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Course Workshop: Interagency Relationships in Homeland Security Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit George Mason University February 28, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Workshop: Interagency Relationships in Homeland Security Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit George Mason University February 28, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Workshop: Interagency Relationships in Homeland Security Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit George Mason University February 28, 2007 Dr. Dale Jones Associate Professor of Public Administration Director, National Homeland Security Project Virginia Commonwealth University

2 Workshop Agenda What This Course Is About Why This Course Should be Taught How This Course Was Taught Collaboration in the Public Sector Updating the Course for the Future Audience Questions, Ideas, and Recommendations Homeland Security (HLS) Course Exercise

3 What This Course Is About “Interagency Relationships in HLS” Course genesis HLS Spectrum Course basis Possible course titles Graduate-level courses

4 Course Basis Homeland security is about government organizations managing and implementing public programs.

5 Possible Course Titles “Public Administration for HLS” “Public Management for HLS” “Organization Theory for HLS” “Multi-Agency HLS Implementation” “Interagency Relationships in HLS” “____________________ for HLS”

6 Course Has Mixed Presence in Graduate HLS Programs Johns Hopkins University –Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security Long Island University –M.S. in Homeland Security Management Michigan State University –Certificate in Homeland Security Studies Naval Postgraduate School –M.A. in Homeland Security University of Denver –M.A. in Homeland Security Virginia Commonwealth University –M.A. in Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness

7 Question Given that 180,000 employees from 22 federal agencies were merged into DHS, what is there a need to focus on somewhere in a HLS curriculum?

8 Why This Course Should be Taught Views on HLS education Expanded course basis Reasons to include course in a graduate-level HLS curriculum –HLS challenges and areas for research –Principal topics of HLS education –Core curriculum recommendations –Hurricane Katrina lessons learned

9 Views on HLS Education Evolving HLS discipline/field Wide variety of programs and courses No one dominant approach State of affairs has intellectual freedom which is healthy and beneficial Ongoing discussions about core content areas, themes, and topics

10 Expanded Course Basis Homeland security is about government organizations—which manage and implement public programs—working together across boundaries to ensure the security of the nation.

11 Reason #1: HLS Challenges & Areas for Research 10 HLS challenges #10: Operating with enhanced interagency relationships and intergovernmental relations. 15 HLS areas for research #11: Collaborative relationships through partnerships and networks.

12 Reason #2: Principal Topics of HLS Education #10: Organization of HLS #11: Sociology of HLS #12: Systems Integration & Administration of HLS #28: Federalism #33: Decision-Making #35: Interagency Coordination #36: Leadership #38: Politics of HLS

13 Reason #3: Core Curriculum Recommendations HLS/HLD Education Consortium Graduate-Level Standards Committee Minimum areas of competency –Current and Emerging Threats –Context and Organizations –Policies, Strategies, and Legal Issues –Processes and Management

14 Reason #4: Hurricane Katrina Lessons Learned Recommendation #112: Establishment of HLS professional development program Recommendation #113: Establishment of career development process with interagency and intergovernmental assignments

15 How This Course Was Taught Syllabus Delivery, semesters, and students Student demographics Course objectives Major course streams Course topics Variations of relationships and collaboration Key definitions

16 Course Topics American system of government Characteristics of political system Policy making process Definitions Organizing for HLS Organizational theory Assessment of DHS at 2 years DHS reorganization

17 Course Topics Networks and collaboration Case study on collaborative networks Information sharing Intelligence and law enforcement Syracuse University web cast Leadership for HLS

18 Variations of Relationships and Collaboration Within an agency Among agencies Among federal, state, and local governments Between civilian and military sectors Among public, private, and nonprofit sectors Among nations

19 Emphasis in U.S. Northern Command Strategic Vision (2003) “new challenge…interagency integration” “work with its key interagency partners” “extensive interagency involvement” “strengthen interagency relationships” “new ways…interagency environment” “DoD leader in interagency operations” “Establish extensive interagency liaison” “cross multiple interagency lines”

20 U.S. Northern Command Resident Agency Partners DHS Senior Representative Central Intelligence Agency Department of State Federal Aviation Administration Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Emergency Management Agency Customs & Border Protection – Air & Marine Operations National Laboratories Transportation Security Administration US Coast Guard US Geological Survey Canadian Forces Chaplain Canadian Political Advisor to NORAD Canadian Public Health Liaison Officer

21 U.S. Northern Command Local Area Agency Partners Citizenship and Immigration Services Customs and Border Protection Department of Interior – Bureau of Reclamation Department of Transportation Department of Health and Human Services Environmental Protection Agency Federal Air Marshal Service General Services Administration Humanitarian International Services Group National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Disaster Medical System National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Office of Transportation Vetting Credentials US Department of Agriculture

22 Key Definitions Intergovernmental relations (IGR) Interagency coordination Interagency relationships Partnering Networks Collaboration Collaborative public management

23 Collaboration in the Public Sector Increase in collaborative public management Recognition of need to “work together” Evidence of importance of intergovernmental relations, networks, and collaboration

24 Evidence of Importance National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) IBM Center for The Business of Government Government Accountability Office (GAO) Public Administration Review

25 Updating the Course for the Future What necessitates updating course? What key events occurred since course last taught in spring 2006? What new content should be in the course? What textbook changes should be made?

26 Audience Participation Questions Ideas Recommendations

27 HLS Course Exercise Form into small groups Use Bellavita and Gordon list of 51 HLS topics Identify 4-5 courses for HLS Certificate Identify 4-6 core courses for MA in HLS

28 Thank you! Dale Jones, Ph.D. Virginia Commonwealth University 804-827-0925

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