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Halfway to the Sky Vocabulary Words. Day One- Copy these words & definitions. Some will require you to look up the definition, or use context clues. 1.

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1 Halfway to the Sky Vocabulary Words

2 Day One- Copy these words & definitions. Some will require you to look up the definition, or use context clues. 1. blazes (n.)- a spot or mark made on a tree, by painting to mark a trail. 1. blazes (n.)- a spot or mark made on a tree, by painting to mark a trail. 2. Springer Mountain (n.)- Mountain in Georgia that is at one end of the Appalachian Trail. 2. Springer Mountain (n.)- Mountain in Georgia that is at one end of the Appalachian Trail. 3. Mount Katahdin (n)- Mountain in Maine that is at one end of the Appalachian Trail. 3. Mount Katahdin (n)- Mountain in Maine that is at one end of the Appalachian Trail. 4. antiseptic (adj.)- YOU NEED TO DEFINE THIS WORD! “Mom used an antiseptic when she scrubbed the kitchen last night. (p.2) 4. antiseptic (adj.)- YOU NEED TO DEFINE THIS WORD! “Mom used an antiseptic when she scrubbed the kitchen last night. (p.2) 5. foyer (n).- Define! “I paused in the foyer and wiped my shoes off on the rug before I entered the main part of the house.(p.2) 5. foyer (n).- Define! “I paused in the foyer and wiped my shoes off on the rug before I entered the main part of the house.(p.2)

3 Write your answer in vocabulary section of your notebook. True or False 1. Blaze has multiple meanings. 2. Mount Khatadin is the south end of the trail. 3. The prefix anti means again. 4. The foyer of a house in the entryway. 5. Springer is Dani’s brother’s name.

4 Use prior knowledge or context clues to define these words. 1. shroud (v)- (pg.2) “Springer’s room on the first floor was dark & stale-smelling, the curtains drawn, the hospital bed shrouded with a plain white sheet.” 1. shroud (v)- (pg.2) “Springer’s room on the first floor was dark & stale-smelling, the curtains drawn, the hospital bed shrouded with a plain white sheet.” 2. thru-hikers (n.)- 2. thru-hikers (n.)- 3. bisect (v)- (pg. 6) “Behind the building I found a perfect rectangle of lawn, bordered with stone walls and bisected by a sidewalk that led beneath a stone archway to a packed dirt trail.” 3. bisect (v)- (pg. 6) “Behind the building I found a perfect rectangle of lawn, bordered with stone walls and bisected by a sidewalk that led beneath a stone archway to a packed dirt trail.” 4. summit (n.) (pg.6) “Something as grand as the Appalachian trail would never start at the bottom of a mountain; it starts at the top, at the very summit of Springer.” 4. summit (n.) (pg.6) “Something as grand as the Appalachian trail would never start at the bottom of a mountain; it starts at the top, at the very summit of Springer.”

5 Day Three- Define Using a Dictionary or Context Clues 1. meander (v)- Define (pg. 6)- “But I understood that the approach trail was going to be difficult, and looking at the bottom of it, I could see why. It meandered up through the trees, up to the left, up, up, up.” 1. meander (v)- Define (pg. 6)- “But I understood that the approach trail was going to be difficult, and looking at the bottom of it, I could see why. It meandered up through the trees, up to the left, up, up, up.” 2. hoist (v)- (pg 13 hoisted) Define with a dictionary! 2. hoist (v)- (pg 13 hoisted) Define with a dictionary! 3. wince (v)- (pg. 14) DEFINE “I winced when Beagle paid $6.95 for each of us.” 3. wince (v)- (pg. 14) DEFINE “I winced when Beagle paid $6.95 for each of us.” 4.trudge (v)- (pg.15) DEFINE “I had hiked every afternoon on the streets around our neighborhood to get ready for this, but I didn’t walk the way Beagle did. My pack dug into my shoulders. I trudged.” 4.trudge (v)- (pg.15) DEFINE “I had hiked every afternoon on the streets around our neighborhood to get ready for this, but I didn’t walk the way Beagle did. My pack dug into my shoulders. I trudged.”

6 Literary Elements Review The characters in a story can be _____________, _________, or____________. The characters in a story can be _____________, _________, or____________. The protagonist is the _______________. The protagonist is the _______________. The ___________ tries to keep the protagonist from resolving a problem. The ___________ tries to keep the protagonist from resolving a problem. The setting is the _______________ and _________ of a story. The setting is the _______________ and _________ of a story. The climax is the most __________ part of the story. The climax is the most __________ part of the story.

7 What are the five parts of the plot mountain? What are the five parts of the plot mountain? __________is the problem in the story. __________is the problem in the story. Explain the difference between internal and external conflict. The _____________ is the sequence of events in a story.

8 Day Four- Define Using a Dictionary or Context Clues 1. exasperate (v)- (pg. 23) DEFINE “Everyone who couldn’t seem to leave me alone the night before had moved away now. Even Beagle was out of earshot. ‘I didn’t believe you,’ I whispered. ‘Oh Dani.’ She sounded exasperate.” 1. exasperate (v)- (pg. 23) DEFINE “Everyone who couldn’t seem to leave me alone the night before had moved away now. Even Beagle was out of earshot. ‘I didn’t believe you,’ I whispered. ‘Oh Dani.’ She sounded exasperate.” 2. alimony (n)- (pg. 27) DEFINE “Is he paying alimony?” I asked. “Is he paying child support?” 2. alimony (n)- (pg. 27) DEFINE “Is he paying alimony?” I asked. “Is he paying child support?” 3. enigma (n)- puzzle, not easily understood 3. enigma (n)- puzzle, not easily understood

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