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How Did Christ’s Teachings, Miracles, and Parables, Upset the Established Order?

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Presentation on theme: "How Did Christ’s Teachings, Miracles, and Parables, Upset the Established Order?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Did Christ’s Teachings, Miracles, and Parables, Upset the Established Order?

2 Upsetting Teachings The Sermon on the Mount – Matthew chapters 5 – 7 – The Beatitudes upset the societal structure of 1 st Century Palestine – Christ announces that he has come to “fulfill the law.” Why might this make some people upset? Healing on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9-13) – Christ calls out the superficial and hypocritical spiritual devotions of the Pharisees and Sadducees Fasting Prayer

3 Upsetting Miracles When Christ Performed miracles he did not call upon the authority of God, Moses, or the prophets so people thought he acted on the authority of BeezlebulBeezlebul As Christ healed he broke social taboos such as touching a man with leprosy.touching a man with leprosy. Furthermore, in healing he also forgave sins thus undercutting the importance of temple sacrifice.

4 Upsetting Parables The Parable of the Talents “No one is executed for teaching nothing more than bourgeois morality.” – Fr. Gerhard Lohfink Jesus’ parables have radical meaning – urges transformation at our root. Pharisees and Sadducees liked their roots the way they were.

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