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Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction November 2004 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Implementation of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction November 2004 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Implementation of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction November 2004 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Implementation of the reauthorized ESEA AYP Update

2 Determining AYP Adequate Yearly Progress NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP): 1.Test participation (95%) 2.Graduation or attendance (90% of state average or growth) 3.Reading 4.Mathematics

3 Data must be disaggregated by the following subgroups (for test participation, reading, and mathematics): Determining AYP Adequate Yearly Progress  All students 40 Subgroups:  Economically disadvantaged students 40  American Indian/Alaska Native 40  Asian/Pacific Islander 40  Black, not of Hispanic Origin 40  Hispanic 40  White, not of Hispanic Origin 40  Students with disabilities (SwD) 50  Students with limited English proficiency (LEP) 40 Minimum cell size

4 Determining AYP Adequate Yearly Progress If minimum cell size IS reached... Hispanic LEP SwD As/ Pac.Black Am. In. District School ALL STUDENTS Eco Dis. White

5 Determining AYP Adequate Yearly Progress If minimum cell size IS reached... Hispanic As/ Pac.Black Am. In. School Eco Dis. White LEP District ALL STUDENTS SwD Eco Dis. White

6 Determining AYP Adequate Yearly Progress School District State

7 Proficient by 2013-14 = 100% % Proficient/Advanced Adequate Yearly Progress Accelerated annual gains beginning 2010-11 Wisconsin 61% 37% 0 20 40 60 80 100 2001-02 2002-032003-042004-052005-062006-072007-082008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-132013-14 Reading Mathematics 2004-05

8 The identification… Adequate Yearly Progress Missing AYP two consecutive years in: Test Participation Other Indicator Reading Mathematics Schools: SIFI Districts: DIFI

9 1 0 0 0 Test Participation Grad./Att. ReadingMathematics Adequate Yearly Progress schools 34 3 17 26 Wisconsin SIFI/DIFI Data 2003-04 (as of November 2004) 51 schools and 1 district identified for improvement districts

10 Adequate Yearly Progress Wisconsin SIFI/DIFI Data 2003-04 (as of November 2004) Number of SIFI Schools by School Level 051015202530 Elementary Mid/Combo. High 25 17 9

11 Adequate Yearly Progress Wisconsin SIFI/DIFI Data 2003-04 (as of November 2004) SIFI Schools by Percent Free/Reduced Lunch 020406080100 Elementary Mid/Combo. High 43% 91% 93% State average= 20% State average= 30% State average= 40%

12 Adequate Yearly Progress Wisconsin SIFI/DIFI Data 2003-04 (as of November 2004) School improvement levels Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 19 6 13 3 6 (Improved) 4 2

13 11 7 24 Test Participation Grad./Att. ReadingMathematics Adequate Yearly Progress schools 57 26 24 73 108 schools and 30 districts missed AYP districts Wisconsin AYP Data 2003-04 (as of November 2004)

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