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Targeted Accelerated Developmental Courses Jenny Shotwell – NCBO Coordinator Ellen Falkenstein – TAD Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeted Accelerated Developmental Courses Jenny Shotwell – NCBO Coordinator Ellen Falkenstein – TAD Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeted Accelerated Developmental Courses Jenny Shotwell – NCBO Coordinator Ellen Falkenstein – TAD Coordinator

2 The Quote that Inspired Us The author Matthew Kelly was the first to write this quote and attribute the quote to Einstein. There is no evidence that Einstein actually said this; however, the quotation was based on ideas circulated among educators for decades.

3 Goals for Courses Create courses to increase student success rates while decreasing time spent in developmental sequences. Take what we have learned from grant participation and professional development and make it our own.

4 Goals for Courses An opportunity to complete the developmental sequence in an accelerated pace utilizing just-in-time teaching, different learning styles, and rewards for previously mastered concepts. Continue with Paired Model, with updates to mirror our curriculum and rigor.

5 Setting Up the Courses Met with Registrar, Budget, Deans, Financial Aid, and Counselors. Could not do 1 credit courses (common module practice). – Majority of our students need to be full time (12 credit hours) Marketing and PR – Tagline and Acronym – Use Facebook not just emails

6 Setting up Computer Lab Found an under-utilized space to transform into a computer lab. Currently holds 59 student computers. Two tutors 1 Teacher Assistant. “Noisy Lab”

7 Setting up the Faculty/Staff Faculty and Staffing Selection is crucial to success. – BUY-IN Have to believe it will work. Want to make a difference and see need for change. – FLEXIBILITY We are constantly changing and adapting to students individuality. – HUMILITY Cannot have those that offend easily when students go to other instructor/tutor for assistance.

8 Traditional Course Pass Rate DSMA 0300DSMA 0301DSMA 0303MATH 1414 Number of Students153511728742070 Pass Rate42.4 %43.7 %44.7 %58.3 % Withdraw/Drop Rate31.3 %24.1 %33.5 %21.9 % 39 Students successfully completed all three DSMA levels. 11 students completed DSMA 0300 through MATH 1414. *** This comes from the 900 students that started DSMA 0300, lowest level in the CY 2013. These students would have 4 terms to complete all 4 courses. ** Data was from Spr13 – Fal 14

9 Initial Course Offering DSMA 0393 / 1314 – Co-requisite model – Intermediate Algebra and College Algebra DSMA 0399 – Lab Based – Similar to “Emporium”

10 DSMA 0393/MATH 1314 Intermediate Algebra/College Algebra Students can complete College Algebra with Intermediate Algebra taught in a Just-In-Time format. The curriculum, rigor, quizzes/tests coincide with the CTC Math Department's requirements. Same grade awarded for each course. Exams are cumulative and contain both course content questions.

11 DSMA 0393/MATH 1314 Intermediate Algebra/College Algebra Students attend class four days a week for 1 hour and 20 minutes per day. Students are also required to spend two hours a week in the computer lab with a TA and tutor(s). Instructors team teach; therefore, one instructor is always available during class time to help individual students.

12 DSMA 0393/MATH 1314 Intermediate Algebra/College Algebra Lectures are recorded on Mimio equipment; and, pdf files are posted on MyLabsPlus for review by all students. We can see who accessed the files and number of downloads. Mandatory workshops are held once a month on Fridays -- topics include Learning Styles/Personality Workshop by CTC Mental Health Department, Presentation by CTC Business Team ENACTUS, etc. Critical Thinking and Deciphering Instructions assignments are given to be completed outside of class. ** Piloting this term.

13 College Algebra Pass Rates Data Time frame: Spr13 – Spr15 0393 to 1414Traditional 1414 Number of students3982450 Pass Rate92.2 %57.3 % Withdraw/Drop Rate3.0 %22.7 %

14 DSMA 0399 – Gives the student the opportunity to complete all three levels of developmental mathematics in one term. (Pre-, Beginning, and Intermediate Algebra) – Course is “self-paced” Course progression is dependent on the student’s dedication to complete the mastery quizzes.

15 DSMA 0399 – Physical Set Up of Class Students work in computer lab Monday thru Thursday for 1 hour and 20 minutes per day. Class times are set; however, some flexibility is allowed. Two instructors are available during class time. Other times the lab is staffed by TA and tutor. Mandatory workshops are also required for this course as well. Critical Thinking and Deciphering Instructions assignments are given to be completed outside of class. ** Piloting this term.

16 Flowchart for DSMA 0399

17 Instruction Contract Samples

18 DSMA 0399 Data Data Time frame: Spr13 – Spr15 DSMA 0399 Number of students382 ** Complete 0 levels44 (incl. drop/withdraws) Complete 1 level138 Complete 2 levels173 Complete all 3 levels27 52.4 % complete multiple levels on first attempt ** Data for 1 st time in course.

19 College Algebra Pass Rates ** 132 DSMA 0399 students also completed DSMA 0393/MATH 1314. 0399 to 1414 Number of students169 Pass Rate86.4 % Withdraw/Drop Rate4.7 %

20 Why It Works Team Approach – Not just with teachers, but with tutors and students as well. – Peer Assisted Learning across multiple levels of curriculum. Noisy Lab – Dedicated to the NCBOs. – Relaxed Environment Placement of Responsibility – Back to the student and their choices – Instructional Contracts

21 Why Does It Work? Application/Interview Process. – Students aware of expectations and course work load. Sign an Instructional Contract if allowed to enroll. - Proof understand commitment. With the NCBO program, the student can get individualized help if needed. – The program stresses that the students must find the way that "works for their brain."

22 Put Responsibility on Student Based on individual learning styles, students determine which available resources will allow them to be successful. – Mandatory workshop with licensed social worker over survey results. Faculty member serves as a mentor and ‘cheerleader’ pushing the student to succeed. - This philosophy handles the disconnect often found between faculty/student expectations.

23 Team Approach During class time, two instructors are available to students. The lab has a full-time TA with instructor credentials and two part- time tutor. The team works well together and shares the common goal of pursuing student confidence, responsibility, and success.

24 Team Approach The students benefit from different explanations/techniques to solve the same problem. - The current team has four Mathematicians, an Engineer, and a Scientist for instructors. The team uses compassion, tough love, laughter, and sarcasm to allow students to feel at ease in the class/lab. – This strategy leads to increase of student enthusiasm and confidence.

25 Community Environment The lab houses students from Pre-Algebra to College Algebra -- students are at all different levels within each class. - Students continue to attend to get assistance in other classes… even some that are not mathematics. The team does not allow judging, condescending remarks/sounds, or negativity amongst peers. The personality of the team sets a standard and leads by example right from the start. "We love Math" is the mantra. - This program begins to break down the walls of intimidation around faculty.

26 Why it works!

27 Evolved into a Program Four Options – DSMA 0399 – DSMA 0393 / MATH 1314 – TAD BIT – DSMA 0391 (Piloting this fall) – DSMA 0301 / MATH 1332 (Creating this fall)

28 TAD BIT Two week extension course offered at the end of the term to students that failed the course with a grade in the 60s. Consideration is given to those that have overall average in the 50s if passing prior to final examination. Student must pass electronic final exam with 70% or higher. Students attend TAD Lab with instructor, tutor and TA.

29 TAD Bit Data Completed 4 cycles DSMA 0300DSMA 0301DSMA 0303Overall Number of students 2223853 Number Passed 1513634 Percentage68.2 %56.5 %75 %64.2 % *** Four students that did not pass the 0301 final, were allowed to register in the co-req. class. Three of those students were successful.

30 DSMA 0391 Scheduled to be piloted Fall 2015 Course that merges the curriculum of Pre- and Beginning Algebra. Taught Mon – Fri for 70 minutes with 12 hour lab requirement. Used same author and CMS as traditional courses.

31 DSMA 0301 / MATH 1332 Co-requisite model of Beginning Algebra and Contemporary Mathematics course. Taught Mon – Fri for 70 minutes with 2 hours each week in TAD Lab. Will use same author and CMS as traditional courses. Just in Time Teaching / Team


33 MATH Dept. Data Data from Spr13 – Fal14 MATH 1332MATH 1342MATH 1414 A71109489 B113105508 C14774520 D/F17352417 W/Drop173124466 Total6774652400 Pass Rate48.9 %61.9 %63.2 % Withdraw Rate25.6 %26.9 %19.4 %

34 What Math Class? 63 Degree plans require MATH. – Certificates and Degrees – 11 more req. just to be TSI Complete 34 will accept 1332 32 will accept 1342 44 will accept 1314 21 require 1314 As an institution that pushes towards the Bachelor Degree, we will lead students to complete 1314.

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