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 What is going on at Fitzgerald?  HOW can I get involved?  WHAT can I do to improve our school?

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Presentation on theme: " What is going on at Fitzgerald?  HOW can I get involved?  WHAT can I do to improve our school?"— Presentation transcript:


2  What is going on at Fitzgerald?  HOW can I get involved?  WHAT can I do to improve our school?

3  During the last session, we revealed FHS #1 write up are for students that don’t dress in gym  26% of you suggested using Spartan Bucks or rewards to motivate students to dress  22% of you suggested taking points away  The more creative suggestions were curtains in the locker rooms, having clothes on hand, Bear hugs from Dave/Gary/Shakespeare, or “workout” choice days  Your suggestions have been presented to the Gym teachers…they are considering them.  THANK YOU for all your suggestions!


5  Generation of Promise (GOP)- The deadline for turning in Generation of Promise applications has been extended to this Friday March 27th. Please complete all sections of the application and turn in it Ms. Gilchrist in room C230.  Cabaret auditions @ 3:15 on March 26th & 27 th in the CHOIR ROOM  BAND!!!! MSBOA State Solo & Ensemble March 21 st @ Chippewa Valley HS  LADY’S SOCCER HOME GAME v. Hazel Park at 6:00 pm

6  JUNIORS!!!! Please log on to your myfitz account and follow the 2014-2015 Junior Class Group-this group provides information for your senior year and future post secondary/career. See Mrs. Findlay with questions.  SENIORS!!!! Please log on to your myfitz account and follow the 2015 Fitzgerald Senior High School Group-this group provides scholarship, employment, informative seminars, skilled trades information. See Mrs. Findlay with Questions.  WIA!!!! Please log on to your myfitz account-this group provides information that all WIA students need to know as well as when the meetings are. See Mrs. Findaly with questions.  PROM Guest Forms: Guest Forms will be available in the main office beginning March 30 th and must be turned in by Monday, April 20 th at 2:45 PM. Any non-FHS student must have a guest form filled out and meet our eligibility requirements.

7  APRIL 3 rd NO SCHOOL and Spring Break until April 13 th  RACHEL’S CHALLENGE: April 16 th (AM Assembly) School wide assembly (details to come in upcoming slides)  Fitzgerald Film Festival : April 16 th 6:00 pm  RACHEL’S CHALLENGE Chain Reaction Day: April 17 th Chain Reaction Day for 100 FHS students (details to come in upcoming slides)  LADY’S SOCCER Home v. East Detroit at 6:00  PROM Guest Forms: Guest Forms will be available in the main office beginning March 30 th and must be turned in by Monday, April 20 th at 2:45 PM. Any non-FHS student must have a guest form filled out and meet our eligibility requirements.  LADY’S SOCCER Home v. Roseville at 6:00

8  Senior Citizen Prom : April 22, 2015 from 4-7pm. Last day for Seniors and Juniors to sign up outside of A-201 is April 19 th at 2:45pm. Seniors earn 10 hours of community service, Juniors can earn up to 8 hours.  PROM Ticket Sales: Thursday, April 23; Friday, April, 24; Monday, April 27 – After School upstairs by the B-hall stairs. Tickets are $55 each and can be paid for with CASH ONLY  JV Softball is hosting a tournament on 4-25-15 at 9am, at Chatterton FREE  Cabaret on April 25th  LADY’s SOCCER v. WWT at 6:00  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: April 30 th, May 1 st and May 2 nd at 7:00pm Tickets: $3

9  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: May 1 st and May 2 nd at 7:00pm Tickets: $3  Lady’s Soccer v. South Lake at 6:00  PROM is Friday, May 8 th, 2015 from 6-10:3o PM at Club Venetian on John R Road.  Lady’s Soccer v. Madison at 6:00  Fitzgerald Public Schools ART SHOW: Monday, May 18 th Fitzgerald Public Schools ART SHOW May 18 th (See Mr. Nelson for details)  BAND Spring Concert : May 19 th - 7:00 PM  BAND BANQUEST: May 26 th - 6PM – 9PM @ DeCarlo’s Banquet Hall

10  Lady’s Soccer v. New Haven at 6:00 5/18  Lady’s Soccer v. Centerline at 6:00 5/20  SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT: Thursday, May 21 st 5:30- 8:00 in the auditorium  SPRING SPIRIT WEEK: May 18 th – May 22 nd  SPRING PEP ASSEMBLY: May 22 nd (Adjusted schedule)  SENIOR FINAL EXAMS: May 27-May 30 th

11 Thursday, APRIL 16 th Friday, APRIL 17 th

12  Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Her acts of kindness and compassion coupled with the contents of her six diaries have become the foundation for one of the most life-changing school programs in America.  On April 16 th, our entire school will hear her story during a school wide assembly.  On April 17 th, we will have a Chain Reaction Day for 100 students nominated by the staff  This is what will be happening in our building on April 17th day is all about…  PLAY CLIP  picture/programs/chainreaction/ picture/programs/chainreaction/

13  A powerful story was shared with Fitzgerald when Rachel’s Challenge came here in 2011.  Our “bullying” incidents plummeted  A chain reaction was started…  TODAY, According to the 2015 Niche Ranking System…  Fitzgerald High School was ranked #3 out of 9,538 high schools as the most Diverse Public High Schools  Based on diversity statistics and more than 1.1 million opinions from 250,000 students and parents.  A high ranking indicates that the school is extremely diverse and fosters a community that accepts and promotes a diversity of viewpoints, backgrounds, religious beliefs, and sexual orientations.  Time to continue the chain reaction…

14  Teachers, please pass out Rachel’s Challenge letters that were in your mailboxes to your 3 rd hour students  If you did not receive a letter, please have your 3 rd hour teacher email Mrs. Sonnenfeld your name and grade level.  THANK YOU

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