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M AKING C OMPARISONS. Who is the best singer for you?

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Presentation on theme: "M AKING C OMPARISONS. Who is the best singer for you?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Who is the best singer for you?

3 Who is the strongest in your class?

4 What is the most interesting film for you?

5 Small - smaller - the smallest

6 Fast - faster - the fastest

7 Tall - taller - the tallest

8 О ДНОСЛОЖНЫЕ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ Образуют сравнительную степень с помощью суффикса –er; Образуют превосходную степень с помощью артикля the и суффикса – est Small – smaller – the smallest Fast – faster – the fastest Tall – taller – the tallest

9 Happy – happier – the happiest

10 Funny – funnier – the funniest

11 О ДНОСЛОЖНЫЕ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ОКАНЧИВАЮЩИЕСЯ НА Y В сравнительной и превосходной степени меняют Y на i Happy – happier – the happiest Funny – funnier – the funniest

12 Big - bigger - the biggest

13 Slim – slimmer – the slimmest

14 Red - redder - the reddest

15 В ОДНОСЛОЖНЫХ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ После краткого гласного удваивается согласная Big – bigger – the biggest Slim – slimmer – the slimmest Red- redder – the reddest

16 Furious – more furious – the most furious

17 Dangerous – more dangerous – the most dangerous

18 Expensive – more expensive – the most expensive

19 М НОГОСЛОЖНЫЕ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ Образуют сравнительную степень с помощью слова more Образуют превосходную степень с помощью The most Furious – more furious – the most furious Dangerous – more dangerous – the most dangerous Expensive – more expensive – the most expensive

20 E XCEPTIONS : Good – better – the best Bad – worse – the worst Far – further – the furthest (время) Far – farther – the farthest (расстояние) much/many – more – the most Little – less – the least

21 Hockey is just as exciting as football. =

22 Trains are not so fast as planes. =

23 Чтобы показать, что предметы равны по качеству, мы используем конструкцию as …. as Чтобы показать, что предметы не равны по качеству, мы используем конструкцию not so…

24 Fast, slow Is a turtle as fast as a hare? turtle hare cheetah

25 warm, cold, beautiful wintersummer spring autumn

26 strong

27 difficult, easy, interesting mathematics Russian English mathematics

28 quiet, active, exciting, boring

29 as wise as an owl

30 as hungry as a wolf

31 as busy as a bee

32 as happy as a lark

33 as slow as a tortoise

34 as quick as a fox

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