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 Prepare for a quiz on contents and oceans. DateAssignmentPage 9/12/14The Physical World9 9/12/14Maps Notes10-11.

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2  Prepare for a quiz on contents and oceans.

3 DateAssignmentPage 9/12/14The Physical World9 9/12/14Maps Notes10-11


5  Maps

6  In the notes section of your notebook  Define and draw examples of a Political, Physical, and Special Purpose map.

7  Most accurate way to show earth’s surface. › Scale model of earth › Draw picture of globe  What advantages does a globe have over a flat map?  What are the main disadvantages of a globe?  What advantages do maps have over globes?  Why are maps less accurate than globes?

8  Easier to use and carry.  Cannot show correct size and shape.  To make up for distortion mapmakers use different map projections.  Mercator projection › Accurately shows shape and direction. › Distorts distance and size.  Equal-Area Maps › Show correct size › Distorts shape  Robinson Maps › Combo of Mercator and equal area › Maintains size and shape of most continents › Distorts polar regions. Would you use a Mercator projection to find the exact distance between two locations? Why or why not?

9  Title-tells the subject  Compass rose-Show direction  Key-Shows what color and symbols mean  Scale bar-Find the actual distances  Locator Globe-Show where on globe area is located

10  If you were lost in the woods. What would you use and why? › Globe or Map  If you pick map which map and why?  Minimum of 5 sentences. In paragraph form.  Example of paragraph format. › Today I went to the store. At the store I bought a tomato. I used the tomato to make salsa. The salsa was too spicy. Because the salsa was spicy, I fed it to my brother.

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