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Published byAmberlynn Wiggins Modified over 8 years ago
Astroparticle Physics research in the Netherlands Scientific Advisory Committee NIKHEF, Amsterdam, 21 May 2005, Gerard van der Steenhoven ? LOFAR Gravitation Cosmic Rays Neutrinos Dark Matter Astroparticle Physics
Developments since previous SAC Fall of 2004: –Formation of “Committee for Astroparticle Physics in NL” [ chaired by NIKHEF/GvdS ] January 2005: –Presentation outline strategic plan at 3 rd APP symposium April 2005: –APP strategic plan finished –Submission to NWO-AB: By FOM, SRON, ASTRON Request: 15 M€ (or 3 M€/yr)
Contents APP Strategic Plan Executive Summary 5 Recommendations 7 1. Introduction 9 2.Astroparticle Physics11 2.1The nature of dark matter11 2.2The nature of dark energy13 2.3The origin of the highest-energy cosmic rays15 2.4The origin of the large-scale structure of the universe19 2.5The observation and use of gravitational waves20 3.Proposed astroparticle physics research in the Netherlands23 3.1Considerations23 3.2Strategic plan24 3.4Relevance for key scientific issues27 3.3International aspects28 4.Training aspects31 5.Outreach33 6.Computing35 7.Application perspective in industry, other disciplines or society37 8.Finances and management39 8.1Annual running budget39 8.2Investments43 8.3Organization and management45 Appendix 1:Existing astroparticle physics projects in the Netherlands47 Appendix 2:The KM3NeT project60 Appendix 3:The Pierre Auger Observatory63 Appendix 4:Other research opportunities in astroparticle physics research65 Appendix 5:List of senior scientists supporting the present proposal68
Key Scientific Questions a)What is the nature of Dark Matter? b)What is the nature of Dark Energy? c)What is the origin of (U)HE Cosmic Rays? d)What is the origin of large scale structures in the universe? e)Can gravitational waves be observed; what do they tell us? 73% dark energy 23% dark matter 4% baryons APP combines methods and technologies from physics and astronomy to address these issues.
a) Dark Matter Rotation of galaxiesGravitational lensingMicrowave background Direct searches: DAMA, CDMS, Edelweiss-II, … Satellite missions: EGRET, BESS, AMS-02, … Indirect searches: Amanda/IceC, Antares/KM 3 NeT
b) Dark Energy Astronomy observations: –Evidence from red shifts of high-z type-Ia supernovae: accelerated expansion Physics theory: –Vacuum fluctuations: 10 120 more than observed !? –Related to Higgs Field ? –Related to supersymmetry ? Experiment: –Further SN-Ia observations –PLANCK: evolution DE/DM
c) Origin of (U)HE cosmic rays ? Science: –GZK limit (5 10 19 eV)? –Cosmic acceleration AGNs, GRBs, SNRs? –Composition, sources? Multi-messenger appr.: –Ultra HE’s: Auger, Euso,. –Radio: Rice, LOFAR,….. – -s: IceCube, KM3NeT,.. –GWs: Virgo, Ligo, Lisa,.. GZK limit: E’ < 5 10 19 eV Cosmic Microwave Background E E’
d) Origin of large-scale structures Cosmic Microwave Background – CMB: –WMAP –PLANCK PLANCK expect.: WMAPPLANCK Dark Energy Cold Dark Matter
e) Gravitational waves Science case: –General Relativity –GW astronomy Detectors: –Resonant: Explorer, Nautilus, Mini-GRAIL, Niobe,.. –Interferometers: Geo600, Ligo, Virgo,.. Satellite-based: Lisa And as a bonus…
Considerations Excellence: –peer reviewed Nobel-price level projects Focus and mass: –ultra-high cosmic rays with a total budget of ~ 70 M€ (2006 – 2015) Exploit Dutch expertise and previous investments: –Geo-synchrotron effect: H Falcke (ASTRON) LOFAR/PAO –All-data-to-shore: M de Jong (NIKHEF) Antares/KM3NeT –Inertial-sensor control & readout (SRON) LISA-pf/LISA International (EU) aspects: –ASPERA, ILIAS and HeapNet FP6 proposals Fast access to new APP data (“jump start”): –Start data taking Auger / ANTARES in 2005 / 2006 Theory: –Include independent theoretical APP research Outreach: –HiSparc, LOFAR@School, Master classes
Proposed research focus Origin (ultra) high-energy cosmic rays in a multi-messenger approach: Radio NeutrinosUHE muonsGravitational Waves
Three main research efforts: 1.Radio detection of cosmic rays: –LOPES/LOFAR (proof of principle + full exploitation) –Pierre Auger Observatory: “jump start”, GZK limit 2.Deep sea neutrino detection: –ANTARES: proof of principle + first exploitation –KM3NeT: full exploitation, astronomy, dark matter 3.Gravitational wave detection: –LISA-pathfinder: proof of principle / mini-GRAIL –LISA: GW discovery + GW astronomy! Fast access to data Discovery potential
Radio detection of CR’s LOFAR: –Radio emission CR’s (H. Falcke et al.) –Proof-of-principle: LOPES (Karlsruhe) –CR composition, anisotropies, GZK,… –Count-rate estimate: 5 ev/hr 1 ev/yr
Pierre Auger Observatory Cosmic Ray detection: –Particle detection –Fluorescence detection –High-energy neutrinos Export LOFAR technique 3000 km 2 1600 stations 1.5 km spacing 30 events of 10 20 eV per yr
Deep-sea neutrino detection Dutch contributions: - All-data-to-shore concept (M. de Jong et al.) - Production line KM3NeT? ANTARES / KM3NeT Neutralino searches Simulated sky map: – diffuse + point sources
Gravitational Wave Detectors MiniGrail @ Leiden: CuAl(6%) alloy; 1400 kg f reso = 2.9 kHz ( 230 Hz) LISA 3-satellite system: 68 cm T = 20 mK 10 -4 < f reso < 10 -1 Hz L = 5 x 10 6 km
Recent developments: 1.Radio detection of cosmic rays: –LOFAR/LOPES: proven CR signals –Auger: NL accepted as member 2.Deep sea neutrino detection: –ANTARES: first deployments –KM3NeT: on ESFRI-list for FP7 3.Gravitational wave detection: –VU: initiate GW-research group –SRON: inventory NL-contributions to LISA
Budget Activity2006200720082009201020112012201320142015 RADIO5008501050 1000850800 NEUTRINO400650800850800700 GRAVITAT.250400550 500450 THEORY200400550 NEW PROJ.----100350450 GENERAL150200250 TOTAL 1500250032003250 3200 Large basis from univ. & institutes Add money: – PhDs, PDs – small mater. – fees, travel Includes – outreach – theory – management
Benefits for NIKHEF Deep sea neutrino detection: –Basis for ANTARES/KM3NeT (~600 k€ /yr until 2015) –Expand Dutch interests (involvement of KVI); crucial for Dutch investment in KM3NeT Radio detection of cosmic rays: –Basis for role NIKHEF-Nijmegen in PAO –LOFAR data (UvA astron.) GRID activities Gravitational wave detection: –New research interests NIKHEF-VU LISA Other benefits: –Theory, outreach, management,…
Perspectives Strategic Plan for APP: –Final version plan: early June 2005 What next: –Decision NWO-AB: June/July 2005 –Further work: Develop organizational & financial structure Additional/other funding sources More specific research plans (e.g. APP theory) Further APP symposia: –5 th APP symposium: Oct.14 th, Utrecht –6 th APP symposium: 2 nd /3 rd week Jan. VU
Considerations for the SAC Support the chosen strategy: –Origin (U)HE cosmic rays –Focus on deep-sea ’s Reinforce ANTARES group: –More senior staff needed! Science policy: –Collaboration with Astronomy –Organization and financing of interdisciplinary research
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LOFARAugerAntaresKM3NeTmini-GrailLISA 1. Dark Matter neutralinosXX heavy relicsXXXX neutrino mass 2. Dark Energy high redshiftsX equation of state 3. HE Cosmic rays acc. mechanismXXXX compact objectsXXXXXX GZK limitXXX 4. Large-scale struct. CMB inflationX 5. Gravitation direct detectionXX GW-astronomyXX extreme gravity
Recommendations - I 1.It is recommended to initiate a new interdisciplinary research program in the Netherlands on the subject of astroparticle physics. 2.It is recommended to address the fundamental questions of astroparticle physics by means of a multi-messenger approach, in which the same subjects are studied by means of radio, neutrino and gravitational wave detectors. 3.It is recommended to focus the research effort in astroparticle physics on studies of the origin of cosmic rays. 4.It is recommended to launch a strong research effort in theoretical astroparticle physics. 5.It is recommended to carry out astroparticle physics research in a truly international fashion, where the new research program operates as a stepping stone for prominent Dutch participations in the highest-level international experiments that are leading in their field.
Recommendations - II 6.It is recommended to appoint new faculty in the area of astroparticle physics at the science departments of Dutch universities. 7.It is recommended to accompany the proposed research program by well-organized teaching efforts and outreach activities. 8.It is recommended to include the necessary computing infrastructure in the long term strategic plan of the Dutch foundation for “Nationale Computer Faciliteiten” (NCF) that will encompass all infrastructural computing needs of the major research initiatives in the Netherlands. 9.It is recommended that additional resources are provided at an annual level of 1.5 M€ in 2006 increasing to 3.2 M€ in 2008 and later years. In this way it will be possible to realize the objectives of the present strategic plan on astroparticle physics in the Netherlands.
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