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Turning Points of the War

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1 Turning Points of the War
Chapter 4 Section 3

2 Turning Points of the War
Britain’s population was nearly four times larger than the 2.5 million people in the colonies At least a fifth of the colonists were Loyalists, another fifth were slaves Many remained neutral Turning Points of the War

3 In the beginning, Britain seemed to have great advantages
Britain produced more ships and ammunitions than colonists Continental Congress struggled to pay for war Lacked authority to collect taxes so printed paper money to pay their debts, causing huge inflation British troops well-trained The Opposing Sides

4 The British Make Mistakes
1775, British did not take Patriots seriously Repeated mistake at Bunker Hill – William Howe ordered troops to march uphill in middle of day carrying huge packs British suffered a bloodbath Patriots eventually ran out of ammunition Technically British won but Patriots won a psychological victory After six months, Patriots forced British to abandon the city in March The British Make Mistakes

5 The War Shifts to the Middle States
after British left Boston in 1776, decided to attack New York City and cut off New England from the rest of the colonies Howe captured the city on Sept 15 Washington forced to retreat to NJ – on way back, crossing the Delaware River, he surprised a group of more than 1,000 mercenaries at the Battle of Trenton – raised spirit of troops The War Shifts to the Middle States

6 Military Turning Points
Battle of Princeton – another victory In fall of 1777, lost Philadelphia to Howe Greatest Patriot victory yet, Saratoga Military Turning Points

7 European Allies Enter the War
Victory at Saratoga encouraged France to recognize American independence and to enter the war Feb – open alliance with French negotiated by Ben Franklin War became more equal 1779 – Spain entered the war as a French ally – wanted to weaken the British European Allies Enter the War

8 The Continental Army Faces Challenges
Valley Forge, lack of food, supplies, cold June 1778 – British evacuated Philadelphia Even though British had won most of the battles, they had little to show for it The Continental Army Faces Challenges

9 The Frontier War colonists had started defying Proclamation of 1763
Native Americans Support the British frontier war very destructive British promised to keep the colonists in the East Native Americans increased attacks on colonial settlement in 1777 The Frontier War

10 War’s End and Lasting Effects
Chapter 4 Section 4

11 Patriots Drive the British Back
British failed to control the southern countryside In this area, war became civil war between Loyalists and Patriots Caused many neutral people to become Patriots, blaming British for ruining their lives General Cornwallis became frustrated Early 1781, Continental Army inflicted heavy losses on the British Cornwallis forced to march north to Virginia, right into a trap Patriots Drive the British Back

12 The War Ends Patriots won the war
Four main factors contribute to their success British made tactical mistakes British misunderstood the political nature of the conflict Patriots were highly motivated Patriots received critical help from French The War Ends

13 Cornwallis surrenders
Summer of 1781 – George Washington planned to trap British at Yorktown, VA Needed French to prevent British from fleeing by sea Trapped British navy Cornwallis forced to surrender on Oct. 19, 1781 Cornwallis surrenders

14 The Treaty of Paris British lost 8,000 soldiers
Seven years of fighting Treaty signed in 1783 Recognized American independence and granted generous boundaries to the U.S. By making this peace with the British, strained relationship with French, who thought they should control the negotiations The Treaty of Paris

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