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By: Dr. Comer PowerPoint developed by: Courtney Bass.

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1 By: Dr. Comer PowerPoint developed by: Courtney Bass

2 Short, exciting nuggets of information about books Highly motivational Students should be involved Create a personal connection

3 Give enough information to “hook” students Ending is a cliffhanger (e.g. students will have to read the novel to discover the answer to the cliffhanger) Information can focus on characters, setting, events, writing style, etc.

4 J o A n N a G r I s B y I K n O w


6 SooNyOuWiLl dieSooNyOuWiLl die

7 You think you’ve gotten away with it, don’t you? But you haven’t. I was there. I know what you did. And you will pay for it, and pay dearly. Why did you do it? What did he ever do to you? He cared about you, wanted you to do your best, challenged you to think for yourself, not to settle for second best. Look how you repaid him. And for what? Revenge, because he dared expected you to hand in you work on time, well done, and neat. Your joke went a little too far. He wound up dead. What does it feel like to murder someone? You are no better than if you had shot him. You went along with them when you knew it wasn’t right. But you wouldn’t stand up to him. He was cool (or so you thought) and you would do anything he suggested. Well look where his idea landed you. Mr. Griffin is dead, and soon you will be too.

8 Books talks are short and exciting excerpts of information about a book. They are not traditional book reviews, but they introduce the reader to the type of literature and hook them in. Book talks use just enough information to keep the reader’s interest.

9 The End

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