = E, and NC begins with KQ, KR, KP or KS, and ACT=N, do not require HVP on the End User Special Access form. - Otherwise the HVP field is required when a High Voltage Protection response is returned during Address Validation

21 CORA 18.0: P_BIT Field CORA will no longer validate the entry in the P_BIT field. This field is not used by CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) If data is populated in this field, CORA will not edit the data or associated fields.

22 CORA 18.0: Rebranding Changes CORA will be redirecting the URLs to the CenturyLink domain. The URLs you currently use will continue to work and redirect you to the new domain Any GUI or Gateway document, error message, and/or help window where “Qwest” was previously used is being changed to reflect CenturyLink, or a more generic message. Documents changing are: - CORA Users Guides - Field Level Help pop-up windows in the GUI - Technical Specifications Document - Any CORA documentation linked at

23 CORA 18.0: Rebranding Changes (cont.) Reports C/NR status pull down option changing from Canceled by Qwest to Provider Canceled:

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