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Descriptive Construction Methods through BIM-based Collaboration Marcel Maghiar, PhD, Georgia Southern University Avi Wiezel, PhD, PE, Arizona State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Construction Methods through BIM-based Collaboration Marcel Maghiar, PhD, Georgia Southern University Avi Wiezel, PhD, PE, Arizona State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive Construction Methods through BIM-based Collaboration Marcel Maghiar, PhD, Georgia Southern University Avi Wiezel, PhD, PE, Arizona State University Marcel Maghiar, PhD, Georgia Southern University Avi Wiezel, PhD, PE, Arizona State University National Institute of Building Sciences – building SMART alliance Conference BIM Academic Symposium January 11, 2013

2 Computer integration Let’s deal with estimating software…why? Look in the past: GraphiSoft-Virtual Constructor GraphiSoft-Virtual Constructor

3 GraphiSoft-Virtual Constructor, 2006 ArchiCAD 16 - where it is now? VICO Estimator VICO Estimator - Recipe Model Links  Recipe Link Checker, 2009 Estimate Integration Process! Conditional Methods Support for Conditional Methods

4 Method design Attribute data Method implementation Why the Method descriptions are not clear from the very beginning? Proj. Delivery-Operator Construction/Contractor Design+Documentation Method design …the COBie way… Project Lifecycle

5 COBie may hold the key information… … but the information regarding the methods is scattered into various contents: I.Assemblies Labor, Materials, Equipment, Subs II.Resources: Labor, Materials, Equipment, Subs III.Property sets of single construction items IV.Connectors and coordinates V.Spatial components, job requirements, documents, etc.

6 Data segregation in the Model (manually) Assigning specific information (usability, access) to the “recipe” of the method (manually) COBie handover may contain part of the process and method of construction for individual objects Resources-required materials, tools and training in COBie? logical Are the connections between construction components always logical ?

7 3D Model + Location + Cost Info CASE STUDY:

8 Case Study Major phases of construction are as follows: Pre-construction Forms Reinforcement Concrete The activities to complete the project follow the sequence:  Backfill  Excavation  Piping  Forms for footings  Forms for slabs  Reinforcements slab- beams and girders  Concrete slabs  Forms for columns  Reinforcements columns  Concrete columns

9 OztemirMaghiar Taxonomy Level Changes Changes ProjectSiteProjectSite JobTradeJob Trade (note about relationship between trades and contractors) OperationAssembly ActivityGeometryActivityGeometry AssignmentPerson (Laborer) TaskMaterialTaskMaterial Sub-Task end- effectorsSub-Task Means (End - effectors & Ancillaries) ActionSurfaceActionSurface MovementR2RMovementRest to Rest New taxonomy Old taxonomy  Method Selection…

10 Technology Ontology for Estimate

11 Clusters of group alternates for methods Group alternates for construction methods Alt_1 Alt_2 Alt_3 Alt_4 Alt_5

12 Technologies applied in estimating process Activity  Methods  Techniques  Resources  Resource role  Consumption Technology descriptor New Ontology Assembly MethodsActivities End-effectors Ancillaries Labor Equipment Material Equipment TECHNIQUES CONSUMPTION

13 Relative expected accuracy in the selection of method Least accurate Most accurate Relative expected accuracy Hrs Days Weeks Time (Project Life-time Cycle) Unit price and schedule estimates Preliminary estimates Conceptual, assembly and system estimates Approximate estimates

14 Autodesk © PLM 360 Collaboration and method data management Business process coverage Product and project-related applications Lifecycle management (method integration)  Ability to grant owners to streamline disjointed processes that create bottlenecks and loss of productivity Software-as-a-service solution (Autodesk Vault)

15 Methods representation… supplier collaboration Improve supplier collaboration visibility Greater visibility to critical information compliance Improved project compliance to standards Reduce waste and increase component reuse Projects: Σ Objects  Σ Construction Methods  Σ Activities  Σ Resources Project Manager Decisional Level: – Project Estimator: Estimate + Schedule – Project Manager: Organization + Controls PLM PDM Product Data Management Product Life-Cycle Management Model 3Model 2Model 1Process 3Process 2Process 1 …bridging the GAP?

16 3D model collaboration through Construction Methods TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES Resources Σ Construction Objects Explicit computerized knowledge implementation – Autodesk PLM 360 …bridging the GAP!

17 Thank you! Marcel Maghiar Marcel Maghiar, Georgia Southern University, Construction Management Department, College of Engineering and IT , 912-478-5833 Avi Wiezel Avi Wiezel, Arizona State University, School of Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment, Del E Webb School of Construction  , 480-965-4121

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