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H EALTH S ERVICES F OUNDATIONS Definitions of Health & Society.

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Presentation on theme: "H EALTH S ERVICES F OUNDATIONS Definitions of Health & Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 H EALTH S ERVICES F OUNDATIONS Definitions of Health & Society

2 H EALTH & S OCIETY What is your definition of health?

3 H EALTH & S OCIETY Health: A condition of optimal well-being, especially of body or mind freedom from disease or abnormality Discussion Question: How does one stay away from abnormality and disease?

4 H EALTH & S OCIETY Society: A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture Discussion Question: In your opinion does our Canadian Society have a successful health care system? Why or why not?

5 H EALTH & S OCIETY Agency: A business or service authorized to act for others An administrative division of a government or international body Discussion Question: What are some examples within our Canadian Health Care System?

6 H EALTHCARE A GENCIES Federal Provincial Community Non Profit Health Care Professionals Individual Consumer YOU!

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