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Immune system. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

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Presentation on theme: "Immune system. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Immune system


3 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)


5 HIV replication and transfection cycles

6 How does HIV work?

7 HIV phylogeny and distribution

8 Infection rate is different between strains High, more virulent Low, less virulent

9 Why is the infection rate different between the strains?


11 HIV treatment- AZT AZT Nucleotide Could this treatment work?

12 HIV treatment- AZT What can a prolonged AZT treatment cause?

13 AZT resistance Vs.

14 Pennings et al. 2014

15 AZT resistance Vs. After AZT treatment Are there any resistance strains left?

16 Is there a possible treatment for HIV?

17 HIV resistance Can we treat HIV by blocking CCR5? Δ32 CCR5 frequency

18 Case study: Timothy Brown 29 years old male. HIV positive. Treated with lifesaving anti-retroviral drugs. 11 years later he became sick. Diagnosed with leukemia. Chemo treatments. Leukemia is back. Last chance- stem-cell transplantation Stem-cell donor with Δ32 CCR5 After two stem-cell transplantations- recovery from both leukemia and AIDS!

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