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Brown Bag Lunch and Learn Lecture Series Muscles on the Move: Home & Away.

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Presentation on theme: "Brown Bag Lunch and Learn Lecture Series Muscles on the Move: Home & Away."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brown Bag Lunch and Learn Lecture Series Muscles on the Move: Home & Away

2 What to Expect Today… Learn why is it such an important piece of the puzzle Be able to tell the difference between physical activity vs. exercise Discover those hidden minutes in your day…you can fit it in if you really want to Learn ways to make ordinary events more active Find out how to exercise safely The forgotten piece of the puzzle Learn ways to stay active while away from home

3 Pieces of the PUZZLE Cardiovascular Training Strength Training Healthy, Balanced Diet Stretching Healthy Mind Rest & Recovery

4 Being Active: What’s In It For Me? Better quality of life Improves bone density Helps maintain and control weight Keep your heart healthy Improves mental state Increases metabolism Increases strength, balance and flexibility Decreases injuries Improves sleep Increases energy level Improves immune system Decreases risk of disease

5 Physical Activity vs. Exercise Physical Activity Park further away from store entrances Take the stairs Avoid shortcuts Perform house or yard work Mow the grass Walk the dog Exercise Cardiovascular training Strength training Flexibility training Leagues/Teams Group exercise classes

6 Inactive vs. Active Choice Inactive ChoiceActive Choice At the store, park your car as close as you can to the entrance. Park farther away and walk. Take the elevator or escalator whenever possible. Take the stairs whenever possible. While waiting for dinner to cook, sit down and watch television. Go for a brisk walk or pull weeds. Perform house chores. On your 30 minute lunch break, drive to pick up something to eat. Bring your lunch. Take a 15 minute walk and then eat your lunch. Send your children outside to play while you relax at the TV. Participate in activities with your children. Take them to the park. Talk with co-workers during your morning/afternoon break. Take your co-workers for a brisk walk…a “Talk and Walk.”

7 Finding the Time You CAN find the time to be active! Everyday consists of 1,440 minutes Set aside one block of time every day to be active Look for free time (10 to 15 minutes) during the day How active are you currently? Fill out your Inactive vs. Active Chart

8 PA Recommendations Cardiovascular –Frequency – Most days of the week –Intensity – Moderate; in Target Heart Rate Range –Time – 20-60 minutes a session; 60 if for weight loss –Type – Something you enjoy

9 PA Recommendations Strength Training –Frequency – 2-3 days a week –Intensity – At least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions –Time – Less than 60 minutes a session –Type – 8-10 exercises working the major muscle groups (legs, arms, shoulders, back, abdominals)

10 PA Recommendations Flexibility & Stretching –Frequency – 2-3 days a week –Intensity – Mild discomfort –Time – 10-30 seconds –Type – Static; no bouncing

11 Keep it Safe – Preventing Injury Increase your activity a little at a time Drink plenty of water before, during, and after being active Wear sock and shoes that fit well, are comfortable, and keep your feet dry Check the temperature Warm-up before and cool-down after every activity Stretch

12 Staying Active on the Road It is easy to let a vacation or business travel interfere with your healthy lifestyle. Instead of letting it ruin your new healthy habits, look at it as a way to focus on yourself! Be realistic and shoot for 50% of your normal fitness routine Be creative

13 Travel and Exercise Schedule a workout into your itinerary. Have a fitness center manager activate your badge to an on-site fitness center. Have a fitness professional prepare a plan. Call to book a hotel with a fitness center or pool. If no fitness center, ask if the hotel has a relationship with a local fitness center. Remember, walking or running is FREE and can be done anywhere at anytime!

14 Travel and Exercise Explore the area you are visiting by foot. Utilize fitness activities for business entertainment. Find an exercise buddy. Keep track of your fitness regimen on the road. If you are driving, stop every few hours to stretch and take a short walk. Cross train: bike, ski, canoe, or hike. Rent a bike for site-seeing and local travel.

15 Remember to Pack … Sneakers and socks Exercise clothes Headset Bathing suit Jump rope Resistance bands Pedometer

16 Travel & Exercise Safety Carry identification with both your name and address as well as the name and telephone number of your hotel. Ask the hotel staff for recommendations on safe places to exercise. Ask the hotel staff if there are any locations you should avoid. Stay alert If you suspect you are in danger, seek help immediately.

17 Get Moving Tip Purchase a pedometer, and start tracking and improving your number of steps each day.

18 Sing It One More Time… I can do a lot for my body if I remain active There is a difference between physical activity and exercise Examine your inactive choices and make them active Be safe when you exercise Warm-up, cool down and stretch those muscles Travel and Exercise, You CAN Still Do It! What to Pack Safety

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