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Miscellaneous Functions Polynomials Equations.

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3 Miscellaneous

4 Functions

5 Polynomials

6 Equations

7 Statistics/Probability

8 Terminology

9 Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Misc.FunctionsPolynomialsEquationsStats/Prob. Terminology Final Jeopardy

10 $100 Question Miscellaneous A statement that 2 ratios are equal is called________.

11 $100 Answer Miscellaneous A proportion

12 Return

13 $200 Question Miscellaneous a + b = b + a is called the _________ property.

14 $200 Answer Miscellaneous Commutative

15 Return

16 $300 Question Miscellaneous Product of Powers Rule states that a m. a n = a ?

17 $300 Answer Miscellaneous m + n

18 Return

19 $400 Question Miscellaneous List 3 consecutive integers that satisfy this condition: Odd, the least one is -7

20 $400 Answer Miscellaneous -7, -5, -3

21 Return

22 $500 Question Miscellaneous The ratio of the number of ways an event can occur to the number of ways the event cannot occur is called________.

23 $500 Answer Miscellaneous Odds

24 Return

25 $100 Question Functions The test that is used on a graph to determine whether or not it is a function is called the _________.

26 $100 Answer Functions Vertical line test

27 Return

28 $200 Question Functions Ordered pairs with ( +, - ) values are found in which quadrant of the coordinate plane?

29 $200 Answer Functions Quadrant IV

30 Return

31 $300 Question Functions Determine whether or not these coordinates represent a function: (5,-2), (3,2), (4,-1), (-2,2)

32 $300 Answer Functions Yes

33 Return

34 $400 Question Functions Complete the pattern: 11.75, 11.5, ___, 11, ___

35 $400 Answer Functions 11,25 and 10.75

36 Return

37 $500 Question Functions Write the equation, y= 2x + 1 using function notation.

38 $500 Answer Functions f(x) = 2x + 1

39 Return

40 $100 Question Polynomials Simplify the monomials: (3a 2 ) (4a 3 ) 2

41 $100 Answer Polynomial

42 Return

43 $200 Question Polynomials For all numbers a and b, and any integer m, is (a + b) m = a m + b m ?

44 $200 Answer Polynomials No

45 Return

46 $300 Question Polynomials Add the polynomials: (2x + 8) + (x – 3)

47 $300 Answer Polynomials 3x + 5

48 Return

49 $400 Question Polynomials Subtract the polynomials: (4x 2 – 3y 2 + 5xy)–(6x 2 + 3y 2 + 8xy)

50 $400 Answer Polynomials -2x 2 – 3xy – 6y 2

51 Return

52 $500 Question Polynomials Multiply the polynomials: (2x + 3)(5x + 8)

53 $500 Answer Polynomials 10x 2 + 31x + 24

54 Return

55 $100 Question Equations Solve for x. 3x – 7 = 2

56 $100 Answer Equations x = 3

57 Return

58 $200 Question Equations Solve for x. 8 + 3x = 5

59 $200 Answer Equations x = -1

60 Return

61 $300 Question Equations a + 2 = 10 5

62 $300 Answer Equations a = 48

63 Return

64 $400 Question Equations Solve for y. (6y + 2) - 4 = -10

65 $400 Answer Equations y = -3

66 Return

67 $500 Question Equations Solve for x. 2(x – 3) + 5 = 3(x – 1)

68 $500 Answer Equations x = 2

69 Return

70 $100 Question Stats/Probability The sum of the numbers in a data set, divided by the number of numbers in the set is called the _____.

71 $100 Answer Stats/Probability mean

72 Return

73 $200 Question Stats/Probability The number that occurs most often in a data set is the ______.

74 $200 Answer Stats/Probability mode

75 Return

76 $300 Question Stats/Probability What is the median of the data set 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 ?

77 $300 Answer Stats/Probability 6

78 Return

79 $400 Question Stats/Probability What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 1 on a die ?

80 $400 Answer Stats/Probability 5656

81 Return

82 $500 Question Stats/Probability What is the probability of not rolling an odd number on a die ?

83 $500 Answer Stats/Probability 1212

84 Return

85 $100 Question Terminology Pairs of numbers used to locate points in a coordinate plane; made up of an x and a y coordinate.

86 $100 Answer Terminology Ordered pairs.

87 Return

88 $200 Question Terminology Monomials that are real numbers are called this.

89 $200 Answer Terminology constants

90 Return

91 $300 Question Terminology The sum of the exponents of a monomial’s variables is called the _________ of the monomial.

92 $300 Answer Terminology degree

93 Return

94 $400 Question Terminology The Five Number Summary represents data that is used to create this type of display.

95 $400 Answer Terminology Box and Whisker Plot

96 Return

97 $500 Question Terminology A proportion is said to be true if the ____ ____ are equal.

98 $500 Answer Terminology Cross products

99 Return

100 Final Jeopardy Category... Multiplication

101 Multiply the polynomials. ( 2x – 5 ) ( 3x 2 – 5x + 4)

102 6x 3 – 25x 2 + 33x – 20

103 Thanks for Playing! Please Drive Home Safely.

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