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DECIPHERING TITLE 5 Stephanie Dumont, South Representative (Area D) Beth Smith, Treasurer (Vice President)

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Presentation on theme: "DECIPHERING TITLE 5 Stephanie Dumont, South Representative (Area D) Beth Smith, Treasurer (Vice President)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DECIPHERING TITLE 5 Stephanie Dumont, South Representative (Area D) Beth Smith, Treasurer (Vice President)

2 WHAT WE PLAN TO ANSWER What is Title 5 and why is it important to understand what Title 5 says? How much do you, as a local senate leader, really need to know about Title 5? How in the hoot do you find what you need in Title 5? What’s new in Title 5? What else needs to change in Title 5?


4 T ITLE 5 IS : A. Law. B. Regulation. C. Permissive. D. Regulation with the force of law. E. None of the above.

5 WHO HAS THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE TITLE 5? A. Education Code B. Sutter, the First Corgi C. Chancellor Scott D. The Board of Governors E. ASCCC

6 W HICH SECTION OF T ITLE 5 APPLIES TO COMMUNITY COLLEGES ? A. All of it. B. Division 1 C. Division 6 D. § 50001 - § 55000 E. None of the above.

7 W HICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS NOT A T ITLE 5 D IVISION 6 CHAPTER ? A. Student Financial Obligations B. Fiscal Support C. Private Postsecondary Education D. Curriculum and Instruction

8 T ITLE 5 B ASICS Where do changes come from? What is the change process? Who changes it?

9 CAUTION Sometimes local policies are confused with Title 5 Be sure to check local board policies first References to Title 5 or Education Code are usually included with board policies Urban legends at the campus may create law, regulation and policy where none actually exist

10 R ELEVANT T ITLE 5 S ECTIONS CHAPTER 2. COMMUNITY COLLEGE STANDARDS SUBCHAPTER 1. MINIMUM CONDITIONS § 51006. Open Courses § 51025. Full-Time/Part-Time Faculty (75%) Counseling (§ 51018), matric services (§ 51024), transfer centers (§51027)

11 R ELEVANT T ITLE 5 S ECTIONS CHAPTER 6. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION §55002 – All course outline information § 55040 – 55046 All forms of repetition. § 55060 – 55064 The Associate Degree Distance Ed § 55200 (definitions), § 55204 (regular effective contact), § 55206 (separate course approval)

12 R ELEVANT T ITLE 5 S ECTIONS ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR AWARDING CREDIT § 55050 – Credit by exam § 55051 – Articulation of HS Courses § 55052 – AP Exams

13 WHERE CAN YOU FIND TITLE 5 REFERENCES TO THE FOLLOWING? A student may only be dropped for excessive absence. The grade for a student must be based on his/her performance in the class.



16 CHANGES OCCURRING IN LAST SIX MONTHS § 51010, § 53000- § 53006, § 53020- § 53027, § 53030, § 53033-34 – Equal Employment Opportunity § 53309 – Calculation of Full Time Obligation Number § 55003 - Prerequisites § 58771 – Change to Time of Apportionment Payment for new centers and colleges

17 EEO REGULATIONS The new regulations: Hold districts accountable for implementing practices designed to increase diversity and eradicate barriers to underrepresented groups. Give districts the independence and the responsibility to design and implement strategies that make sense for their particular communities. Emphasize and expect systematic self-evaluation of practices that are focused at the district level. Expect that data is still collected and important.

18 §53309 – CALCULATION OF FTEF AND FT FACULTY OBLIGATION NUMBER The regulations direct calculations for full and part time faculty are being changed to exclude parcel tax revenues from the calculations.

19 §55003 PREREQUISITES Allows colleges to establish prerequisites and corequisites through content review and would not require content review with statistical validation, though colleges would have the option to use either method to establish prerequisites and corequisites.

20 §58771 FUNDING FOR NEW COLLEGES AND NEW CENTERS Beginning in the 2010-11 fiscal year, basic allocation funding augmentations for new colleges, new centers, and for increases in college size, will be provided in the year following the approval or increase in size occurs. The Chancellor’s Office and the Association of Chief Business Officials (ACBO) board members agree that improving funding predictability is especially important when the system is running a general deficit due to revenue shortfalls from property taxes or student fees. Waiting to fund any new college, new center, or increase in college size until the following fiscal year, will prevent late-year funding shortfalls for the system caused by such augmentations.

21 POSSIBLE CHANGES PROPOSED BY 2010-11 RESOLUTIONS Learning Assistant Minimum Qualifications Clarify Role of Advisors and Paraprofessionals in Counseling 18 Unit Requirement for an Associate Degree Repetition and Withdrawal Repeatability for Activity Courses Cap on the Number of Units a Student May Take Withdrawal Date Priority Registration

22 OTHER CHANGES WE EXPECT Placement Processes and Instrument(s) Perhaps incentive or performance based funding

23 SHOULD WE PROPOSE CHANGES IN THESE AREAS? Survey conducted by the ASCCC showed interest in changing the following: Equivalencies General Education Correct the order - put English first Competencies - Reading - Why is this here? 75/25 rule - should it be amended? Move student services to the instructional side of the 50% law, make it the 60% law Distance Education 51% reporting rule

24 RESOURCES FOR INTERPRETING TITLE 5 CCCO Guidelines Various letters from Chancellor and Vice Chancellors Legal advisories and opinions Research documents (noncredit, basic skills, etc) Constituency papers (ASCCC) PCAH Title 5 Part 1 guidelines Title 5 Part 2 guidelines

25 L ESSONS L EARNED Critical to include all relevant parties in discussions of Title 5 language and proposed changes Necessary to get lawyers to speak standard English Consider all potential consequences How will board policy be affected?


27 A S YOU NOW KNOW, Title 5 is part of the California Code of Regulations Derived by the Board of Governors from the California Education Code Division 6 - applies to California Community Colleges Regulation with the force of law

28 W HY IS COMPLIANCE WITH T ITLE 5 IMPORTANT ? There are consequences for non- compliance Ensures the integrity of what we do Title 5 makes things happen Title 5 empowers faculty to lead any changes with respect to academic and professional matters

29 C ONCLUSIONS Title 5 has a purpose – it is not merely regulations for the sake of having regulations. Title 5, however, has to evolve over time.

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