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Presentation on theme: "PEARSONACCESSNAVIGATIONTRAINING Monday, March 14th, 2016 FERNWOODMIDDLESCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:


2 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Spring 2016 PARCC 6 (ELA): April 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 PARCC 8 (ELA): April 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 PARCC 7 (ELA): April 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 PARCC 6 (Math): April 27, 28, 29 PARCC 8 (Math): May 2, 3, 4, 5 PARCC 7 (Math): May 9, 10, 11, 12 PARCC Make up Testing: (Included throughout testing dates; Please refer to Master Schedule)

3 Testing Dates/Timing (Grades 6, 7, 8) April 6 th -April 8 th (Grade 6): Session 1: 9-11:00 (In computer labs by 10:45) Session 2: 11:05-1:05 April 11 th -15 th (Grade 6 & 8): Session 1: 6 th ; 9-11:00 (In computer labs by 10:45) 8 th ; 7:50- 9:50 (In computer labs by 7:35) Session 2: 6 th ; 11:05-1:05 8 th ; 9:55-11:55 Session 3: 8 th ; 12:00-2:00 April 18 th - 29 th (6 th, 7 th, 8 th ): Session 1: 7:50-9:50 (In computer labs by 7:35) Session 2: 9:55-11:55 Session 3: 12:00-2:00 May 2 nd -May 6 th (8 th ): Session 1: 7:50-9:20 or *9:30 if algebra (In computer labs by 7:35) Session 2: 9:25- 10:55 Session 3: 11:00-12:30 May 9 th -13 th (7 th ): Session 1: 7:50-9:20 (In computer labs by 7:35) Session 2: 9:25- 10:55 Session 3: 11:00-12:30 *Refer to Master Schedule for testing locations

4 Let’s Start…

5 Go to the Session List Set up by Lab Name, Pod, and English Section Number (Ex: Cassidy Blue 21) Special Ed and 504 Set up by Lab-Teacher’s name ******For Actual Testing Day, you will Type in The Computer Teacher, Pod, & English Section (Cassidy Blue 21)*******

6 Under Blue Testing Symbol Select in drop down menu: Students in Sessions



9 When student logs in, status will show Active (in Green )

10 Status key includes: Ready - The student has not logged in to the session yet, but is ready to log in. Resumed, Resumed Upload - The student is ready to log back in to the session or the student is ready to log back in to the session and some responses were not sent to Pearson servers before exiting. Students will be prompted to have saved responses uploaded before resuming the test. Active - The student is currently in the test. Exited - The student has exited the session, but has not submitted his or her responses yet. Students in Exited status will need to be resumed by a Test Administrator to re-enter the test. Completed, Marked Complete - The student has completed the test and has successfully submitted his or her responses or the student’s test has been marked complete by the Test Administrator rather than being submitted through TestNav.



13 Click on student box and click Resume, then Exit Task



16 Test Status - Unorganized

17 Test Status - Organized

18 Click on Student Name to put in Alphabetical Order:

19 Clicking on the boxes at the bottom of the page to see page two of class list:

20 When everyone is finished testing that day, go up to the top of the screen, lock the unit, and sign out



23 Under Blue Testing Symbol Select in drop down menu: Sessions

24 ***For actual testing day, you will type in Lab Teach Pod and English Section, Ex: Cassidy Blue 21***


26 Student Testing Ticket SAMPLE

27 Helping Students Login to TestNav





32 TESTING PROCEDURES In your folder you will find: Test Administrator's Manual Daily Schedule Master Schedule Testing Roster  Be sure to mark A for absent and N if the student is present without taking the test. Irregularity Report You may make extra copies of this one. Testing “Do Not Disturb” Sign Emergency Procedures/Chain of Command Directions for Daily Activity

33 Testing Rosters Testing Roster (English Section) This is the roster you will use to take attendance. It will be returned each day with your testing envelopes. Students coming from other classrooms will be listed at the bottom of this roster. Anyone without a testing roster will be used as a Proctor in another computer lab during their testing session. NOTE: All Special Ed. Classes begin at the same time every day, regardless of Pod. If you do not see your name on the master schedule, it does not mean you are not testing!

34 TESTING SESSION NAME Not present = A Present = Leave Blank Present without testing =N RiisOrange 11 DAY 1 ELA UNIT 1 DAY 2 ELA UNIT 2 DAY 3 ELA UNIT 3 DAY 4 MATH UNIT 1 DAY 5 MATH UNIT 2 DAY 6 MATH UNIT 3 LAST NAMEFIRST NAMETESTING LAB BardAddisonSmith ClemasAvaSmith DeFinoGiavonnaSmith FrenchEmmaSmith GonzalezKamilaSmith HermanJessicaSmith KhanDeenaSmith LeKevinSmith MacchiaRebeccaSmith MejiaJosuahSmith MerrillJadenSmith MillerJoelSmith NguyenParisSmith Noyola GomezErikaSmith OquendoLecterSmith PomalesDavidSmith RodriguezCristianSmith RomanJaviyaelSmith VictoriaMelanieSmith VillantoyAlyssaSmith FROM MORRIS IslamSumayaSmith Example of Testing Roster

35 Responsibility of the Proctor: Proctors in the Special Education testing labs are there to assist the Test Administrators in getting started. Proctors can help give out Testing Tickets and supplies that are in the boxes in the Lab. Proctors can also assist with the extra breaks the Special Ed students receive. Proctors may also be asked to administer the test.

36 Testing Procedures: The Test Administrator will pick up test materials in the Media Center.  7 th and 8 th grade between 7:20 and 7:35am  6 th grade between 8:00 and 8:30am  Certified Teachers ONLY can pick up materials.  Each Test Administrator will be given an envelope which includes your Testing Tickets, and Testing Roster.  Count Testing Tickets before they are signed out. It is the responsibility of the Test Administrator to keep materials secure at all times.

37 Audio Amplification Blank Paper (provided by TA) Eliminate Answer Choices Bookmark/Flag Items for Review General Administration Directions Clarified (provided by TA) General Administration Directions Read Aloud & Repeated as Needed (provided by TA) Highlight Tool Headphones or Noise Buffers (not plugged in) Accessibility Features for ALL Students

38 Line Reader Magnification/Enlargement Device NotePad Pop-up Glossary Redirect Student to the Test (provided by TA) Spell Check or External Spell Check Device Human Reader or Human Signer for the Mathematics Assessment (SR/PNP) Writing Tools Accessibility Features for ALL Students (cont.)

39 Accessibility FeatureComputer-Based Testing Accommodated Form Answer Masking (SR/PNP) Embedded in TestNav No Color Contrast Background/Font Color (SR/PNP) Embedded in TestNav No Text-to-Speech for Mathematics (SR/PNP) Embedded in TestNav Yes Human Reader or Human Signer for Mathematics (SR/PNP) Provided by TAYes - Plus “Read Aloud Kit” for TA Accessibility Features for ALL Students Identified in Advance (cont.)

40 IEP or 504 team is responsible for making all accommodation decisions, which in turn, are identified in the student’s Personal Needs Profile (PNP). Accommodations must be documented in an approved IEP or 504 plan prior to the test administration; Ex: Calculator accommodation must be written in the child’s IEP. Students should have prior experience using the accommodation routinely during classroom instruction and local assessments. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities IEP & 504 Plans

41 AccommodationComputer-Based Testing Accommodated Form Text-to-Speech or Video of a Human Interpreter for ELA/L Embedded in TestNav Yes Closed-Captioning of Multimedia Passages for ELA/L Embedded in TestNav Yes Descriptive Video Embedded in TestNav Yes Human Reader for ELA/LProvided by TAYes - Plus “Read Aloud Kit” for TA Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Identified in Advance

42 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities District Provided Assistive Technology Word Prediction External Device Braille Note-Taker Braille Writer Calculation Device & Mathematics Tools Calculator on Non-Calculator Sections Constructed Responses Human Scribe, Human Signer, & External Assistive Technology Device for Speech-to-Text Selected Responses Human Scribe, Human Signer, & External Assistive Technology Device for Speech-to-Text

43 Extended Time Screen Reader Version ASL Video Version Refreshable Braille Display w/ Screen Reader Version Text-to-Speech ELA/L (Student must have fundamental reading disorder, documented) Hard Copy Braille Version Large Print Paper Version Regular Print Paper Version Tactile Graphics Human Signer for Test Directions Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Him/Herself Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (cont.)

44 English Learner Accommodations: Specified in SR/PNP Extended time (provided by TA) *can take all day Word-to-Word Dictionary (English/ Native Language) Mathematics Response: Speech-to-Text or Mathematics Response Human Scribe (provided by TA) General Administration Directions Read Aloud & Repeated in Student’s Native Language (provided by TA) PARCC provides downloadable translated read-aloud directions ONLY in the following languages: Spanish, Arabic, Navajo, Chinese Mandarin, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Urdu, and Russian. General Administration Directions Clarified as Needed in Student’s Native Language (provided by TA) Accommodations for EL Students

45 English Learner Accommodations: Specified in SR/PNP (cont.) Online Translation of the Mathematics Assessment in Spanish Paper-Based Edition of the Mathematics Assessment in Spanish Large Print Edition of the Mathematics Assessments in Spanish Text-to-Speech for the Mathematics Assessments in Spanish Human Reader for the Mathematics Assessments in Spanish Accommodations for EL Students (cont.)

46 CALCULATORS Permitted ONLY on “Calculator Section” of Math Units. NOT Permitted on “Non-Calculator” sections. Computer Based Testing - calculator automatically provided on TestNav platform during Calculator Sections. Students must have prior experience with TestNav provided calculator (practice tests & tutorials are available). Paper Based Testing - hand-held calculators must be used. Hand-held calculators must be distributed & collected as specified in TAM. All hand-held calculators must meet grade/course specific calculator requirements.

47 Grades 6-7 Mathematics: Four-function w/ Square Root & Percentage Functions Grade 8 Mathematics: Scientific Calculator Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II: Graphing Calculator ONLY accommodated students are permitted to use a “lower-level” version of their grade/course specified calculator. These students MUST be provided with BOTH a grade/course specified calculator (hand-held or TestNav) AND an additional hand- held “lower-level” calculator. CALCULATORS (cont.)

48 District MAY provide students with hand-held calculators as permitted by policy. Examiners MUST have extra calculators if hand-held calculators are required by IEP or 504 Plan. Remove instructional manuals & function reference sheets of hand-held calculators before testing. Memories & programs of all hand-held calculators MUST be cleared before & after testing.

49 MATHEMATICS REFERENCE SHEETS Mathematics Reference Sheets based on Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Students must have prior instructional exposure. Required for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II & Grades 5-8. Not applicable for Grade 3 & 4 Mathematics. Automatically provided on TestNav for computer-based testers. Paper versions only provided for paper-based testers. (Schools may download & print copies for computer testers).

50 MATHEMATICS TOOLS Geometry tools such as tracing paper, reflection tools, straight edge and compass are optional and allowable materials for Grade 8 Mathematics & Geometry Rulers and protractors for paper-based assessments at certain grade levels will be provided by PARCC. For computer-based assessments, required tools will be provided through the TestNav platform. Ruler and Protractors Grade(s)/Course(s)PARCC – ProvidedAllowable (Not Provided) Grade 6– 7 Ruler (1/8 – inch/cm) Protractor -- Grade 8 Ruler (1/8 – inch/cm) Protractor Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,-- Ruler Protractor

51 TESTING SITES  Clock and Chart to Display Time Remaining  Good lighting and ventilation  NO Coats, Backpacks, Books or Cell Phones  NO Instructional Displays  NEVER leave students unattended  NO Buzzers, Bells, Non-Emergency Announcements or Interruptions  Monitors - Keep Hallways Quiet and Testing Rooms Undisturbed  No pictures of students testing are permitted  Students may have recreational reading material if they are not testing or have completed testing.

52 TESTING SITES  Each Computer Lab will have the following done each morning by the Computer Teacher for that Lab:  Computers will be turned on and logged on.  Dividers will be placed to separate monitors.  Headphones will be ready for use at each monitor. Headphones are: Needed for all ELA/L units, or for students who receive text-to-speech accommodation for the ELA/L assessments or accessibility features for the mathematics assessments Volume controls appear before start of each unit (can only be adjusted PRIOR to beginning a test. Attempting to adjust the volume later may cause TestNav to close. Stand alone headphones (i.e., headphones not connected to a device) may be used to serve as a noise buffer.  There will be a box in each Computer Lab containing scratch paper, pencils, calculators, and protractors.  This is for students use only and should not be removed from the Computer Labs.  All used paper should be returned each day with the testing envelopes after testing. (Guidance must shred everything).

53 TESTING SITES (cont.) Students Well Spaced With Ample Surface Area Assigned Seating Good Lighting & Ventilation Clock & Chart to Display Time Remaining NEVER leave students unattended Supervise students at ALL times including Restroom Breaks Monitors to Keep Hallways Quiet & Testing Rooms Undisturbed Post “Testing - Do Not Disturb” signs on Doors of Testing Rooms (see Appendix C of TAM)


55 TESTING SITES NO Coats, Backpacks, or Purses NO Instructional Displays NO Buzzers, Bells or Non-Emergency Announcements or Interruptions NO Cell Phones, MP3 Players or Any Unauthorized Electronics NO Food or Beverages (except if by IEP or 504) NO Unauthorized Materials

56 TESTING PROCEDURES  Students MUST test audio prior to logging onto the testing site. If they test the audio in the middle of the test, the computer will kick them out of the test and the Test Administrator will have to resume the test.  Please distribute materials according to the Test Administrator Manual.  Confirm that all students have the correct Testing Ticket. If a Testing Ticket is missing, call Guidance immediately (ext. 1522, 1521, 1520)  Test Administrators may read the directions aloud and clarify from the Test Manual only.  You may NOT individually address a student. You may address the entire class. Approaching an individual can be perceived as coaching or prompting.  Test Administrators should not look at the test. Monitor students through your computer screen only.  *** Pearson states you may tap a student on the shoulder, say his or her name, and remind student to return to his or her work in the Test Administrator Manual. As per New Jersey State training, this is not permitted!

57 TESTING PROCEDURES CONTINUED… At the end of each subject unit, Math or ELA, direct the class as a whole to complete all the questions the computer says are not answered BEFORE they submit. Only at the end of each testing unit should the students hit “Submit Final Answers” as spelled out in your manuals. Test Administrators must NOT go over to a student individually and instruct them not to submit until they answered certain questions. Students MUST NOT SUBMIT FINAL ANSWERS if they were absent and still need to make up a session. Students are permitted to read recreational materials when they have completed testing. (The Test Manual will provide options A though C in your script when students are finished. Please read Option C). All materials should be collected alphabetically. Return all materials to Guidance in the upstairs copier room. Guidance must shred all used scratch paper and testing ticket with a witness present. *Please note: The library is being utilized as a testing room

58 Lavatory Procedures  EMERGENCIES ONLY!  Students who need to use the bathroom during testing may do so, as long as they are escorted by a hall monitor.  Students are instructed to turn off their MONITORS when leaving for the bathroom.  Time continues while the student is out of the room and the student is not allowed to make up missed time.  Students must return to the testing room promptly.

59 Testing Procedures  No Student Teacher or Substitute may administer or supervise a classroom during testing.  Student Teachers and Substitutes should report to Dr. Singer for their assignment during testing.  In the event of an absence, a certified staff member may be pulled from classes to administer the test.

60 Testing Procedures Problems: If a student becomes disruptive to the testing environment, or becomes ill, remove the student and tell the hall monitor to contact administration.  Please fill out an irregularity form and return it with your testing materials For error codes, pop ups, malfunctioning computers, etc…the extra person in the computer lab will be there to assist. When a student is in the middle of testing and they are kicked off the site, their work will be saved. Every 20 seconds the computers auto save the work in progress. Please remember not to call the Library Desk extension with problems because students are testing in the Library.

61 Emergency Drills Fire/Evacuation/Lockdown There is an EMERGENCY PROCEDURES form in your testing folder. Please collect all testing tickets at the time of the drill and keep track of how much time is lost due to the drill. Testing will resume at the conclusion of the drill and adjustments will be made to the testing schedule if necessary.

62 4.7.6 Procedures for Safety Threats and Severe Weather

63 Scripts for Administrating Grades 6-8 Mathematics and ELA All Scripts can be found in your Manual on pages 22-45!!!! Please refer to accordingly. Scripts are generated for checking audio, logging in, instructions for unit, instructions for starting test, instructions for taking a break, instructions for ending the unit, etc.

64 Example of Scripts:

65 TEST SECURITY ALWAYS  Count your own Testing Tickets before and after testing. Once you sign for the tickets, they are your responsibility until returned to the Counselors. These are SECURE materials!  Monitor students closely during the testing period on the student status page. Be sure to CLICK REFRESH every 10 minutes!

66 PARCC Secure Materials Tracking Form for Computer- Based Testing Instructions for the School Test Coordinator: Use this form to track the distribution and return of all secure test materials to and from the Test Administrators. Make as many copies of this form as needed. Keep this form in your school files for three years after testing. Do not send this form to PARCC. Do not send this form to Pearson. LEA Name: LEA Number:School Name: Test Administrator’s Signature Date and Time Test Coordinator’s SignatureDate and Time ELA Day 1 ELA Day 2 ELA Day 3 MATH Day 1 MATH Day 2 MATH Day 3 Materials Securely Destroyed by Shredding Date: Time: Number of Student Authorization Tickets: Sheets of Scratch Paper: School Test Coordinator’s Name (please print): School Test Coordinator’s Signature: Additional Person Present During Shredding– Name (please print): Additional Person Present During Shredding Signature: SECURITY FORMS

67 *Please do not leave without signing this form!

68 Important Reminders and Tips… Hit the blue Refresh button every 10 minutes. This will update student’s test status. DO NOT HIT THE RED STOP BUTTON…EVER!!!!! Clicking on “student test status” will group testing statuses together (see slides…)

69 Questions???? Thank you for all you do!


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