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Philosophy of Religion G581 – Wednesday 15 th June, 9.15am 1 ½ hours Choice of four questions, answer two – i.e. 45 minutes per question Don’t forget to.

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy of Religion G581 – Wednesday 15 th June, 9.15am 1 ½ hours Choice of four questions, answer two – i.e. 45 minutes per question Don’t forget to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy of Religion G581 – Wednesday 15 th June, 9.15am 1 ½ hours Choice of four questions, answer two – i.e. 45 minutes per question Don’t forget to argue all the time Weigh up views; don’t just list them Only include relevant points Give a clear answer to the question

2 Possible questions for the exam Key topics that weren’t on last year’s exam:  Religious Language  Miracle Some predictions:  Vienna circle / verification principle  Wittgenstein  Omnibenevolence  Hume on miracles  Voices  (Sacred writings)  Disembodied existence  Dualism vs. materialism

3 Possible questions for the exam Critically assess the views of the Vienna Circle (35 marks) Critically assess the claim that religious language is meaningless because it cannot be verified (35 marks) Critically assess Wittgenstein's belief that language games allow religious statements to have meaning (35 marks) Critically assess the philosophical problems raised by believing in an omnibenevolent God (35 marks)

4 Possible questions for the exam Evaluate Hume's claim that miracles are the least likely of events (35 marks) Critically assess the view that hearing the voice of God could be an example of a genuine religious experience (35 marks) Critically assess the claim that sacred writings reveal God (35 marks) Evaluate the claim that there can be no disembodied existence after death (35 marks) ‘Dualism is more coherent than materialism.’ Discuss (35 marks)

5 Ethics G582 – Tuesday 21 st June, 1.15pm 1 ½ hours Choice of four questions, answer two – i.e. 45 minutes per question Don’t forget to argue all the time Weigh up views; don’t just list them Only include relevant points Give a clear answer to the question

6 Possible questions for the exam There are usually two questions on Applied Ethics, so this is a vital part of the course to revise There was no question on free will and determinism last year – revise this! Meta-Ethics is also quite like to come up Some predictions:  Natural Law and business or Utilitarianism and business  Kant and sex  Virtue Ethics and environment  Eudaimonia / Golden Mean  Modern Virtue Ethics?  Conscience – innate or from society?  Specific philosophers for conscience  Compatibilism  Predestination  Cognitivism (Naturalism)

7 Possible questions for the exam ‘Natural Law is a helpful approach to business ethics.’ Discuss (35 marks) To what extent is Kant’s categorical imperative a useful way to make decisions about sexual ethics? (35 marks) To what extent is Utilitarianism helpful when considering ethical business practice? (35 marks) Critically assess the view that Virtue Ethics is of no use when making moral decisions about the environment (35 marks) Critically assess the view that the concepts of Eudaimonia and the Gold Mean the most helpful aspects of Virtue Ethics (35 marks)

8 Possible questions for the exam To what extent do modern versions of Virtue Ethics address the weaknesses of Aristotle's teaching on virtue? (35 marks) Critically assess the view that conscience comes from society (35 marks) Critically compare the views of Aquinas and Freud on the nature and role of conscience (35 marks) Critically assess the view that free will and determinism are compatible (35 marks) Critically assess the view that we are not free because God causes all our actions (35 marks) Critically assess the claim that moral statements are as verifiable as other kinds of factual statements (35 marks)

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