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Information. Reflect on the “soft” human factors in providing health information service Identify novel approaches for health information service across.

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Presentation on theme: "Information. Reflect on the “soft” human factors in providing health information service Identify novel approaches for health information service across."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information

2 Reflect on the “soft” human factors in providing health information service Identify novel approaches for health information service across the human-technology spectrum Evaluate health information services employing SWOT analysis Objectives


4 Addressing information needs Patient care Education Administration Research

5 Information services



8 Flamers Blamers





13 Food is romance. Food is adventure. Food is travel without going anywhere. Food is history. Food not only transcends language, it offers a language of its own. Food is sensuous. Food is colour, texture and possibility. Food is life.

14 Evolving health information services

15 “Banappong”

16 Evolving disciplines, skills and tools Content management system ( OpenURL



19 Fundamental issues in info services What are some changes to information access that shape information services? Some say medical information questions have not changed over time What has changed is … the access to information … What do you think are the consequences for providing information services?

20 Impact of technology

21 What service issues/challenges arise because of these technologies?

22 Interacting with information seekers Web 2.0 interaction: Blogs (Duke MCL) Wikis (UBC) Real time requests Offline reference Virtual reference Automated procedures How comfortable are you with interacting people in these manners? What behavioral issues arise in the patron? How can we address these behavioral issues?

23 Reference interaction Receipt Triage Location of best information Delivery

24 Activity: Examine various information services Review services provided by various information centers: – UW HSL bioinformatics – Vanderbilt University, Eskind Biomedical Library: CICS and PICS – Columbia University, Department of Biomedical Informatics t.htm t.htm How would you characterize the services provided? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the services? What do you think these services reflect upon the institution?

25 Information service ethics What are the implications and consequences of these issues in ethical practice? Self Personal responsibility Profession Integrity, standards, relevance Institution Leadership and expertise in meeting institutional leaders Clients Professional service for user needs Society Ethical and moral dilemmas, life or death situations, HIPAA

26 novel information services

27 Human factorsTechnology FOCUS SERVICE AREA ROLE Informationist Information Specialist in Context Consult service e-Science IT expert Systems analyst policy analyst Behind the scenes Consultant/ Contractor Clinical team member

28 eScience

29 Informationist Insert information professional here

30 Consult services



33 Reflect on the “soft” human factors in providing health information service Identify novel approaches for health information service across the human-technology spectrum Evaluate health information services employing SWOT analysis Objectives redux



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