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Anne Marie Graham Acting Assistant Director, Programmes UK Higher Education International Unit The impact of EU membership on the UK Strategy for Outward.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Marie Graham Acting Assistant Director, Programmes UK Higher Education International Unit The impact of EU membership on the UK Strategy for Outward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Marie Graham Acting Assistant Director, Programmes UK Higher Education International Unit The impact of EU membership on the UK Strategy for Outward Mobility

2 research/uk-strategy-outward-mobility

3 Promote the benefits Monitor trends Build capacity Address barriers Create a flexible definition Share best practice Provide a collective voice Strategic Objectives

4 EU and the UK Strategy for Outward Mobility Europe and the EU a significant proportion of UK outgoing mobility Not just for language students – increase in non-language student mobility may lead to increased cultural awareness and take up of IWLP language programmes on return


6 UK outward mobility – HESA 2014/15 data

7 UK outward mobility – type of scheme

8 France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Netherlands = top 5 Spain – top country for volunteering Study abroad still outstrips work placements (Ireland = exception) Distribution of mobilities in Europe

9 Top subjects for mobile students Languages, linguistics and literature = 31.6% of mobilities in 2014/15 Decrease of 13.9% from 2013/14. Subjects with significant participation increases in 2014/15: Business and Administrative Studies (+13.4%, 11.7% of all mobilities), Medicine and dentistry (+20.4%, 10.8% of all mobilities), Social Studies (+16.4%), Biological Sciences (+26.7%) and Physical Sciences (+36.2%)

10 Gone International research (February 2016) Compares HESA student record with DLHE responses. 13,355 DLHE respondents had been mobile. Of these: 38% had studied languages as a discipline 10.7% of total mobile cohort studied French 31.4% of all graduates from language subjects spent a period abroad

11 Gone International 2016: Destinations Of the mobile DLHE respondents: 61% of mobility took place within EU countries 64% of mobility took place within Europe

12 Gone International 2016: Outcomes Mobile DLHE respondents less likely to be unemployed - 5.4% unemployed, compared to 6.6% of non mobile students 6.3% of mobile language graduates unemployed, compared to 6.8% of non-mobile peers 4% of working graduates who had been mobile work in other EU countries (compared to 1% of non- mobile peers)

13 Potential impact Renegotiate role in Erasmus+ programme and funding available for UK students Perception of Europe as a destination may change Staff: EU nationals involved in promotion and implementation of study abroad programmes Others?

14 The UK HE International Unit Woburn House 20 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9HQ Contact: For further information

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