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Single Row Functions Part I Week 2. Objectives –Describe types of single row functions in SQL –Describe and use character, number and date SQL functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Single Row Functions Part I Week 2. Objectives –Describe types of single row functions in SQL –Describe and use character, number and date SQL functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Row Functions Part I Week 2

2 Objectives –Describe types of single row functions in SQL –Describe and use character, number and date SQL functions

3 Functions arg 1 arg 2 arg n Function Result All functions input 0, 1 or more arguments and output a single result. 2 basic types in SQL: Single row and Group

4 Single Row Functions –Act on each individual row selected –Return one result per row retrieved from table –Can be nested –Function can be used as part of expression in: SELECT clause, WHERE clause, ORDER BY clause, … –Argument for function may be any expression (literals, columns, arithmetic operators, …

5 Conversion Character Number Date General Single-rowfunctions Types of Single Row Functions

6 Characterfunctions LOWERUPPERINITCAP CONCATSUBSTRLENGTHINSTRLPADTRIM Case conversion functions Character manipulation functions Single Row Character Functions

7 Case Conversion Functions FunctionResult LOWER( ' Intro to SQL ' ) UPPER( ' Intro to SQL ' ) INITCAP( ' Intro to SQL ' ) intro to sql INTRO TO SQL Intro to Sql – Convert case of character string data – Useful for matching when unsure of case used for column’s data or when case varies by row by row – UPPER: converts all characters to upper case – LOWER: converts all characters to lower case – INITCAP: converts first character of each word to upper case and remaining to lower case

8 SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE last_name = ‘king'; no rows selected SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE last_name = ‘king'; no rows selected EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE LOWER(last_name) = ‘king'; SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE last_name = UPPER(‘King‘); no rows selected SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE last_name = UPPER(‘King‘); no rows selected Case Conversion Examples Display employee number, name and department number for employees named King

9 EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE INITCAP(last_name) = ‘King'; Case Conversion Examples (ctd) Display employee number, name and department number for employees named King EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 SQL> SELECTempno, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE UPPER(last_name) = ‘KING';

10 Case Conversion (ctd) Recommended: always use a case conversion function with column character data (except for unusual circumstances where case is significant in the data) and also always use a case conversion function with character substitution variables (except for unusual circumstances where case is significant in the data) EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID 100 King 90 SQL> SELECTemployee_id, last_name, department_id FROMemployees WHERE UPPER(last_name) = UPPER(‘&last_name’);

11 Character Manipulation Functions CONCAT(string1, string2)  Joins 2 character strings together (You are limited to using only two parameters with CONCAT) Character Manipulation Functions SUBSTR(string, start_position, length)  Extracts a string of determined length from a specified starting position Character Manipulation Functions LENGTH(string)  Shows the length of a string as a numeric value Character Manipulation Functions INSTR(string, character)  Finds numeric position of first occurrence of a specified character Character Manipulation Functions LPAD(string, length, character)  Places occurrences of a character (a blank is the default character) to the left of a string to end up with a specified length of character string Character Manipulation Functions RPAD: pads a character value right-justified on a string Character Manipulation Functions TRIM([{LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH}] character FROM string): removes occurrences of a leading and/or trailing (default is both leading and trailing) character (a blank is the default character) from a string

12 CONCAT( ' Good ', ' Day ' ) SUBSTR( ' Good ',3,2) LENGTH( ' Good ' ) INSTR( ' Good ', ' o ' ) LPAD(last_name,20, ' * ' ) TRIM(‘$‘ FROM ‘$2,345‘) GoodDay od 4 2 ****************King 2,345 FunctionResult Examples using Character Manipulation Functions

13 Number Functions – Manipulate numeric values; frequently used functions include: ROUND, TRUNC, MOD ROUND(number, n): rounds number to n decimal places ROUND(43.826, 2)  43.83 ROUND(43.826, 0)  44 ROUND(43.826, -1)  40 TRUNC(number, n):truncates value to n decimal places TRUNC(43.826, 2)  43.82 TRUNC(43.826, 0)  43 TRUNC(43.826, -1)  40 MOD(number1, number2): returns remainder of number1 divided by number2 MOD(17, 3)  2

14 Date Functions – manipulate date data: most perform calculations on dates ADD_MONTHS(date, number): add or subtract a number of months from a date ADD_MONTHS(date, number): add or subtract a number of months from a date ADD_MONTHS(’22-JAN-01’,6)  22-JUL-01 MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1, date2) : number of months between dates MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1, date2) : number of months between dates MONTHS_BETWEEN(’22-JAN-01’, ’22-JUL-01)  -6 NEXT_DAY(date, day) returns the date for the next ‘day of the week’ from the date specified NEXT_DAY(date, day) returns the date for the next ‘day of the week’ from the date specified NEXT_DAY(’22-JAN-01’,’FRIDAY’)  26-JAN-01 LAST_DAY(date) returns the last day of the month for the date given LAST_DAY(date) returns the last day of the month for the date given LAST_DAY(’22-JAN-01’)  31-JAN-01

15 Date Functions (ctd) ROUND function can also be used on dates, rounding a date to the nearest month or year ROUND function can also be used on dates, rounding a date to the nearest month or year ROUND(’22-JAN-01’, ‘MONTH’)  01-FEB-01 ROUND(’22-JAN-01’,’YEAR’)  01-JAN-01 TRUNC function can also be used on dates, truncating a date to the nearest month or year TRUNC function can also be used on dates, truncating a date to the nearest month or year TRUNC(’22-JAN-01’, ‘MONTH’)  01-JAN-01 TRUNC(’22-JAN-01’,’YEAR’)  01-JAN-01

16 Querying Data Not Found in a Table Sometimes you may want to display data not stored in a table Sometimes you may want to display data not stored in a table However format of SELECT statement requires a FROM clause However format of SELECT statement requires a FROM clause In these situations refer to a small public table called DUAL which consists of one row of data for a single column and which therefore results in a single row of output In these situations refer to a small public table called DUAL which consists of one row of data for a single column and which therefore results in a single row of output Example: display today’s date: Example: display today’s date: SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL

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