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Taste & Olfaction Special Senses Part II. Odorant --> Receptor Cell --> Olfactory bulb --> Olfactory Tract --> LIMBIC SYSTEM.

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Presentation on theme: "Taste & Olfaction Special Senses Part II. Odorant --> Receptor Cell --> Olfactory bulb --> Olfactory Tract --> LIMBIC SYSTEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taste & Olfaction Special Senses Part II

2 Odorant --> Receptor Cell --> Olfactory bulb --> Olfactory Tract --> LIMBIC SYSTEM

3 More than 10,000 different odors Hundreds of different receptors, each coded for by a specific gene If your DNA is missing a gene, you do not have the receptor and will be unable to sense certain smells

4 Sense of Taste (Gustatory)

5 Taste Map: WRONG Taste buds distributed all over tongue 2,000 to 5,000 papillae (taste buds)

6 Facial nerve (XII) anterior Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) posterior Vagus nerve (X) root of tongue Vagus nerve (X)

7 How spicy tastes trick your tongue Chemesthesis: chemical sense of body tissue Capsaicin: gives hot peppers their kick; Binds to temp receptor on cells and send messages of pain Capsaicin and other hot foods won't damage your tongue – eat as much as you want. Your tongue is sensitive to temperature and pressure.

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