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Primary Prevention: Coping with Behaviors and Emotions displayed by Adopted Adolescents. Kaitlin Thralls Adoption.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Prevention: Coping with Behaviors and Emotions displayed by Adopted Adolescents. Kaitlin Thralls Adoption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Prevention: Coping with Behaviors and Emotions displayed by Adopted Adolescents. Kaitlin Thralls Adoption

2 Why Study This? Personal lack of knowledge Effects extend beyond one individual Family Peers

3 Appropriateness for Prevention: Growing number of behavioral and emotional issues displayed by adopted adolescents. Amount of stress on the whole family system Researches believe there are ways to reduce, if not prevent, some of the stressors associated with adolescent adoptees.

4 Target Population: Families looking to adopt Prepare Families of adopted children Help stress Adopted individuals Coping methods

5 The Facts… Children adopted by individuals with no biological connection account for 2% of the population. Adopted children represent about 5% of the children in America who are referred to mental health facilities for out-patient treatment. Within in-patient psychiatric facilities and residential treatment centers, approximately 10-15% of the children are adopted. (Smith, 1994)

6 Research on Adoption in an Education Setting Adoptees are overrepresented in the special education population (Smith,1994). Emotional Problems Behavioral Problems Adjustment Issues Even among the general, non clinical population, adopted children have been shown to have more problems in academic performance and personality adjustment in comparison to their non adopted peers (Smith, 1994).

7 How to Cope with Behaviors and Offer Meaningful Support to Adoptees Common Behavior: Suggestions on how to Prevent or Manage Behaviors: As they mature, children are more likely to view their adoption as negative. Children begin to ask questions about their biological parents. They want to research where they came from. Introduce children to counseling early, while they still positive or mixed emotions about their adoption Help your child. Assisting them in their search will help them cope with any adoption issues they may have had.

8 How to Cope with Behaviors and Offer Meaningful Support to Adoptees Cont. Common Behavior: Suggestions on how to Prevent or Manage Behaviors: Many teens refuse to talk to parents or professionals about his or her feelings. Often times, children make comments out of frustration or anger such as “You cant tell me what to do. You aren't my real mom” Search for a community group specifically designed for adopted persons. Do not take offense. Take this opportunity to ask your child what they think their real parent is like or how they would handle this situation.

9 TREND Support Group Spencer, WV Charleston, St.Albans WVU Carruth Center Psychological and Psychiatric Services.

10 Adoption Wrap Up Children accept and cope with adoption in a number of ways. There are no known ways to predict how a child will respond to their adoptions (behaviorally and emotionally) later on in life. Research offers suggestions that have been shown to help manage the stresses. Counseling COMMUNICATION Support

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