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End of Life Revision Hindusim To start: Key words card sort.

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1 End of Life Revision Hindusim To start: Key words card sort

2 Write one or two sentences to explain what each of the following words mean: 1.Atman 2.Karma 3.Dharma 4.Samsara 5.Moksha 6.Brahman 7.Funeral Rites 8.Transmigration 9.Varnashramadharma

3 Copy down the quote in your book Write at least two sentences explaining the quote. Be sure to use key terms Remember is you can use quotes correctly, it will impress the examiner Task 2 “The Self cannot be pierced or burned, made wet or dry. It is everlasting and infinite, standing on the motionless foundations of eternity.” (Bhagavad Gita 2:24)

4 Task 3 Most Hindus consider samsara painful It is a cycle of four problems Can you name the four, with a short explanation for each? 1. BIRTH 2. DISEASE 3. OLD AGE 4. DEATH

5 Task 4 Exam Focus c) What do Hindus believe about life after death? (3 marks) Make sure you use key terms for full marks You will then swap your answer with someone else to mark

6 Varnashramadharma Varna means class, and it determines a person’s dharma. Many people don’t accept this anymore, but it is important to know what it is about. Varnashramadharma divides people into different groups. Each varna has a different role to play in society. If a person fulfils their role, they are following their dharma. According to an old Sanskrit hymn, the different groups are like the different parts of a body.

7 Task 5 - Draw an outline of a body - BE SENSIBLE MOUTH ARMS THIGHS FEET Where do the different groups belong on your diagram? Brahmins: These people are the priests and can give advice and teach the scriptures. Kshatriya: These people are the warriors. They defend the country Vaishya: These people are the businessmen. They support society. Shudras: These people do manual work in fields or as servants.

8 Task 5 - Draw an outline of a body - BE SENSIBLE MOUTH ARMS THIGHS FEET The correct order Brahmins: These people are the priests and can give advice and teach the scriptures. Kshatriya: These people are the warriors. They defend the country Vaishya: These people are the businessmen. They support society. Shudras: These people do manual work in fields or as servants. HIERARCHYHIERARCHY

9 And Finally… You will be given a number, 1 or 2 Number 1’s: you are going to prepare two ‘part a’ style questions that are about ‘The End of Life’ Number 2’s: you are going to prepare one ‘part b’ style question that are about ‘The End of Life’ Let’s start with number 1’s: ask your partner your questions Okay, now it’s the turn of number 2’s

10 Home Learning 1.Create a diagram summarising Hindu beliefs about life after death 2.‘Life does not finish when we die. Death is not the end but a new beginning.’ – Prepare a speech explaining your opinion on this statement. – Make your views convincing. – Some of you might be asked to read out your speeches next lesson. 3. Revise the End of Life

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