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THEME Definition- An insight or truth about life that is revealed in a work or literature. That there is always some fights going on. Sometimes they get.

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Presentation on theme: "THEME Definition- An insight or truth about life that is revealed in a work or literature. That there is always some fights going on. Sometimes they get."— Presentation transcript:


2 THEME Definition- An insight or truth about life that is revealed in a work or literature. That there is always some fights going on. Sometimes they get out of hand or they just stop before it gets worse.

3 CONNOTATION Definition- A meaning, association, or emotion suggested by a word, in addition to its dictionary definition. Page 55: Greasers Soc White trash

4 ALLUSION Definition- A reference to a statement, person, a plant, or an event from literature, history, religion mythology, politics, sports or science. Page 148: Where Johnny said, “Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold…”

5 FORESHADOWING Definition- The use of CLUES or HINTS to suggest events that will occur later in the plot. Page 67: “But the church gave me a kind of creepy feeling. What do you call it? Premonition?” Page 79: “We were careful with our cigarettes-if that old church ever caught fire there’d be no stopping it.”

6 TONE Angry- She probably doesn’t like it when people fight and she wrote the book about it when she was like angry, because she was probably trying to tell you that doing bad things that make you angry you can fix it at the end. Definition- The attitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character.

7 CONFLICT Definition- A struggle or clash between opposing characters or opposing forces. Page 143: The rumble between the Socs and Greasers.

8 SETTING Page 3: The movies, At night Page:51 Out on the street, At night Page:83 Dairy Queen, Morning Definition- Time and Place.

9 CLIMAX Page 91: Is where Ponyboy and Johnny ran into the church to save the kids. Because the church was on fire. Definition- The point in the story that creates the greatest suspense or interest. At this point, something happens that reveals how the conflict will turn out. After this point, the story is resolved and ends.

10 INFERENCE Page 153: “Dally had reached the circle of the light under the street lamp, and skidding to a halt, he turned and jerked a black object from his wristband. I remember his voice: I been carryin’ a heater. It ain’t loaded, but it sure does help a bluff.” Definition- A conclusion reached by the reader based on evidence from the text and reasoning. The inference on it is that Dally died.

11 SYMBOL Page:2 Greaser – Lower Class, Long Hair, and Leather Coats. Page:2 Soc – The Jet Set and rich kids with Mustangs. Page:72 Natures Green – Gold. Definition- A person, a place, a thing, or an event that has meaning in itself and that stands for something beyond itself as well.

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