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Invertebrates Invertebrate- have no backbone Sponges and stinging animals: – Sponges belong to the phylum Porifera Classified by the way they eat- Porifera-

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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrates Invertebrate- have no backbone Sponges and stinging animals: – Sponges belong to the phylum Porifera Classified by the way they eat- Porifera-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrates Invertebrate- have no backbone Sponges and stinging animals: – Sponges belong to the phylum Porifera Classified by the way they eat- Porifera- filter feeders – Stinging animals- belong the phylum- Cnidaria Have nematocyst- a tiny stinging organelle Jellyfish, sea anemone, coral

2 Invertebrate Mollusks- soft bodies and mantles, and sometimes grow shells – Some are bivalves- have 2 shells Clams, mussels, oysters – Gastropod- “stomach foot” Snails Nudibranchs- slugs – Celphalopod- “head footed” Squid, octopus, cuddlefish

3 Invertebrates Echinoderm- “spiny skin”- is used as defense – Starfish, sea urchins, sea stars Filter feeders Radial symmetry Tubed feet Some can regenerate

4 Invertebrates Flat worms- bilateral symmetry – Some are parasites- live off and harm another organism (a host) – Some are free living Roundworms- smooth and round – Not all are parasites – Live in soil, water, dead plants

5 Invertebrates Segmented worms- have segments-similar pieces – Each segment has some of the same things Because of this they are able to regenerate – They are called Annelids – some are parasites but do not live in their host (they live on their host) i.e. leeches – some live in the sea, some live on land

6 Arthropods: “jointed foot” Crustaceans: Has at least 5 pairs of jointed legs and 2 pairs of antennae Breath with gills Have some sort of claw Crab, shrimp, lobster

7 Invertebrates Arachnids: – Have eight legs and 2 body segments – Most are not harmful, few are dangerous to humans – Spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites

8 Invertebrates Centipedes and millipedes – Have many body segments, exact number depends on creature – Centipedes have 1 pair of legs per segment “centi-” means 100, but centipedes have anywhere from 30-274 legs Front pair of legs have poisonous fangs – Millipedes have 2 pairs of legs on each segment “milli-” means 1000, but they do not have 1000 legs Have no poisonous fangs but give off nasty smells


10 Insects 90% of all arthropods are insects They have 3 body segments Head, abdomen, and thorax Most have 2 pairs of wings They have different mouth parts – Beetles- have chewing mouthparts – Mosquitoes have piercing mouthparts – Butterflies have siphoning mouthparts

11 Insects Metamorphosis There are 2 types of Metamorphosis – Incomplete metamorphosis 3 stages – Egg – Nymph- an immature insect, looks like adult but wings not functional – Adult- after a nymph molts several times the wings become functional and the nymph becomes an adult

12 Incomplete Metamorphosis

13 Insects Metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis – Has 4 stages Egg Larva- does not look like adult, the insect consumes much, ex. caterpillar Pupa- transitional stage, may be covered with chrysalis or cocoon, insect does not eat in this stage Adult- the female insect can now lay eggs and begin the cycle again, ex. butterfly

14 Complete Metamorphosis

15 Vertebrates Vertebrates have a backbone – Fish Are cold-blooded Cartilage fish- sharks, skates and rays Bony fish- most fish, (salmon, bass, etc)

16 Vertebrates Amphibians- “double life” – Live ½ life on land – Live ½ in water – Are cold-blooded – Have a life cycle Egg- are laid in water Larval stage adult

17 Reptiles Have similar characteristics to amphibians, but they do not have gills during their life They are cold-blooded They lay eggs (but only on land, not in water) They have scaly skin or leathery skin Main groups – Turtles – Lizards – Snakes

18 Turtles Have a unique skeletal structure Back bones are fused to shell Many are omnivores Some are herbivores Tortoises are land dwellers, with high domed shells – Some are called terrapins Turtles can live on land or water

19 Lizards and Snakes They are cold-blooded Few are poisonous, most are harmless Lizards can be carnivorous or herbivores – They live everywhere in the world All snakes are carnivores – They cannot tear or chew food – They swallow their meal whole The jaws of a snake are not tightly attached and because of this they can dislocate their jaw allowing it to open quite wide

20 Crocodilians Crocodiles, alligators and camans They are reptiles- and thus cold-blooded They are carnivorous- fierce predators They have scaly skin, large bodies and short legs Crocs have v shaped snouts Gators have u shaped snouts

21 Birds Birds are warm-blooded Have wings and most can fly Kiwi, emu, ostrich and penguins and cannot fly Lay eggs Have feathers Some are herbivores and some carnivores – The beak shape can tell you what they eat

22 Mammals Are warm-blooded Have hair Produce milk for their young Give birth to live offspring Have 3 ear bones Breathe air through lungs

23 Mammals Monotremes- they lay eggs – Echidna and platypus Marsupials- they have pouches out side of the body to allow the underdeveloped offspring to continue to grow big enough to function – Kangaroo, koala, wallaby

24 Mammals Rodents, rabbits, and moles- have 2 large front teeth that do not stop growing – Moles are insectivores, they eat insects Bats- they fly – They are nocturnal- come out at night – Use echolocation to move around and find food A technique that uses high pitch frequencies to bounce off a surface to detect distance

25 Mammals Hoofed mammals – Odd hoofed- odd number of toes Horses, zebra, burro, mule – Even hoofed- even number of toes Cow, sheep, goat, deer Carnivores- meat eating mammals – Cats-have retractable claws- that means when the claws are not in use they go back into the paw Lions live in prides – Dogs- live in packs – Pinnipeds- these are mammals with a swimming foot Sea lion, walrus, and seal Mainly eat fish but will eat mollusks, crustaceans, and even penguins

26 Mammals Marine mammals- live in the ocean – Some have blubber to keep warm in cold water – Can hold breath for long time – Some use echolocation – Whales swim in pods (a group of whales)

27 Mammals Primates- 2 groups – Lemurs – Monkeys 2 groups- – New world- have broad noses and most have tails that they can use like an arm – Old world- baboons, and monkeys without tails (apes, gorillas, and chimpanzees

28 Mammals Humans- we are unique from all other animals in that God make man in His image and gave us a soul

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