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FUSE TEMPUS Project Coordination Meeting Belgrade University, 27 and 28 November, 2014 INTERMEDIATE REPORT (IR) PREPARATION (+ Statement of the Costs Incurred.

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Presentation on theme: "FUSE TEMPUS Project Coordination Meeting Belgrade University, 27 and 28 November, 2014 INTERMEDIATE REPORT (IR) PREPARATION (+ Statement of the Costs Incurred."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUSE TEMPUS Project Coordination Meeting Belgrade University, 27 and 28 November, 2014 INTERMEDIATE REPORT (IR) PREPARATION (+ Statement of the Costs Incurred and Request for Payment)

2 2 reports – INTERMEDIATE and Final (contractual obligation towards the EACEA)  INTERMEDIATE REPORT: progress in relation to planned activities for the first half of the project period  Final Report  Part I: Progress during the second half of the project  Part II: Overall impact of the project during its lifetime

3 THE AIMS OF SUBMITTING THE IR  to communicate to the EACEA the project’s ACHIEVEMENTS / RESULTS AND OVERALL PROGRESS in relation to planned activities for the first half of the project period (in the case of SM – e.g. how exactly institutional management / services / procedures in the area covered by the project have been restructured)  to help beneficiaries review (self-evaluate) their achievements on the project  to ensure that the project is complying with the funding requirements  to communicate to the EACEA areas where the project might need support and what changes in the workplan, in the consortium etc. have taken place  to ask for the 2nd installment (if preconditions are met)

4 THE STRUCTURE OF IR  technical  financial THE DEADLINES FOR SUBMITTING IT AN OUTLINE OF THE DUTIES OF ALL THE PARTNERS IN THE PROJECT IN THE PREPARATION OF THE IR On the basis of the TEMPLATE - also available on documents-visual-technical-templates documents-visual-technical-templates (Annex IV Interim Report – Template)


6 What Makes for a Good Report?  All questions in each section - answered comprehensively  Shows how feedback of assessors of your proposal and those field- monitoring the project have been addressed  Clear evidence of the project’s results and impact - given  Precise information in the 'Table of Planned/Achieved Outcomes'  A frank honest account of the project’s obstacles are given, the methods used to overcome them and the outcome  Concrete information is provided (answering "when", "where", "what", "how" and "how many")  Not too long....and not too short  All beneficiaries should contribute information to the report (but it should be edited so that the writing style is coherent throughout)  All beneficiaries should approve the report before it's submitted

7 What Makes for a ‘Not So Good’ Report?  It’s difficult to understand from the report what’s actually happening on the project (missing information, illogical sequences).  The table of achieved outcomes is in the future tense – copied and pasted from the proposal (dates are not updated).  The report is a copy-paste versin of an internal report or a report to another donor – and doesn’t answer the questions asked.  It’s not clear from the report which partner has been responsible for what.  It’s written in different styles and incoherent. (If parts haven't been filled in (n/a at least), the report will be rejected)

8 General advice for Preparing the IR  the time and the human resources needed for the reporting activities – not to be underestimated; (staff assigned to do the job on IR preparation + the decision who exactly writes what + the coordinator informed about that – by 1 March 2015)  the Work Plan – to be kept updated (i.e. changes noted) and the report to be written on the basis of the plan;  the Table of Achieved Outcomes – to be filled in as soon as an activity gets completed;  supporting documents to be collected, scanned, uploaded onto the MNGT platform as soon as an activity has taken place  Insert links, attach PDF files, if possible and applicable

9 Modifications during Project Implementation  Informal changes: Simple changes in activities from what was planned in the project proposal  require prior written authorization from the Agency  duly justified in relation to the project objectives and requested sufficiently in advance,  the budgetary implications of these changes – to be clarified,  a revised work plan – to be presented;  can only be implemented after prior written approval of the EACEA  Formal changes: those impacting the contents of Grant Agreement (change of bank accounts, legal representatives, contact persons, amendments to the budget – e.g. increasing a budget line by more than 10%, etc.)

10 How Reports are Assessed  by the EACEA Project Officer responsible for the project  checks if all the questions asked in each section have been answered and the quality of each answer.  Compares the 'Table of Planned / Achieved Outcomes' with what was planned in project proposal.

11  The reports can be either accepted or rejected  If rejected: Need to submit a new version  Rejection can also be linked to the non-compliance with the reporting requirements, not to the implementation of the project itself.

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