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IBIS-PH Admin Site: Overview of Changes and New Features Utah Department of Health 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "IBIS-PH Admin Site: Overview of Changes and New Features Utah Department of Health 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBIS-PH Admin Site: Overview of Changes and New Features Utah Department of Health 2005

2 1.Enter your complete email address, 2.LAN password, and 3. click on “Log In”

3 You should see a page like this one, with a list of all indicators for which you have owner or editor privileges. Indicator Name Title Owner Status Date last modified Date last published Just ignore the sort order value. If the indicator has been published, or you plan to publish it in the near future, check it “active.”

4 To get to the Main Page for an indicator, you may EITHER, 1. click on its name, or…

5 2. …select it and click on the Indicator Main left navigation button.

6 Approved = Published Gray text means indicator is “locked,” (status = Approved or Complete) & can’t be modified.

7 Before I can modify this indicator, I need to change the status to “OPEN,” and click the save button. BTW, the SAVE and RESET buttons only appear after you have made a change to the page.

8 The status date changes to today’s date, and the text turns to black and can be edited.

9 IBIS now provides a description of the last modification that was made to the indicator, and by whom. Hey! The left nav buttons move when you scroll down the page! Now you can preview your indicator profile report from any Admin page.

10 This page is essentially unchanged – we made the text boxes larger, so you can see more lines of text.

11 This page is essentially unchanged – we are creating mouse-overs with the HP2010 Focus Area titles for the index.

12 This page is essentially unchanged. …check one or more indicators that embody the relationship. Enter text that describes the relationship, AND/OR... Still four pages in one.

13 We changed these titles so they better match what the user sees on your indicator page.

14 This page is essentially unchanged. But note that all tabs/buttons are now the same color.

15 This page is essentially unchanged. Title provides “core” concept. Subtitle specifies category and series – differentiates this view from other views of the same core concept.

16 This page is essentially unchanged… …BUT, now there is no DATA SOURCES page at the indicator level, so you must specify data sources for each graph/data view.

17 A couple of changes to this page… Active flag column moved over, easier to see. Active flag automatically “checked” if data have been entered. (Must be “unchecked” if data are removed.)

18 ENTER key moves the cursor down to the next data row. TAB key moves the cursor over to the next data column.

19 As Always: Contact if you have questions or need technical Please update your indicators as soon as new data become available. (Look for Shandra’s email reminder.) Email when you have completed your changes and your indicator needs to be

20 And: Let us know how we can improve the site. Let us know if your group would like a hands-on training session. Thank you for using IBIS Admin to maintain your indicator page content!!

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