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History and Trends of Health Care. OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act- 1987)  Established regulations for the education and certification of nursing.

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Presentation on theme: "History and Trends of Health Care. OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act- 1987)  Established regulations for the education and certification of nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1 History and Trends of Health Care

2 OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act- 1987)  Established regulations for the education and certification of nursing assistants.  If a nursing home wishes to hire Megan per OBRA regulations, they must check to see if she has a current certificate to practice as a nurse assistant.

3 Wellness  The state of being in optimum health with a balanced relationship between physical, mental, and social health.  In order to access a person ’ s well being a doctor may question you about your work, family, diet, and physical activity.

4 DRG ’ s  If you get a bill from your doctor ’ s office and it states you owed $150 and you paid $10 and the insurance paid $40.00, who would be responsible for the rest of the bill?

5 Telemedicine  Doctors will be able to perform surgery away from the operating room. It can be used up to 300 miles away. Robotic Surgery Dr. orders via phone, computer or video

6 Alternative medicine  Ayurveda: An ancient philosophy developed in India used to determine a person ’ s predominant body type.  Chinese alternative medicine includes teaching a person how to improve their chi.  Chiropractors realign the bones in a person ’ s back and restore the flow of energy.

7 Home Health Care  Care given to clients in their home  May consist of a variety of methods or health related individuals  Nurses, dieticians, and physical therapists are examples of people who provide home health

8 Cost Containment  Health-related lawsuits: lawyers want to put a cap on how much a person can sue a doctor for  REASONS for HIGH HEALTH CARE COSTS: Technological Advances Aging population

9 Geriatric Care  Types of Facilities: Retirement Nursing home Rest homes

10 Golden Rule  Mama always said, “ Feed a cold, starve a fever. ”  Remember to study your notes every night for the test.

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