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Raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Licensed Premises Staff

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1 Raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Licensed Premises Staff

2 Why do I need to know about CSE? CSE destroys the lives of children and families – just think about the cases in the media recently? If your premises gets this wrong it would have implications for you too. Getting it right is not just for children’s services or the police. We ALL need to play our part.

3 What do you know about CSE?

4 What is CSE? CSE is a horrendous crime which destroys lives. It involves young people receiving ‘something' (for example, food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of performing, and/or others performing on them, sexual activities. Those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources No child can consent to their own abuse.

5 Jay – my boyfriend

6 What is the reality of CSE? Contrary to popular misconception, it is not limited to any particular geography, ethnicity, sex or social background. The majority of young people who experience CSE are not living in care when it happened. Due to the complexity of this crime, many young people do not realise or accept that they are at risk, or a victim, of CSE. See the LGA briefing ‘CSE: Myth vs. Reality’ for more...

7 Michael’s story – what are the signs? Michael is 15 years old and lives with both his parents who get on very well and love Michael. Michael’s uncle lived with them and Michael used to be his carer until recently when he passed away. He was very close to his uncle who had a serious criminal past and mental health problems but was getting better. Michael lives in a gang neighbourhood and prefers to hang around friends a few years older than him because he does not want to get involved in the local gangs who he thinks are immature. As his friends are older he often drinks with them and comes home drunk. He has started to dress much older and cut all his hair off. He is very intelligent and was top of his class last year, however he has started to skip school because he says he isn’t learning anything useful.

8 Michael’s story – what are the signs? Michael is 15 years old and lives with both his parents who get on very well and love Michael. Michael’s uncle lived with them and Michael used to be his carer until recently when he passed away. He was very close to his uncle who had a serious criminal past and mental health problems but was getting better. Michael lives in a gang neighbourhood and prefers to hang around friends a few years older than him because he does not want to get involved in the local gangs who he thinks are immature. As his friends are older he often drinks with them and comes home drunk. He has started to dress much older and cut all his hair off. He is very intelligent and was top of his class last year, however he has started to skip school because he says he isn’t learning anything useful.

9 Why is it important to raise awareness? Councils and police cannot this tackle alone – we need the help of wider community. It is a difficult subject to talk about – but we must break the taboo. Intelligence from the community will have a significant impact.

10 What we are doing to tackle CSE in our area? We have a specialist multiagency team, Phoenix Protect, who are working to protect children and tackle CSE in our area. The MSCB website CSE pages and Licensing pages contain lots of useful information and advice. Awareness raising in the business community is one of our aims.

11 Realise Recognise React Manchester Contact Centre 0161 234 5001 (24 hour service) and at or the Phoenix Protect Team email:

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