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Unit 2 Vocabulary English 3 2016. Unit 2 1. predilection: preexisting preference 2. ingratiating: charming; flattering 3. dissembling: concealment of.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Vocabulary English 3 2016. Unit 2 1. predilection: preexisting preference 2. ingratiating: charming; flattering 3. dissembling: concealment of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Vocabulary English 3 2016

2 Unit 2 1. predilection: preexisting preference 2. ingratiating: charming; flattering 3. dissembling: concealment of one’s nature or motives 4. calumny: false accusations; slander 5. inculcation: teaching by repetition and urging

3 Words cont. 6. Propitiation: action designed to soothe 7. evade: avoid or escape by deceit of cleverness Suffix 8. ion- action or process Prefix 9. dis: not, opposite of 10. pre: before

4 Unit 3 Vocabulary calamity: disaster Compensate: to make up for Falter: to hesitate Indignant: angry; outraged Begrudge: to feel ill will toward another person

5 Unit 3 cont. Civilly: politely Flailing: waving awkwardly Ineptly: in a clumsy fashion Weighty: important Wily: cunning; ingenious

6 Assignment 1. Find the part of speech of each word. 2. Write a synonym of each word. ASSIGNMENT: 1/28 1. Give the antonym of words 1-7. 2. Write a from of the word for 1-7.

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