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3. Background Resolution No 4935- Adopted February 26, 2008 Sausalito joins ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.  City pledged to take a leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "3. Background Resolution No 4935- Adopted February 26, 2008 Sausalito joins ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.  City pledged to take a leadership."— Presentation transcript:

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2 Background Resolution No 4935- Adopted February 26, 2008 Sausalito joins ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.  City pledged to take a leadership role in promoting public awareness about the causes and impacts of climate change. City of Sausalito to undertake the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign’s Five Milestones Process to reduce both GHG and air pollution emissions throughout the community.  Milestone 1 is Complete. 2

3 Milestone 1: GHG Inventory 1: Sausalito’s Local Government Operations Inventory Sausalito partnered with ICLEI, ABAG, and PG&E in a program called Green Communities to conduct an inventory of municipal operations.  ABAG assigned an intern to conduct the inventory (no cost to City).  Inventory Accepted by the Council June 2011. 3

4 LGO Inventory Results Table 1: 2005 Government Operations CO 2 e Emissions by Sector 4 Sector Metric Tons GHG EmissionsPercentage of Total Employee Commute1,039.159.0% Buildings and Facilities339.119.3% Vehicle Fleet237.813.5% Public Lighting122.97.0% Government Generated Solid Waste15.90.9% Water Transport5.80.3% Total1,760.6100.0%

5 Milestone 1: GHG Inventory 2: Community Wide Inventory ABAG, ICLEI and PG&E not able to partner with the City. Marin Climate & Energy Partnership (MCEP) Steps Forward. 5

6 Community Wide Inventory Results Table 2: Emissions by Sector, 2005 and 2010 CO 2 e 6 Sector 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2010 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Change in Metric Tons CO 2e % Change in Metric Tons Metric Tons CO 2 e% of Total Metric Tons CO 2 e% of Total Residential16,30629%16,36730%+61+0.4% Commercial/Industrial13,31924%12,91724% -402 -3.0% Transportation23,76042%23,10743% -653 -2.7% Off-Road Vehicles & Equipment 6001%4971%-103-17.2% Water188<1%127<1% -61 -32.4% Wastewater3191%2981% -21 -6.6% Waste1,8113%1,0802% -731 -40.4% Total56,303100%54,394100% -1,909 -3.4%

7 Next Steps 1. conduct a GHG emissions inventory to determine the source and quantity of GHG emissions and to forecast GHG emissions in Sausalito - COMPLETED; 2. establish a GHG emissions reduction target for the year 2020; 3. develop a climate action plan with both existing and future actions that will meet the local GHG reduction targets; 4. implement the action plan; and 5. monitor and report progress. 7

8 Next Steps Milestone 2: Establish a GHG emissions reduction target for 2020 AB 32 – Set 2020 Goal for the State of California Match State’s GHG emissions level in 1990 Local jurisdictions are encouraged but not required to track GHG or to meet State of California’s reduction target. 8

9 Next Steps Milestone 2: Other Communities in Marin that have adopted a 15% or more reduction target for 2020 include: Belvedere San Anselmo LarkspurSan Rafael Mill ValleyTiburon NovatoCounty Ross The Sausalito Sustainability Commission endorses a GHG reduction target of 15%. 9

10 Next Steps Milestone 3: Preparation of a Climate Action Plan Actions taken to meet GHG reduction target Below the “Line” 10

11 Fiscal Impact Implementation of the Milestone Process Staff time Actions taken to meet recommendations of a Climate Action Plan 11

12 Recommendation Accept 2005 and 2010 Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, Establish a GHG emissions reduction target for 2020 of 15% below 2005 emission levels, Request assistance from Marin Climate and Energy Partnership in preparation of a Climate Action Plan. 12

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