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 He moved after strife.  Not enough room – Genesis 13:5-7  Given a choice – Genesis 13:8-9  Chose the best land – Genesis 13:10-12  Near a wicked.

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Presentation on theme: " He moved after strife.  Not enough room – Genesis 13:5-7  Given a choice – Genesis 13:8-9  Chose the best land – Genesis 13:10-12  Near a wicked."— Presentation transcript:


2  He moved after strife.  Not enough room – Genesis 13:5-7  Given a choice – Genesis 13:8-9  Chose the best land – Genesis 13:10-12  Near a wicked city – Genesis 13:13  Ended up in the city – Genesis 14:12

3  God decided to destroy Sodom  Abraham warned – Genesis 18:16-21  Abraham sought mercy – Genesis 18:22-33

4  Sodom was destroyed  Depth of depravity – Genesis 19:4-11  Warning – Genesis 19:12-14  Escape – Genesis 19:15-17  Destruction – Genesis 19:23-28

5  The Aftermath  Living in fear – Genesis 19:30  Incest – Genesis 19:31-35

6  Possessions are neutral  Genesis 13:2, Ecclesiastes 2:24  Danger is in the priority – 1 Timothy 6:6-19  May not get to enjoy them – James 4:13-16

7  His decision wasn’t based on spiritual considerations.  2 Peter 2:7-8  Seek the kingdom first, Matthew 6:33  Not wealth, position, job

8  Drifting, Hebrews 2:1  Dull of hearing, Hebrews 5:11  Conscience seared, 1 Timothy 4:1-2  Glory in shame, Philippians 3:19

9  Family left in Sodom, Genesis 19:12, 14  His wife looked back, Genesis 19:26  Daughters escaped Sodom, but Sodom was still in them.  Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:1-4

10 Philippians 4:8  Movies, Television, Music  Video games  Internet  Education

11  1 Corinthians 15:33  Psalm 1:1-2

12  Proverbs 23:17  Proverbs 24:1-2

13  For the assembly?  Hebrews 10:25, Psalm 122:1  For His word?  1 Timothy 4:13  Psalm 119:172  Deuteronomy 6:4-9

14  Believe – John 8:24  Repent – Luke 13:3  Confess – Matthew 10:32-33  Be Baptized – Mark 16:16  Be faithful – Revelation 2:10

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