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Group exercise to improve indicators from the draft PGA indicator set.

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Presentation on theme: "Group exercise to improve indicators from the draft PGA indicator set."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group exercise to improve indicators from the draft PGA indicator set

2 Group Exercice Is this indicator Yes/NoExplainProposed change (you may propose several indicators, ideally with a mix of perception and evidence-based) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time boundWhat data collection method do you suggest for this indicator ? Cost effective Does it measure a change you want to see ? Indicator : Number of staff trained in financial information management at local, state and federal level

3 Group Exercice Is this indicator Yes/NoExplainProposed change (you may propose several indicators, ideally with a mix of perception and evidence-based) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time boundWhat data collection method do you suggest for this indicator ? Cost effective Does it measure a change you want to see ? Indicator : Quality of REDD+ records keeping at local, state and federal level

4 Group Exercice Is this indicator Yes/NoExplainProposed change (you may propose several indicators, ideally with a mix of perception and evidence-based) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time boundWhat data collection method do you suggest for this indicator ? Cost effective Does it measure a change you want to see ? Indicator : Time lag in information production

5 Group Exercice Is this indicator Yes/NoExplainProposed change (you may propose several indicators, ideally with a mix of perception and evidence-based) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time boundWhat data collection method do you suggest for this indicator ? Cost effective Does it measure a change you want to see ? Indicator :Stakeholders awareness of right to service/redress

6 Group Exercice Is this indicator Yes/NoExplainProposed change (you may propose several indicators, ideally with a mix of perception and evidence-based) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time boundWhat data collection method do you suggest for this indicator ? Cost effective Does it measure a change you want to see ? Indicator : Level of stakeholders knowledge of existing complaint channels

7 Exercice Is this indicator Yes/NoExplainProposed change (you may propose several indicators, ideally with a mix of perception and evidence-based) Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time boundWhat data collection method do you suggest for this indicator ? Cost effective Does it measure a change you want to see ? Indicator : Extent of enforcement of sanctions

8 Group exercise to improve indicators – results/proposals from groups

9 Number of staff trained on financial information management at local, state and federal levels Group 1 proposalGroup2 proposal -Number of staff, by gender, trained in financial information management at local, state and federal levels, by 2 nd quarter of the programme - Number of men and women having accessed financial information on REDD+ by the end of the financial year % of trained male and female staff who apply knowledge/skills in financial information management at the local, state and federal levels after year1 - Document review (reports, attendance) --Interviews with staff -- focus group discussions -- survey - Interviews with staff

10 Stakeholders’ awareness on rights to service and redress Group 3 proposalGroup4 proposal What percentage of under-educated/educated male /female that are aware of their rights to service and redress within the 1 st quarter of the project? Number of members from REDD+ sites host communities in CRS trained on rights to service and redress and recruited as liaison officers for REDD+ pilot sites by the end of 2014. Survey questionnaireRecords review Interviews

11 Level of stakeholder knowledge on existing complaints channels Group 5 proposalGroup 6 proposal Percentage of male and female stakeholders within the 3 pilot sites in CRS who are aware of existing complaint channels within the first year of the programme Number of stakeholders ( by age and gender groups) with knowledge of existing complaint channels in one year Interviews Focus group discussions survey

12 Quality of REDD+ record keeping Group 1 proposalGroup2 proposal % of people, by gender, who have access to and use records generated on the REDD+ programme within the first year of intervention at local, state and federal levels Is the redd+ record keeping accurate, timely, clear, and accessible at all levels of government by year 1 of intervention ? Review of documents recording the actual access of data by people Survey: asking respondents if, how and when they access records Differentiate between records Observation of the process for accessing records Observation of process Interviews

13 Time lag in information production Group 3 proposalGroup4 proposal Are regular financial reports produced on REDD+ activities at local, state and federal levels in a timely manner? What is the average time between the execution of a REDD+ activity and the production of information on it? What is the average time lag between a REDD+-related activity and the production of financial information about it to concerned stakeholders? Is financial information produced for REDD+ site communities to engender full and effective participation by 2016? Documents analysis Regular review Interview Survey Documents analysis interview

14 Extent of enforcement of sanctions Group 5 proposalGroup 6 proposal What percentage of reported cases have been sanctioned in local communities (affecting different community group(s), including men and women) in CRS within one year? Level of enforcement of sanctions on men and women in the community in 2014 Communities’ records review

15 …And now let’s do the same for the rest of the indicator set!

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