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Build on Dev frameworks Build on Infrastructure Preview GA The Azure Application Platform “App Creators” DevelopersAnalysts Microsoft Azure LOB SaaS.

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Presentation on theme: "Build on Dev frameworks Build on Infrastructure Preview GA The Azure Application Platform “App Creators” DevelopersAnalysts Microsoft Azure LOB SaaS."— Presentation transcript:



3 Build on Dev frameworks Build on Infrastructure Preview GA The Azure Application Platform “App Creators” DevelopersAnalysts Microsoft Azure LOB SaaS Lift & Shift Docker Virtual Machines Stateful and stateless one- off solutions VM ScaleSets Scalable solutions Container Service Scalable, orchestrated Docker images deployed into containers Differentiation Time to value Existing App Investments Batch Custom High Performance Computing solutions Open Source PaaS Cloud Foundry, Open Shift Service Fabric Custom Microservice- based stateless and stateful solutions Power Apps Graphical design mobile solutions App Service Template based rapid development web, mobile and API solutions Orchestrated workflow based integration solutions Logic Web/Mob/ API All the goodness of App Service in a dedicated environment Environments

4 4 Auto OS Update Auto scaling Custom Plugins App Monitoring & Healing Package and Deploy App Lifecycle Mgmt Manage Services not Servers Hybrid Support Custom OS Support High Density Options No Vendor Lock-in

5 Deploy and manage VMs as a set An Azure Compute resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets A scalable, platform-independent infrastructure for PaaS

6 “Future application architectures should use Cattle but Pets with strong configuration management are viable and still needed.” – Gavin McCance (CERN)

7 Resource Group Subnet Scalable Storage VMVM VNET Scalable NIC … VMVM VMVM VMVM Scale Set Extensions - *vmss*


9 Deploy a VM Scale Set







16 { "sku": { "name":"Standard_D1_v2", "tier":"Standard", "capacity":"50" } { "sku": { "name":"Standard_D1_v2", "tier":"Standard", "capacity":"50" }

17 Storage AC VNET Scale Set Storage AC VNET Scale Set Storage AC VNET Scale Set Batch pool: a logical abstraction over VM scale sets tailored to batch computing scenarios Larger units than a single VM make for more manageable coordination pieces



20 Update-AzureRmVmssInstance -ResourceGroupName $rgname -VMScaleSetName $vmssName -InstanceId "0"


22 Trigger Build Orchestrate across stages Dev checks in code Azure VM Scale Set Trigger pipeline Promote to Prod

23 Trigger Build Orchestrate across stages Dev checks in code Bake app into image Production Trigger Immutable pipeline Promote to Prod Reuse the same image to create VMs across stages

24 Azure Spinnaker

25 For more info, contact

26 Cloud Foundry on Azure : Fully Integrated Open Source PaaS Platform on Azure


28 Cloud Foundry is a open source PaaS that supports multiple languages Can be run on public or private cloud IaaS agnostic; Azure, AWS, OpenStack, vSphere, others Openness, support for Java/Linux Support for Windows and.NET Rich Integration with Azure Services. Azure Stack Support for Cloud Foundry (coming soon)

29 Cloud Foundry on Azure : Overview - Generally Available and fully supported on Azure. - Available via Azure Marketplace



32 Compute Storage Network Applications Azure Interface http:// Push App > cf

33 Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Azure :

34 Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Azure The company behind CF. PCF on Azure built using the open source components. Single Click deploy using Azure Template which Deploys: 53 VMs Elastic Runtime MYSQL Redis RabbitMQ Spring Cloud Services Built in capabilities from deploying Spring applications.


36 Azure Datacenter Infrastructure Security & Management OS/Server Compute NetworkingStorage Platform Services Infrastructure Services Media & CDN Integration Services Compute Developer Services Analytics & IOT Data Web & Mobile Pivotal Cloud Foundry Platform Runtime Routing Service Discovery Container Scheduling Configuration Microservices Application Framework :: Spring Boot,.Net, Ruby,, Go Logging & Metrics Messaging Agile Development Pivotal Cloud Foundry Operations Developers focus on generating value for customers Hybrid Operations Pivotal Application Services + Azure Platform Services






42 Azure Application Gateway Azure Active Directory Azure Blob Storage Azure SQL, KeyVault, ServiceBus, EventHub… Operations Manager Suite Azure Encryption, Azure Security Center


44 CPI supported through standard Microsoft Support processes Open ticket through MSDN, etc… See blog for GA guidance on deploymentblog Pivotal licenses provide support for Cloud Foundry Pivotal requires customers to have a support contract with their IaaS provider Pivotal assistance required for deployment during “Preview” phase


46 Azure Marketplace Labs at BUILD – Earn a Mini Drone! Hosted by Microsoft, featuring hands-on labs by Barracuda, Chef, Docker, Hortonworks, and KEMP. Drop in any time! No registration required. It takes just 60 minutes to complete a lab. Upon validation of a completed lab, you’ll receive a mini drone! Location: San Francisco Marriott Marquis (one block from Moscone) 780 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Room: Sierra K Lab Hours: Thursday 11:30 AM – 7:30 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

47 Hours : Wed – 3/30 11:00AM – 6:00PM Thur – 3/31 11:15AM – 6:30PM Fri – 4/1 9:00AM – 3:00PM



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